Why Study the Universal (Hermetic) Laws?

Piercing the Veil

“The principles of Truth are seven; he who knows & understands them possesses the Magic Key that opens all the Doors of the Temple of Wisdom.” The Kybalion paraphrased

These principles are:

1. The Law of Mentalism

2. The Law of Correspondence

3. The Law of Cause & Effect  (Law of Attraction)

4. The Law of Polarity

5. The Law of Rhythm

6.The Law of Vibration

7. The Law of Gender

The Universal Laws teach true alchemy, which is Mental Alchemy, transmuting one kind of mental vibration into another, thereby changing the state of being of a person, event or thing. You will come to learn that your mind is a powerhouse that directs energy which changes you, and alters what is outside of you as well.

The Universal Laws harmonize or bring together different views in spiritual or metaphysical studies. So when you study something that contradicts something else you’ve studied, look to these Seven Laws and you’ll find the key to understanding those different points of view.  The Universal Laws are called The Great Reconcilers.

The Chakras teach you about YOU and how you are connected to the universe, and how you can increase your consciousness. How you can connect with your God self. How you can connect with anything and all things in the universe. The Universal Laws explain how the universe functions. Between knowledge and work of the chakras and universal laws, you have the keys to all awareness.

Where did writings on The Laws originate?

The Universal Laws are also called The Hermetic Laws and are based upon the Hermetic Teachings, or the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. Some say Hermes was a contemporary of Abraham, long before Moses, and he is credited with writing thousands of documents of metaphysical wisdom. Hermes was believed to be an Egyptian, “The Great Central Sun of All Occult Teachings”, a scribe of God and an instructor of Abraham. All the fundamental and basic teachings embedded in all esoteric teachings of every race may be traced back to Hermes. All religions, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism – all are founded on Hermetic principles & teachings.

Hermes Trismegistus is called The Father of Occultism, the founder of Astrology, the discoverer of Alchemy, the Master of all Masters. In time, the Egyptians made him their God and called him Toth. They called him Thrice-Great, which is what Trismegistus means. This is where the expression “hermetically sealed” came, because the teachings were only taught to adepts, not to general public.

How can I learn more?

See  Creation and The Hermetic Laws for information on how to obtain class material.