2021 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on December 19, 2021

The 2021 winter solstice begins on December 21st at 15:59 UTC (10:59 a.m. EST)

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks with you now.

Bruised and weary, it’s time to restore. The past few years have been trying ones, with discord in the world and for many, in personal lives as well. It’s affected your body, mind and heart. The pace has been hectic; the changes, challenges and responsibilities high. There needs to be a period of quiet reflection and where you can manage it, diminished activity. Most all of you have been overstimulated in your life. Your mind racing with information to digest and from one decision to another. Emotions are taxed.

Stop. Breathe. Connect within. The changes that are occurring are important ones and are moving you into a new way of living. Yet to continuously run at such a high level takes its toll. Balance must be restored for you to function well.

Use this winter solstice period to accept things as they are, move them forward as you can but not in a way that demands. Take a deep breath and know that in the long run, it is all right. This is a time to slow your pace where you can, leaving some time available on your physical and emotional calendar. What I mean by that is, take a break from problem-solving. Take some time to just let things be and restore yourself. Of course, many matters have to be addressed. Rather than ruminating over them throughout the week, establish a day and time for problem-solving. Say something like, “Tuesdays from ten until noon I will address my worries and concerns.” And do so. If called for, make a plan to address them. Put your concerns, decisions, and plans in the Light. Then as the week unfolds, when worries and concerns come up, place those that can wait on your Tuesday Problem Solving list. And let them go.

This is a way of shielding you from the impact life stressors are placing on you and have for several years. (For some, longer than that) This winter solstice period calls for nurturing, rest and reflection.

How can you nurture yourself now? What would fill your cup? Perhaps you could begin or end the day with a ritual that reminds you to take care of yourself. A cup of something warm and delicious, a lighted candle, some moments of peace. Set a timer for several times throughout the day to remind yourself to slow down, turn inward to connect, and then proceed from there. You will be amazed at what these small steps can do to center you.

The Spring will bring with it a new busyness. Activities increase, new projects unfold. It’s smart to take this time to slow down where you can. Involve yourself in activities that create a sense of well-being. Game Night, a trip to the museum, pulling out (and using!) your art supplies… whatever works for you.

It’s a good idea to create a list of activities and non-activities you want to incorporate into this solstice period. Then you’ll have them at hand when an afternoon or even an hour becomes available. Use your time wisely.

This can be a most beautiful time in your life if you will allow it to be. Everyone has challenges. You wouldn’t be on earth if you didn’t want to grow. See it as such and trust. Your perspective is key.

So I ask you to turn down the noise and slow the pace. Open your heart and know with a certainty that the future is a good one.

I bid you peace,


Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u 2021

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on September 20, 2021
The Fall Equinox begins in the Northern Hemisphere
and the Spring Equinox begins in the Southern Hemisphere
on September 22nd at 3:20 pm eastern

Greetings. It is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

Plan one thing; one thing that will bring you peace and joy. It can be time spent in nature, by the water or in the wood, or time with a beloved person or beloved pet. It can be going for a bike ride in delightful weather or savoring a luscious meal. Perhaps it’s dancing or painting, singing or holding hands with someone very special to you. Think of something that delights you and helps you center; a joyful, buoyant experience that will warm your heart and calm your spirit.

Then do it. Allow yourself to experience it. It could occur right now, simply by allowing it to be. And when you begin to feel that peace and joy, be mindful of every moment. Relish it. Delight in it.

Take note of what you hear… see… taste… smell… feel…

Take note and as you do, amplify the feelings of peace and joy. I want you to fill yourself with them. Allow them to fill every cell in your body; to flood your mind, your heart, your very essence. You are filled with peace and joy as your body increases in vibration.

Then, as this continues to grow within, see it push out through every pore of your being until you radiate peace and joy…

That peace and joy enters the atmosphere around you and continues to expand…

Radiating out to your neighborhood…

Your town… peace and joy… peace and joy…

Expanding and growing until it floods the entire world…

Remain in this space for a moment or two…

And now, refreshed, restored, and feeling 100% tuned-up, return to your space and time.

No greater gift than this can you give to yourself and the world. For despite appearances, you are moving to a world of great peace and joy. And this exercise accelerates that movement. You can do this as often as you choose.

Remember, you make choices throughout each day as to how your respond to things. You choose what energies you create and then, radiate them within and out.

Be a bringer of peace and joy. Let it flow within you and through you and thus, are you and your world healed.

In this most beautiful season of bounty, I bid you peace,


Summer Solstice 2021 Message from Aca’u

The Summer Solstice begins on June 20th at 11:31 pm eastern time.

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

The winds of change blow strong. This is the movement into the full expression of the Aquarian Age. You cannot go back as the evolutionary energies continue to shift, increase and expand. You see the battles between the old and the new. Revolution is not the answer, compromise is. Yet unification is not possible when you refuse to listen to each other.

There is great tension in the atmosphere. Universal energies are giving birth to a higher form of expression and the birthing process is painful. Yet the new life is born.

Look at your own life. How is it different than it was in 2019? You are not in the same vibratory space. As you know, at each solstice and equinox the universe climbs about one rung on the evolutionary ladder. Yet in 2019, the universe jumped up about ten rungs on that ladder into a new and uncharted space. New pathogens were released and others were sealed off. During these past two years, the energies have encouraged self-reflection and review of your values. You’ve been asked to examine what is really important to you. What and who do you really want in your life? Because in this new and higher vibration, you can create a life that resonates with your True Being. Don’t just mindlessly let one day tumble into another. You can write a new script, for this is a new chapter.  As you write that new chapter, use your core values as the North Star to forge your path.

For some, this means a new career or enterprise, or move to a new location; many have endings of some relationships and beginnings of others. Most have gained a refined perspective born from a new resolve or self-understanding. And this is the greatest shift of all. You know yourself better. You know more what you’re willing to accept or not, what boundaries you need and which you don’t. Goals change as clarification increases. They are meant to. You aren’t who you were and your goals shouldn’t be either. From the new perspective you can create a life more aligned with your refined desires.

The seeds have been sown and are now to be tended. This is the adjustment period, the maintenance energy. This is the time to rejoice in gathering together with family and friends again; when the world has re-opened and you can move about more freely. It is a movement towards greater unity.

Spend time in nature, for she can soothe and heal you. This is to be a reciprocal relationship where you soothe and heal her as well.

Just like rays from the sun, each day manna from heaven descends to nurture you. Open to it. You are never left without. There is always an inner compass to show you the very best path to take. The strength, resolve, and courage you need are there for you if you but open to it. I know that at times, it’s easy to forget. It’s easy to get caught up in the stormy seas of emotion, in the clamor of daily events. Yet that still small voice within calls you to remember who you are, and remember why you are here. Listen.

I bid you peace,


2021 Spring Equinox Message from Aca’u

The 2021 Spring Equinox began on March 20th at 5:37 am EDT

Greetings, this is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

The veils continue to lift as more and more truths are revealed. You are learning more about all things outside of you and within you. There is no higher vibration than truth. Truth is love and the truth shall set you free. For it is your path to wholeness.

Be open to hear and see reality, not the twists and turns of it that some manipulate for their own gain. It takes discernment and critical thinking to discover the truth. It’s not enough to accept what someone says at face value. Remember, a person’s opinion is not fact. Too often today, people accept perceptions as truth. Many people state their opinion as though it was objective reality. You need to dig deeper and not allow falsehoods to become the foundation of your decision making.

As the vibration of the universe increases, you will see the reality of others more clearly. Others will see you more clearly, too. This is as it should be. You cannot build trusting relationships if you are blinded to each other’s real character.

When someone is placed on a pedestal, there is bound to be disappointment when their humanity is shown – as it surely will be. Likewise, those who appear to engage in harmful behaviors also show some wonderful qualities. People are complex; darkness and light are within us all. No Master Teacher has remained innocent or they could not understand human frailties. It is through our mistakes and successes that we gain experience and grow. I tell you this because as you come to see a broader spectrum of yourself and others, keep your heart open. Be willing to see with loving eyes. Now, you have the divine right to discern what is acceptable to you or not. You have a choice who you listen to and spend time with. And regarding yourself, you choose what personal character traits you want to improve on.

But in the world today, it has become socially acceptable to be highly critical of each other. I ask you not to judge each other so harshly. And don’t live by another’s judgement of you. If you live according to the values of others, you will dim your Light. Your Light is your unique aspect of the Creator and it is meant to be expressed. You must come to know what you truly value and live accordingly. So long as you’re not harming yourself or others, you have the right to be happy, to be fulfilled. And not by someone else’s idea of what that is. If you want a massive home, expensive cars and jewelry galore, and can manage them without injury, that is your divine right. It doesn’t matter what others think or say. It is not their right to judge. They have no idea why you make the choices you do. They assume. And I say to you, don’t assume. You never really know the whole story. You don’t know what the soul growth lessons of another are. And perhaps your soul growth lesson is to be more accepting of others! Best to be and let be.

It takes courage to look at oneself with total honesty; to take away the excuses and the blinders. It’s asking yourself, “Why did I react so? What’s at the root of that within me?” The process of self-discovery is key to soul growth. But again, it is meant to be done with loving eyes and an open heart. Love and encouragement go much further than stern admonishment.

Know who you are, know what you value and create your life from there. Have the courage to be you. In that way will you find joy and fulfillment and live as the Creator intended.

You are here to build bridges between people and ideologies; between what is and what can be.

There is a Rainbow Bridge between your world and mine. It is always there for you. It lives within you and all around you. If you will but reach out to us, we will be there in support and guidance each step of the way.

God is, we are and we are one.

I bid you peace,


2020 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

This message was channeled on 12/20/20 by Camille Albrecht

The 2020 Winter Solstice begins at 5:02 am EST on 12/21/21

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u, who speaks to you now.

This is a momentous solstice, for it heralds in a new era that astrologers call The Great Mutation. The planets Saturn and Jupiter have been conjunct in earth signs for 200 years and on this Winter Solstice, they begin their conjunction in the air signs for the next 200 years. (After a visit into the air signs between 1980 – 2000).

The earth element is of the physical plane. It is that which is material, grounding, rooting. The Earth signs are: Taurus: The focus is on resources, money and possessions. What do I have? What do I need? Virgo: Here, the focus is on analysis and detail, work with the hands and craftsmanship, physical health and healing modalities. Capricorn: Focuses on building structures, governments, businesses and earth-based transportation – roads, highways, railroads. For 200 years, mankind has focused on evolution through the physical plane. Resources were drawn from the earth, such as coal, oil, farming. Metals were forged; the industrial age blossomed.

Now a 200-year cycle unfolds dominated by the element air, the mental plane. It is that which is of the intellect, relationships, innovation, equality. Air signs are: Gemini: The focus is on the intellect, curiosity, communication, adaptability. Libra: The focus here is on relationships, arbitration, balance, harmony. Aquarius: Focuses on objective facts, humanitarianism, innovation, technology. Resources will be drawn from the air, such as wind and cosmic forces. New ideas, movement towards equality and innovation will blossom.

Astrology lesson aside, the winds of change blow strong.

You have come through a year like no other in your personal history. You were each asked to examine your values, to see what is truly important to you. To sheer away from habits, activities and people that are no longer to your benefit. To make time and space for those that are. Many lives have been lost, and many battles have been fought. There is a world-weariness, tinged with fear and hope. And although there is still a stretch of road before you before the activity of spring bursts forth, you are in a good position for this final period of assessment. Like horses at the race gate, you will be ready to charge forward into life again. You will do so with new eyes, with greater appreciation, and with the ability to savor those things that were, perhaps, taken for granted.

The Winter Solstice is a time of reflection and planning. This will be built on what you have already accomplished in 2020. With the new energies of movement and change, be open, be flexible. Be willing to accept the energies that encourage communication, arbitration, innovation, brotherhood and sisterhood. For this is your future. Fear will only hold you back. Yes, there will be tension between the old and the new in 2021, but it is a tension to develop, to move forward together. It is in your unity that lies your strength. You are meant to work together as brothers and sisters, for in reality, you are one.

You are moving closer and closer to the Light Body. Don’t forget that. Keep things in perspective. The discord you live in is the result of a tumultuous turning of the cosmic wheel of evolution. There will be brighter, happier times of change coming. Yet, do acknowledge the bright and happy occurrences in your life now.

Stand on faith and belief in a good life. And above all, be a bringer of peace, which is your True Nature. Unite yourself with the Companions of the Light and you will know how to navigate well through the emotional seas ahead. For in the rising up you will have the higher perspective, the wisdom and understanding you seek to take right action. It all lies within.

I bid you peace,


2020 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

This message was channeled by Camille Albrecht on September 21. 2020

The Fall Equinox begins on September 22nd at 9:31 am EDT

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u, who speaks to you now.

Tumultuous times continue. The storms in oceans and fires on land reflect the minds and hearts of many – inflamed emotions that afflict. You are in the throes of a great rebirth and the clash between the old and the new rages.

Kindness and compassion in your everyday life go a long way to tamp down the flames.  Everyone is on edge now and to let the driver merge in front of you, make a phone call to say ‘I’m thinking of you’, smile at a stranger (with your eyes while wearing a mask!) – these small gestures add up. It is like salve on a wound. Everyone is feeling the tension now; it’s palpable. Yet you can make the effort each day to actively be a peacemaker and thus, a healer. It makes a difference.

Many of you will feel compelled to act as an agent of change. There is much to be done. Seek out those opportunities to do so. If you put out the intention, the new step will present itself.

Don’t ever believe that darkness is stronger than Light. Selfishness and greed, hatred and exclusion will not be victorious. It may take time, but remember, you are all returning to the Light Body which is of love and union.  You decide by your thoughts, words and actions when and how that will occur.

As I have told you before, a great evolutionary leap was made in 2019. While you usually climb one rung on the evolutionary ladder each solstice and equinox, last year you climbed ten.  You are on new terrain, in uncharted waters. This acts as the catalyst for vast change in 2019, 2020 and even into 2021. This is true for you as individuals, for your country – whatever country that is – and for the planet. Your whole universe has been elevated to an entirely new vibrational level.  This unleashed, among other things, the novel corona virus. That’s because in the new vibration, old pathogens are sealed off while others are released. It also unleashed fresh perspectives and new potentials.

When you pause from your everyday routine as was required this year, you acclimate and adjust to the new vibration. You can detach and look with fresh eyes at your life. You see what no longer fits and is time to walk away from. You see what you have taken for granted and now appreciate. You can also take the time to decide what new initiatives you want to undertake. It’s time to write the next chapter. Make sure it’s aligned with your true core values.

The turmoil you see is the birthing pains of a new epoch unfolding. The upcoming election grows more contentious. Ride the storm with trust. And of course, vote. Don’t add to the anger; build bridges instead. The only way you can truly move forward is together. Be open to hearing others perspectives and live by the tenants of the Aquarian Age – peace, brotherhood and sisterhood, equality, enlightenment. All are accessible through turning inward and acting upon that guidance.

There is a song that comes to mind, “When you walk through a storm, hold your head up high. And don’t be afraid of the dark… Walk on, walk on. With hope in your heart. And you’ll never walk alone”. You will never walk alone, for we are always beside you.

I bid you peace,


Summer Solstice 2020 Message from Aca’u

channeled by Camille Albrecht on June 19, 2020

The Solstice begins Saturday, June 20th at 5:43 pm Eastern Time

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now,

Now more than ever, be at peace. How can you find peace during such tumultuous times? It is always, always within you. No matter what is occurring outside of you, there is always that place of peace and wisdom, insight and intuition within.

Now more than ever, you are called to function from this space. There is a tremendous amount of tension, anger and discord on the planet. I tell you, as the year progresses in many places, it will increase. Polarization is very real now. Energies are escalating higher.

So, you have a choice. Will you respond from ego? Or from the Higher Reality Self? Many are responding from ego, for they do not understand that this is a time of evolutionary growth and that change must come. The ego steps forward with fear and misguided self-protection, saying, “This is what I want, I am protecting my interests and yours don’t matter” Greed, power, might makes right. Misuse of power is being exposed at all levels. Do you see how this is part of the evolutionary process that must take place for peace, true sisterhood and brotherhood to be? You cannot change what is hidden or denied. Only when it is brought to the surface and exposed can you decide what you are going to do about it. And that is what’s happening now. You choose your future.  

As the energies escalate, more truths will come to the surface. And all this amidst a time where, because of the pandemic, you are being encouraged to slow down, decrease your activities, and ask yourself what kind of life you want to create. How do you choose to create the future?

This is a new world dawning. I’ve spoken of this all along and here it is. You will not be the same person in 2021 as you were in 2018. The universe has taken a big leap to a new level on the evolutionary spiral. Where you ordinarily climb one rung of the evolutionary ladder each solstice and equinox, over the past year you’ve gone ten. You are all acclimating to a new vibration, in unchartered waters and must decide how you will live from here on out. You are called upon to create new structures in your personal life along new structures in society and globally. The old ways won’t work now.

What does this mean in practical terms? Working from the space of the High Self does not mean complacency. The High Self is the energy of love and peace, yes, but also, knowledge activated into right action – and that’s wisdom. Change is occurring on just about every level of your life. Use your thoughts to shape and mold a world of balance, unity, and compassion. Hold the thought that you will be guided, and that you will be able to accept the changes and adapt well to create a future for yourself and future generations that is sustainable and of peace.

Ranting is ineffective, angry thoughts and words do nothing but fuel a fire that needs no more fuel. You must think through what you truly want. Then, you need to act on it.  Take some kind of action, or several actions, to make it happen. Write your political leaders, get involved in local issues, and for God’s sake, vote. It is a privilege that many in the world seek. When you see or hear others being treated unfairly, speak up. Silence is complicity. This is not a time to be meek. You are a Light Worker, privileged to be here in a time of great change. You are the architects of the future. Don’t stand back and let it be created by others more focused upon it than you. Be focused. Know what you stand for and act on it.

There is such good happening on the planet that you aren’t aware of. Millions of people are channeling Light to the planet and all inhabitants. Millions are working towards solutions, generously caring for those in need, demonstrating acts of kindness, love and compassion. If you haven’t already, join them. The Light, which is the Creator’s Love, is the most powerful force in all the universes. Drink it in, allow it to fill you and then, deliver it to others. You are more powerful than you realize. Your thoughts and actions are more important now than ever, for this is a tipping point on your planet. Fear or Love? Unity or Division? Indifference or Compassion? Ego or High Self? You make these choices every day, throughout the day.

You are so loved! Take care of yourselves, use good common sense, be cautious and remember to be the change you wish to see. For as you think, act and feel, so shall it be.

I bid you deep and true peace,


Mercury Retrograde

Mercury goes retrograde for about two weeks, three times a year. 


In a nutshell, remain flexible, slow down and allow extra time for travel during the retrograde period. This is a time to complete projects, review plans, clean out drawers, closets, basements and garages. Those things begun prior to the retrograde can be completed now. Wait to initiate new projects or make final decisions until Mercury is direct.

Communications can become difficult. People can misunderstand you and you misunderstand them. Written communication can become troublesome for any number of reasons. I’ll explain more.

Mercury retrogrades for about three weeks, three to four times a year. No planet actually orbits backwards around the Sun, but they appear to retrograde because of their position in relationship toearth. Mercury retrogrades more frequently than any other planet, and its effects are often quite noticeable.

Mercury is the planet of written and verbal communication, travel, contracts and documents, along with communication equipment, such as computers, phones and television. In fact, any equipment with movable parts is ruled by Mercury. When Mercury is retrograde, all of these areas can be impacted.

Communications get muddled, luggage lost, travel plans disrupt, we miss important details in a contract, computers crash… plans just don’t go as we’d intended. There can be delays, forgotten appointments, cancellations and reschedules. The kitchen cabinets you ordered under the retrograde arrive the wrong style; the employee hired ends up quitting within three months. That’s because the retrograde period is not a time to initiate new projects or activities.

Back up your computer prior to a retrograde. Reconfirm appointments, double check flights before you leave, take carry on luggage rather than check-in, wait to order items or hire people until after the retrograde. This is not a time to put your home on the market or to make a major purchase. Things can be missed or skipped over. We tend to change our minds about major decisions made under a retrograde. So it’s best, for example, not to try a new hair color or even a new hair stylist under a retrograde.

This is because things that are initiated under a retrograde usually need to be revisited. Astrologer Susan Miller writes, “In matters of the heart, if your boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with you or says something hurtful, take a wait-and-see attitude. Since Mercury rules speech, they may not mean what you think they are saying now. Let them have some space, and wait to see if they mean in October what they said in September.”

There are lots of positive things about a Mercury retrograde period if you work with the energy rather than against it. Mercury retrograde means slow down. This is a time to ponder and reflect, make repairs, clean out drawers and closets, and gather information for decisions to be made once Mercury goes direct. It is a time to complete projects. Finish any projects that you just haven’t had time or the inclination to complete. Get your resume up to date. This is a great time for research. The mind turns inward, facts come forward, information is uncovered. Under a retrograde, long-standing problems can be solved. This is a time to heal old wounds and release inner blockages. Meditation can be highly productive, with many new insights revealed.

Annie Heese and Adam Bank of Astrologycafe.com write, “It is important to note that there is absolutely no reason to suspend projects or anything of the sort during the Mercury Retrograde cycle. It’s not an ideal time to start new ones or to sign contracts, simply because a change of mind is very possible once Mercury turns direct. However, it’s a fabulous time to do some “outside of the box” thinking. Acting on our ideas, however, might be best left for a Mercury Direct period.”

Life doesn’t stop under a retrograde! Just double check things. If you are hosting a conference, have several people edit the brochures to make sure the facts are printed accurately, test out the equipment to be used, confirm the conference site with the number of attendees, dates, times and rooms needed.

Remember to keep your sense of humor! Usually the glitches that occur under a retrograde are annoyances rather than disasters.

What about people born with Mercury retrograde? These individuals tend to take time in decision making, often doing their research while Mercury is direct and making the decision under the retrograde. They tend to flow well with the retrograde period and don’t have the delays and bumps in the road that others do. Mercury retrograde folks tend to be a bit more philosophical in nature and their sense of humor a bit unconventional. Their perspective can be unique and important in teamwork, as they’ll see things others may miss.

2020 Spring Equinox Message From Aca’u


It is I, Aca’u, who speaks to you now.

Be at peace. Always there will be challenges, great and small, happening in the physical world. When you turn inward, you discover the steadying Light of Divine that is ever there for you. That is your peace, your true nourishment, your strength and guidance. Ever there is the support you need to weather the storm. Turn inward each day, as often as you need, to find your center. It only takes a moment and it can change your entire day. A needed calmness will flood you that permits clarity.

This viral threat is real. You see its impact globally and now it begins its sojourn in the United States. This is a call to unify as never before. You have entered the Age of Aquarius and this is the Age of Brotherhood and Sisterhood. Acting in unison for the good of the whole is exactly what is called for here. If you accept your personal responsibility to act in consideration of the health of others, the impact will lesson. If you choose a self-focused approach, other lives will be endangered as a result. This isn’t paranoia, this is fact. You are each asked to make a choice to consider the well-being of others or not. This is not just in terms of the potential to spread disease, this is in terms of hoarding as well. Save some for the next guy. If each person does that, there is some for all.

Look how the world is functioning globally. Scientists are sharing their data, world leaders are conferring as to how to work together to protect their citizens. Politicians on both sides of the spectrum are pulled to work in unison in order to save lives. What could be more compelling than the issue of life or death for the vulnerable? Add to this the profound economic issues, loss of jobs, of businesses and livelihoods. The very stabilization of countries is at stake.

There are many layers of purpose at work here. First, the physical changes in the vibration of the planet which permit, among other things, new viruses to flourish. You are all on new terrain; you are all functioning in a new environment. You must acclimate to the new vibration and in this case, the new pathogens that can thrive now. This is also a call for nations to work cooperatively. This is a call to work cooperatively in the political arena. This is a call for individuals to work cooperatively to protect the vulnerable and assist those in need. Many wonderful, creative activities are taking place that bring families together. Creative ideas are developing to meet the needs of those at risk. The keys here are flexibility, cooperation, and joint effort. Together you can ride this through. This is a time to support one another, help one another as you can and recognize all that you have to be grateful for – including those who are risking their health to assist others.

The resilience and flexibility you develop now will benefit you for the rest of your life. So how do you choose to face this challenge? Denial? Fear?

It’s time to put your spiritual practices into use all the more. Each day, center within and be an Instrument of Light. The Light works. Take the time to send Light to the world, your community, family and friends, and to yourself.

Remember the affirmation given so many years ago by the beloved Seraph, Julian

God is my source of all supply. He answers my every need.

I become a flow of energy in a moving force.

I know no beginning and no end.

I am an instrument of peace and wholeness.

It flows from me, from my voice and from my eyes.

It flows through me from my heart and from my touch.

It flows. A never-ending source of peace.

For that is who I am. So Be It.

Be a source of peace in your actions, your emotions, words and thoughts. Recognize all you have to be grateful for and go forward from here.

This is a good time to reach out to others to say hello; let them know you’re thinking of them. Make some phone calls to those that you haven’t spoken with in some time and reconnect.

You matter. You are making a difference right now, by what you are sending out. This is a time of cooperation, of spreading peace and harmony, loving-kindness and compassion. Strange that a time of ‘social distancing’ is asking you to work in cooperation as never before.

Call on Divine Assistance. That’s why we are here.

I bid you peace,


The Astrology of 2020 + Recording

Presented by Camille Albrecht

2020 is a year with powerful forces unfolding as we enter the new decade. On March 7, 2020, I taught a class to about the astrology of what’s happening in now and in the next decade. And, how to maximize the benefits available. This is a year where your ability to manifest is one of the most strongest thus far. A recording of this class of about one hour and fifteen minutes in now available for $35.

As an astrologer, spiritual teacher and channel for over 35 years, I’ve extensively researched the unfolding energies and how to best work with them. This workshop is designed to share what is occurring in the heavens and how to work consciously with Divine Guidance to navigate your way through well. You don’t need to know a thing about astrology to benefit.

Once I receive your payment, I’ll send you the recording through WeTransfer. If you prefer to mail me a check or use another payment method, or if you have questions, please contact me at [email protected]

Please share this with anyone you think might be interested in the recording.