2019 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on December 17, 2019

The 2019 December solstice takes place on Sunday, December 22, at 04:19 UTC, which is December 21 at 11:19 p.m. EST. It marks the Northern Hemisphere’s shortest day (the first day of winter) and the Southern Hemisphere’s longest day (the first day of summer). Happy Winter Solstice, everyone!


Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks with you now.

This winter solstice period heralds the beginning of a new year and a new decade. The keywords for 2020 are resilience and restructure.

This is a tumultuous time. Never before has the world undergone such change. You are within the throes of a new Round, a new Age and a new cycle of earth changes. This is the first time all three have occurred at once. Don’t be surprised then, by the clashes and warring as the old and new battle. Expect more turmoil in 2020 because the old patterns of thinking that people are clinging to will become increasingly threatened. Cosmic energies fan the flames.

What can you do? Don’t add to it. Have your perspectives and your opinions, but take the harshness and anger out of them. Try to look at both sides; learn the other’s perspective and you will be able to see the broader picture and make your decisions from the higher view.

This is not only in terms of the political scene, but in your personal lives as well. When you judge, when you criticize, when you blame, you add to the intolerance in the world. You add divisiveness. Those thoughts not only restructure your brain in a narrowing way, but they ripple out and impact others as well. If you want to know what your future holds, look at your thinking because that’s what’s creating your future.

You can develop a state of inner calm and contentment by fostering thoughts of kindness and compassion. These strengthen you. Anger, judging, dividing yourself from others, resentments – all those do is weaken you, limit you, create illness and even more division and separation in your life. Open your heart. Put down your armor and weapons; cut the other guy some slack,.

You have all the tools you need to live a life of happiness and well-being. The source of these rest not in outside people, possessions, situations or events, but within your mind. If you place your source of happiness on the externals, you will always be disappointed because the externals always change. Up one day and down the next as the external environment ebbs and flows. You will be tossed about like a rudderless ship on stormy seas, at the whim of which every way the wind blows. Please understand that the only tools you need to create inner contentment are your mind and your free well. You can create steady, consistent inner peace regardless of what happens outside of you.

I know this is a time of great difficulty for many. There is turmoil in the world and for many of you, turmoil in your personal lives. Never before has the earth experienced such change. As Light Workers, you chose to come incarnate now to hold Light and to deliver Light in the midst of this critical evolutionary period. Remember who you are and why you are here.

Take a deep breath and turn inward. In each one of you is a calm place of refuge. It rests within the very center of your being. Here is your place of peace. Feel it. This inner refuge is where you find your anchor and your nourishment. It is where you find your rudder while navigating stormy seas.

There will always be challenges in the outer world. That’s what life is about. You are here to face the challenges that are presented to you and to grow from them. But you can find the strength you need by turning inward.

I ask you to open your heart. Let kindness and compassion grow within you. The more you learn to develop these traits, the greater your sense of well-being will be. This well-being will strengthen your resilience to face life’s challenges.

How do you develop resilience? By training yourself to view the world through loving, compassionate eyes. Amidst the strife, a calmness will develop within you that says “I feel deeply, yet I do so without harshness or criticism. I care”. And because the lower emotions no longer blind you, you can see clearly and make rational decisions from a calm, stable perspective. Your voice will be heard more easily; you will impact your life and the lives of others to greater benefit. Thus, your resilience grows.

The second keyword for 2020 is restructure. For many people, 2019 and 2020 has or will put you into a new space with new surroundings and a new life direction. You find yourself in a new set of circumstances. What do you want this new space to look like? How to you want to grow from here? The energies of 2020 enhance your ability to create new habits, new rituals and routines, and new patterns of thoughts and activities.

What do you want your day to look like? Create a new structure for it. ‘On Sundays I create a healthy meal plan for the week’ or, ‘I meditate from 7:00 to 7:20 each evening’. ‘I take at least two walk breaks a day’. ‘Each week, I reach out and connect with a family member or friend’. ‘I make it a practice to spend more time thinking of the other person, rather than myself.’ It can be anything. Understand that it’s easier now to release old habits and structures and create new ones.

This is also a wonderful time to release old responsibilities and make room for new ones. Take time during this winter solstice period to look at who and what you are responsible for, what you can let go of and what you want to take on.

There is a difference between pleasure and happiness. Pleasure is fleeting. While something may bring you temporary pleasure, it may not bring the sustained happiness you seek. When creating new habits and structures, when observing what thoughts occupy your mind, ask yourself if they are leading you to happiness. You might take momentary pleasure in eating that fourth cookie, or having another beer, or railing against the one who did you so wrong, but are any of these leading you to happiness? That is a good measuring stick.

All that you need to create a sense of well-being rests within your mind. It takes practice and patience to develop a perspective of loving kindness and compassion. But I tell you, this will lead to the clarity, peace and inner contentment you seek. There will always be people who think and act in ways that trouble you, who have different values than you. Life will throw you curve balls. This is the nature of being human. You are in charge of how you react. Your words can injure or they can heal. You can either add to the turmoil or add to the peace.

And remember, kindness and compassion for others begins with kindness and compassion for yourself.

Know that you are loved. You are never alone. There are choirs of angels, guides, and master teachers here to assist you. Let us in.

Walk into this new decade hand in hand with your High Self. The wisdom and strength you need is always there for you, always awaiting your call. For your High Self loves you unconditionally and completely, and always knows ‘the next right thing’.


I bid you peace,




2019 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on September 22, 2019


It is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.
The Fall Equinox period is a time of harvest. Not just for the farmer’s fruits and vegetables; this is the time of harvest of your past thoughts, words and actions. What you have planted and fed is now producing results.
Where you are overdoing and out of balance becomes highly apparent now. You may find yourself exhausted and irritable due to overextending yourself in some areas of your life, while feeling lethargic and foggy in other areas due to too little activity there. Where you are causing damage to yourself or to others becomes poignantly clear. Change is demanded from within and perhaps, outside of you as well. Your imbalances create feelings of being ‘out of sorts’, uncomfortable with yourself, dissatisfied.
These imbalances show themselves to be recognized and corrected. It will be very difficult to continue the status quo in areas that are blocking your progress. Yet you cannot change what you aren’t aware of. So, bless the awareness that is now yours. Take an honest look at what isn’t working in your life. Where have you wandered off the middle path? What are you harvesting that isn’t pleasing to you, that isn’t furthering your happiness? Where are you out of balance?
Once you are aware, you can begin taking the steps to change. All change begins with the mind. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner one. When you change your thoughts, you change your life. You may know this truth, but do you enact it?
Often, I see the same self-defeating behaviors repeated again and again because the individual feels the situation, whatever it may be, is out of their control. “That’s just the way my life is right now” or “That’s just the way I am right now”. And the thoughts and behaviors creating the very problem continue.
Let’s say you want more time with family and friends but your job prevents you from doing so. You tell yourself things like, “I never have time for anything fun anymore”. “This job is never-ending”, “It seems the work keeps piling up”. Look at what you are creating. What you think sets up a magnetic field that attracts it’s like. Thus, you attract a busier work life. So, your thoughts of a busy work life continue, which attracts more busy work and it goes on and on until you can’t function anymore. Rather than believe the amount of work you are required to do is beyond your control, begin planting seeds of change. “I create a balance between my professional and personal life”. The more you program this into your subconscious, the more you will find yourself acting in such a manner and attracting outer experiences that mirror this inner thought. Try this in any area of your life. You have more control than you realize.
The Fall is also a time to harvest earned success. Honestly assess what’s working well in your life. Where are your efforts producing beneficial results? What are you happy about? It is just as important to recognize what’s working in your life as it is to know what you want to change. For what is working well is to be built upon for future success.
2020 is a critical year for restructuring your life. You reached a new plateau as of the 2019 Spring Equinox. Many of you sense this on an inner level. A new level was reached, with new understandings and awareness. The impact varied for each of you yet for all it has been a substantial elevation on the path of evolution.  This fall and winter will be adjustment periods with the launching of the new in the spring. You know change is afoot. What was is fading. You are at the point of walking the path at a new and higher level. Yet the time to begin the new undertakings is yet to unfold. Can you feel the change blossoming within?
That’s why I suggest this assessment. Best to set aside some time over the next few weeks to look at where you are now and where you want to be a year from now. “Where am I not in balance? What do I need to release or bring in to restore balance? What needs correction?” What will you nurture and grow in your life? You may not be ready to do anything about it yet, other than work with your thinking. And that is the most important, crucial first step.
You can’t restructure your life if you don’t know what the components are. So look at the components. Then you say, “High Self, show me the next step and I will act on it”
At this most wonderful Thanksgiving time, it is good to express gratitude. What are you thankful for? Gratitude for what you’re ready to release and for that which you will retain and build upon.
Nature is one of your greatest healers. It can restore you. Get out in nature and permit yourself to be bathed in its energy. It can replenish vital force, which is the key to vitality and wholeness. Music and the arts are also great healers now.
I urge you to meditate daily. Divine Force is quite touchable during this fall equinox period, yet you must open the door to it. Meditation will fill and surround you in Divine Light to restore you and to give you the strength you need. Divine Light then feeds you throughout the day with the guidance and inspiration you need. Meditation heals all levels of your being.
I remind you this each time we connect, call on Divine Assistance, that’s what it’s there for.
Know that this is a time of accomplishment. Much productive energy is available for you. Pace yourself and know you can do what you reasonably set out to do. In a nutshell, this equinox period is a time of reaping and assessing your harvest, savoring the beauty around you and successful productivity. You are preparing to restructure your life in the beauty of 2020.
Love you! You are more magnificent than you can ever imagine.
I bid you peace,

2019 Summer Solstice Message from Aca’u

The Summer Solstice begins on June 21st at 11:54 am EST

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now,

In the world that is unfolding, hatred will have no place. Hatred cannot sustain itself in the energies that are coming. Yet it appears that hatred grows in the hearts of many. Remember your power. The Universal Law of Polarity is always at work and can never be stopped. This Law says that to change one energy, you bring it’s opposite in. Where you see hatred, extend love. This is not a fanciful verse. This is factual instruction on how to bring about change.

You have more power than you realize. If you want a world of peace, entertain thoughts of peace; be a peaceful person. Many times you have been told that your thoughts create your world. Now more than ever, because of the rise in tensions, paying attention to what you think is extremely important. Hatred breeds more hatred. Let none of it in your heart and mind. When you see people gathered together in hatred, send Light, not anger, not intolerance. When you send Light, you are saying, “May the Divine Power enter, so that they see what they need to see and understand that which they need to understand”. That’s a needed ingredient. Imagine the impact if thousands sent Light rather than anger. Anger doesn’t solve anything; it only adds to the problem.

Understand that many bright, capable people are working to discover creative solutions to today’s challenges. There are pioneers in medicine, renewable resources, social justice, government, community development, science, spirituality… the list goes on and on. Many of you who read my message today are a part of this marvelous undertaking. These dedicated souls are accomplishing remarkable work to achieve a prosperous, just and sustainable world. Sending Light here adds a needed ingredient towards success.

Keep your trust, faith and knowledge alive that the world is evolving towards peace and prosperity. In the practical sense, do your part to make it so. Your everyday actions matter. Use less plastic, be mindful of where your food is sourced, how you tend your garden, how you treat your neighbor. It all makes a difference.

Nature is doing what it needs to do in order to sustain itself. Weather will continue to be exaggerated as awakening takes place. The role of humans in climate change will become increasingly apparent.

Amidst the changes around and within you, a joyful heart can thrive. I spoke of the buoyant energy of the past spring. You can carry this energy into the summer solstice period as well. Have you noticed how it is especially enjoyable to be around loved family and friends now? Nurture your loved ones as they nurture you. Make the time and effort to reconnect. It will fill you and sustain you. There is joy to be had in nature, in pets, in the giggle of children. Take it all in and let your heart be Light.

Remember, one of the greatest gifts you can give another is openhearted acceptance. Put the judgment factor away. Loving relationships are precious and are to be tended to as a loving gardener tends to her plants. There is truth to the statement, “Love heals”. Be willing to extend yourself to others. Be the compassionate one, the one who is loving and kind. I’m not saying you need to be walked on, or that you are to allow others to take advantage of you. You must respect yourself as you respect others. Don’t allow others to diminish your belief in yourself – you don’t want to put your self-esteem into the hands of another. Stand strong in your self-love and belief in yourself. And when you do, you will find you have a greater capacity to extend love and belief to another.

My dear friends, take a moment and turn inward. Let any discouragement within you dissolve. In its place, fill yourself with the awareness of all the good in your life. Stand in the energies of gratitude and joy; let them flood you. Now, let them push out from every pore of your being and out into the world. And thus, you are a bringer of peace.

We are with you every step of the way. May you receive our love and gratitude and may the Creator’s blessings guide and strengthen you all your days.

I bid you peace,


2019 Spring Equinox Message from Aca’u

The Spring Equinox 2019 begins March 20th at 5:58 pm EDT

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

Prepare for a buoyant and happy spring. Expect abundance, exuberance and expansion. This has been a tense winter, globally and personally. A closing inward; a retraction; the nose to the grindstone kind of thing. For some, there was an atmosphere of indecision and unknowing. It was difficult to feel substantial progress made.

Now, the dam has burst and the answers pour forth; the new direction begins to reveal itself. For some, the old job ends and a new one is either on the way or in the bank. Perhaps it isn’t a job – it could be where you live, or how you spend your free time, or what you do to feel productive and alive. Or simply, how you feel. What ever “it” may be, in essence it is the closing of a door and stepping onto the threshold of a new path. You have stepped up the evolutionary ladder once again and find yourself in a new space.

The past is gone; it holds no ties to you. You are free to move forward unencumbered. Let it go with love and gratitude for all you gained, from the lessons learned, the growth produced. Even the challenges are to be embraced because they, too, made you who you are today. And now, the new path lies before you. Fresh, undefined. Ready to take on the shape and form you give to it. This can be a very happy spring if you will but make it so. All the ingredients are there for mixing together productivity with growth, pleasure and well-being.

Because this time heralds new beginnings, it is a good to take the risk and leap forward towards what you have wanted for a long time. The universe supports fresh starts. The universe offers stability, common sense and practicality to accompany the new way. In other words, you’ll be able to move forward with a solid plan in hand. Just take the time to think it through a bit.

Ask yourself, “What do I want my life to look like by this September?” How do you want to feel? Where will your fulfillment come from? The atmosphere now is filled with creative force. Set your intention and plant it in the fertile fields of the universe.

Expect abundance. If you manage it well, this energy can serve; if not, it can swamp. Trees leaf more fully, gardens flourish, the animal kingdom thrives. Yet, realize it’s going to be easy to overdo. Do watch the self-indulgence, watch your spending. Take care that you don’t over commit. Work responsibilities can become abundant, too. Pace yourself and know when to step back.

Emotions are fanned as well. That’s fine if you direct them with open heartedness and compassion. But if you permit judgmental, harsh thinking to take hold, these too will be fanned. Others may find you very difficult to be around, and your own peace of mind will be at risk. It’s good to step back and self-assess now and then to make sure you aren’t criticizing another in order to feel better about yourself. Acceptance doesn’t mean you have to become best friends; it means ‘be and let be’. You can have a most pleasant season of joy and laughter, exuberance and fulfillment. Even your challenges can become more tolerable with the harmonic energies coming in.

With regards to the political forces unfolding, expect great change. The next decade brings transformation. Now, just as in personal lives, the energy is exuberant and abundant. You will see more emotional exaggeration, yet hope blooms. Expect an increase in common sense and practicality. It may be difficult to imagine but I tell you, middle ground will be found. People are tired of being divided and the urge to reunify strengthens. The future is one of brotherhood and sisterhood, it is one of peace – remember that. A new path unfolds for the country and it begins with this equinox.

Don’t ever doubt your power. You are made in the image of God and as such, you are a co-creator with the Divine. Trust in the future and in your ability to create one that is filled with joy and fulfillment. Ever are we at your side to support you and guide you on this magnificent journey.

Enjoy the season and relish each breath as a gift from God.

I bid you peace,


2018 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on December 20, 2018
The 2018 Winter Solstice begins December 21st at 5:23 pm EST

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks with you now.

Be at peace. Beneath the turmoil of the day, within the very center of your being, peace resides. It is your oasis in the desert; your sustenance. It is your source of guidance and inspiration; that which nurtures and sustains you. Go to this place of silence and deep peace whenever you feel discouraged, afraid, or weary. Always there is the guiding force within, ever ready to lift you up and nourish you. Take a moment now to tap into it. Drink in through each cell of your body, heart and mind the sustaining life force that pulses deep inside…

Let peace reign within you.

This is the true nature of Reality. All the warring, deceit, cheating, pain and suffering of the world are part of the school within which you learn. And in this school are the teachers and tools you need to grow and excel to build a world aligned with the Divine. That’s where you’re going. Trust that this is so. The vibration of the universe increases with each solstice and equinox. Your vibration increases as well and with that, access to more wisdom and Divine Power. This increase in Light reveals the darkness even more. So what appears to be an increase in the negative is the revealing of the negative in order for it to be cleansed from the earth. Negativity isn’t growing, it is unveiling in order to be purged and released. You are the creators and your power is growing.
When you align yourself with the Divine, you can create anything you desire. The Divine Force resides within you every moment of every day, waiting for your call.

This solstice period, the rapids of life’s river increase. Great change for the better is coming. Don’t ever be afraid of the truth. “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. Remember this. When you don’t know the truth about something, you are shackled by it. You can’t change anything if you don’t know what’s going on. Be courageous in seeking out truth in every level of your life. That’s what 2019 holds – uncovering. The veil has been lifting since the dawning of this new age. It continues to even more dramatically this year. You see it happening on a global level and yet it’s also increasing on a personal level. This is as it should be. It’s the process of evolving from the lower to the higher vibrations. Negativity cannot sustain itself in the higher levels.

You will see family and friends more clearly. You’ll know who you can really trust and also see strengths and abilities in others you may not have seen before. You’re able to know yourself better. You will see new strengths and abilities, and new potentials emerge in yourself. And, the veil between your world and mine continues to lift as well. We can connect more easily. Your Light Body is more accessible and with that comes increased discernment. You are learning how to create a life to flourish in.

A major restructuring will take place beginning in 2020. There will be tearing down and rebuilding, resulting in massive transformation. It’s all part of the evolutionary process. This is a time to reveal, release, restructure. You can assist this unfoldment by turning inward for the guidance you need. Meditation is more important than ever because you’ll be making major decisions about restructuring the world. Release any hatred you harbor and open your hearts. Human law will provide consequences for illegal behavior. Divine Law will provide perfect justice to restore balance.

Be part of the creative rebuilding process from a position of wholeness and Light, led by the deep well of Divine Wisdom within. Draw from it. Don’t let the turmoil in your life throw you off course. We’re here for you, my friends. Call on us. We will expand your capacity to bring in the Light, which raises you above the emotional fray. You will see and hear more clearly. You will able to walk through this most important year with confidence in a good future unfolding.

The fine arts are enhanced by the energies of this solstice. This is a marvelous time for creative self-expression. You can gain tremendous pleasure from music, theater, and art in all its many forms. Spiritual work is also enhanced under these influences. You can grow your practice well now. You’ll find yourself in the flow more easily and more often because you are resonating more with the higher forces.

Rejoice in your blessings. What you focus on increases. Focus on the joy and watch it grow. Know that you create your world by your every thought, word and action. What do you want to create in 2019? Then live it and so shall it be.

I bid you peace and joy in this most beautiful Season of Light,



2018 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

The Equinox begins September 22nd at 9:54 pm EDT

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

Does it seem like time is moving faster now? Perhaps you find yourself asking where summer went. Well, your perception is accurate. Time is speeding up as vibrations increase. You and all things in the universe have ratcheted up another notch on the evolutionary spiral. You’ll catch up with the shift in energies over the next week or so. It’s good to go into a meditation, even for ten minutes, to acclimate yourself to the new vibratory patterns.

Even with the quickening, there is all the time you need to accomplish what you wish if you prioritize and focus. And because of the hectic pace going on now, keeping a mental or physical list of what you want to accomplish will help a great deal. Just take a couple of minutes at the day’s end or beginning to create your to-do list. It will help you organize, focus and complete what you’d like.

The energies of this equinox period are complex. Two very different energy packages are at hand. First, there is a great deal of power you can harness to achieve your goals. This is a wonderful time to establish new roots and design new structures in your life. For example, you can create a new daily schedule that reflects who you are today rather than who you were even six months ago. You know, it’s easy to just mindlessly go through the day. Yet if you give it some thought, you can design a new routine and establish new habits that are in alignment with the you of now. And it’s on those habits that your future is built. Take just a few minutes to think about a schedule that suits you; perhaps a different one for a weekday and the weekend. I’m not suggesting every hour be planned, but you all have a routine you follow, whether you recognize it or not. Take some time to update it so that it works for you today.

The second energy package unfolding is one of great tension that pits diverse energies against each other. You can see the lack of cooperation and flexibility, the discord, people pushing personal agendas and such. Energies in this equinox can exaggerate harsh and judgmental attitudes, intolerance and unkindness. Don’t let them seep in. They only diminish you, not the person you are judging. Discern what’s right and wrong for you, act accordingly and leave it with that. That way, you aren’t adding to the negativity.

Voting season is upon you. You have a great privilege in your right to vote. Take time to tune inward, away from the tumultuous external forces. Turn to your inner wisdom, make your decisions and vote.

Please take time to acknowledge your accomplishments this year. Fall is the harvest season. What seeds did you plant that are now bearing fruit? Pay attention; be aware. Don’t let them go unrecognized; take some time to really think about it. Too often people simply push forward, one completion after another and never stop to take note of where they are and what it took to get there. It is part of knowing yourself.

This fall is a good time to take stock of your strengths and resources. The goal is to ensure a healthy self-esteem along with an assessment of your skills and abilities. You can’t move forward with success unless you know what’s in your toolbox.

Mend fences with others; extend the olive branch. Old wounds in relationships can be healed with this energy.

In your assessments, it’s wise to take stock of what you are grateful for. Your perception of events and situations in life is crucial to your wellbeing. Even in times of profound sadness and loss, there exists polarity. Look at the joy that is present within that space as well. For I tell you, it is there. And know that change is constant. You will move forward from even the most difficult times in your life having the power to create who you are and how you live. So during this Fall season, take a look at the good you have harvested in your life and build from there.

Throughout 2018, the ability to bring your intentions into concrete reality is strong. In other words, the universe supports manifesting your creative ideas. Write, paint, teach, design, cook… creativity in all forms is enhanced now. This is a great time to think outside of the box and try something new. The ability to bring your dreams into a practical application is enhanced. This is a good time to open or expand your business, to attract new customers, to promote yourself and your work. This has been true all of 2018 and will continue this fall. Make an active effort to take responsibility for shaping your life. In a nutshell, you can create a schedule that works for you, you can enhance your productivity through prioritization and focus, your creative ideas can take shape and form, your business can prosper – you can make great strides in moving your life forward.

To take advantage of this, decide what you want to achieve between now and the winter solstice. This is a wonderful time of accomplishment so give it some thought, time and energy. You’ll be pleased with what you can achieve. And remember, this means relaxation time, creative, play and social time, and a focus on health as much as it means accomplishing your home and business tasks.

Although this season’s energies are complex, your free will decides which ones you allow to grow within you.

Once again, I share with you a wonderful quote from the book, The Kybalion, “The difference between an ordinary man and an adept is, the adept knows who he is and acts as though he knows who he is.” Act as though you know the wonderful being you really are and watch the difference you make in the world.

There is much joy to be had now. Take it. Give it. You can change the course of someone’s day by giving them a heartfelt smile. And one of the greatest gifts you can give someone is accepting them. Remember that. Open your heart to others. Be as kind as you can possibly be. And remember what a powerhouse you are as a peacemaker and Light-bearer.

You know that we walk with you. You are never alone. There is an ever-flowing spring of guidance, strength and love within you.

I bid you peace,




Summer Solstice 2018 Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on June 19, 2018

The Solstice begins on June 21st at 6:07 am EDT

 Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now. The turmoil on the planet, and especially in the United States has reached a point of distress that many of you have never experienced in your lifetime. The United States has been through challenging times before and survived all the stronger as result. This will happen now as well and you are a critical part of that process.

 You must stop promulgating hatred. People will always have different perspectives than you; that is fact. What matters is how you handle it. You are witnessing extremes in order to find the balance point. If you wish to end negativity, begin with yourself. Ream out thoughts that are vibrating at levels of self-centeredness, anger and fear. Look at what they are creating. How can you move the world towards peace when these are held in your heart? This is true on both sides of the political spectrum. I’m suggesting that you detach from this level and elevate yourself in vibration. To detach doesn’t mean that you aren’t engaged as an agent of change. You are meant to be an agent of change, creator that you are. Yet from what level do you want to create? Pay attention to your thoughts, pay attention to what emotions they are generating and what that creates.

Nature and polarity rule the Aquarian Age. You are seeing extremes in both now.

Polarity means to have opposing perspectives, opinions, tendencies, aspects or traits. Examples of polarity are light and dark, hot and cold, love and hate, kind and cruel. On either end of the pole, you have the highest degree of these and all the various degrees lie in-between. Polarity exists in all things, including behavior. It teaches mankind to distinguish right from wrong. Polarity requires you to exert your free will in order to choose where on the pole you stand. Some of today’s issues include immigration, international relations and communication. You are in the process of deciding what kind of world you want in this new age. You are the architects; I’ve spoken of this often. Through your thoughts and actions, you create the future.

For many, this is a time when you are being asked, “Do you really believe the concepts taught in your spiritual training? Are you practicing the principles?” You can be an effective agent of change while working within the framework of acceptance and kindness. You can’t change what you don’t accept. Stop warring. The universe supports peace and unity. Remember that. Stand in the firm conviction that we are moving towards a better future, tune inward to connect with the Divinity within, and act from there.

Much guidance is available to you. Divine Assistance is always awaiting your call. That’s what we’re here for. We seek to form a partnership with you. We can see from a higher perspective and can help steer you through challenging times in any area of your life.

Two potent energies are available to you now, self-discipline and the ability to manifest your aspirations. Self-discipline is a powerful tool that can hone and help direct your will to accomplish whatever you set your mind to. You’ll find that this summer solstice period gives you tenacity; an ability to stick to your goals. You’re able to direct your will with an extra force now and can overcome temptations more easily than usual. This can be a time of great accomplishment. In addition, the power of manifestation is heightened. Uranus, the planet of creativity, insight and awareness works hand in hand with practical Saturn. You can bring your dreams into tangible manifestation. Don’t just imagine it, put it into motion, whatever ‘it’ is.

Let’s begin with the self, for that is where all permanent change takes place. If you could better yourself, if you could ennoble your character in some manner, what would you choose? Move in that direction and watch it unfold. What kind of person do you want to grow into? More patient? Forgiving? Accepting? Creative? How about to be a better listener? Or, better able to imagine yourself in the other’s guy’s shoes. How would you view the world from that perspective? The purpose of your sojourn here is soul growth and to make the world a better place; opportunity abounds

You can make great progress in bringing about external manifestations such as a loving partner, increased financial security, reliable transportation. The timing is ripe for giving birth to your creations. You need to accept that it can be and take the actions towards it. That’s an important step in realizing your goals.

 Hold tight to the spiritual principles that span all ancient wisdom traditions:

1.    Love is the most powerful force in all the universes. Negativity cannot triumph. The Light always works and within Divine timing.

2.    When you align yourself with the Divine, all things are possible.

3.    Every being has a point of Divine Light within that can be fed and nurtured by Light and Love

4.    You are the master of your fate, the captain of your ship. Mind is all.

I keep this message brief and simple, filled with the reminders you most need. You cannot know the light without knowing the dark. Accept that what is occurring has a purpose. Detach and view your life from the higher perspective of the soul, which is beyond personal earthly emotions. For earthly emotions cloud your thinking and thus, your decision making. Connect with your inner Divine Self and make your choices as to how you want your life and your world to unfold. Then, act accordingly. Share your perspectives with reason, acceptance and respect for differing opinions.

You are a powerhouse. Remember that whenever two or more of you are gathered together in Light, your power is magnified. This means together you can move mountains. The keyword for this summer, as well as for the new age is unity. Seek it, live it, create it. For that is where the universe is headed and when you connect from the foundation of unity, you will be in the flow When you are in the flow the doors you need for your secure and happy future will open wide.

Be blessed, be courageous, and be trusting in the future.

I bid you peace,


Spring Equinox 2018 Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on March 14, 2018

The Equinox begins at 12:15 pm EDT on March 20th

Greetings, it is I Aca’u who speaks to you now.

There is great exuberance in the air with the Spring Equinox. Although this is true each spring, 2018 brings an especially powerful influx of Vital Force. It is a time of joy, fresh starts, and elevation to a higher plane of existence. This is also a very special equinox because it heralds the dawning of a new chapter in the advancement of the world. A new phase in your evolution pattern begins.

The tensions and divisiveness you see in the world are reaching a culmination point, which leads to

Art by Brenda Lyons

their drawing to a close. There is a great turn around coming – an ascent begins. The world is increasing in vibration and with that, the energies of hatred and discord cannot survive. They will be rooted out. You will see this unfold as the new chapter begins.

Please have faith in the Divine and in your alignment with the Divine. You may not see the solutions from the eyes of the ego personality. The world appears to be heading for disaster. It is not. It is heading towards the uncovering and resolution. These are necessary steps in the progress towards the future.

Time and again I have reminded you that hatred must be uprooted at the core. Deceit, unscrupulous behavior, trickery – these must all be brought to the surface. They are not to be accepted as ‘that’s how it is’ but are to be corrected so that in world affairs, honesty, transparency, ‘for the people and by the people’ will be at the foundations. This is where the world is heading; it is not just your country.

Veils are being lifted and the truth uncovered in the operations of government, voting, espionage, business deals, borrowing and lending money – the list goes on and on. This process has taken place extensively over the last decade and you are in some of the big final pushes.

You can bear this.

Although your personality self may recoil in fear and discouragement, your High Self knows the why’s and the best, most productive way for you to respond. Remember, The Divine Source is the ultimate driver. And you are always welcome to walk hand in hand with Divinity. You are all evolving towards the Light. Living consciously at one with the Light Body is where you are heading. Even though now it appears to be ‘brother against brother’, your destiny is Light.

You will have a clearer perspective and voice in voting as interference is revealed and ultimately, contained. By tuning inward, you will receive guidance as to what actions you can take as instruments of the Divine in this time of change.

The new chapter that begins will bring unexpected and refreshing new opportunities. Each of you is being asked to express new abilities and potentials. You will see a new breed of people throw their hat into the ring for political office and business leadership. Barriers as to what it takes to be successful in politics and business have been torn down. What seemed impossible is possible now. Have faith, and know that your trust in the future will help to make it so.

Now, let’s turn to your personal life. In the personality part of you, many of you are unclear as to what your new chapter is. For, just as it happens globally, a new chapter begins for you personally as well. Although your personality may not clearly see the new path, your High Self knows exactly what it is.

In general, two phases are unfolding for people on a personal level. The first is, it’s time to express facets of your self that have not yet been expressed. Sharing your talents and wisdom with others is the foundation of this. Spend some time imagining what this might look like. What do you want to share with others? How can you take steps towards that now? It doesn’t have to be big beginnings. Small steps can take you there. It’s important to make a move towards it.

And if you are already doing so, how might your efforts take on a new expression? Perhaps it’s time to shake it up a bit. It there a new technique or subject you’d like to explore? Is there a group you haven’t tapped? Would you like to volunteer your services somewhere? The world is much more open today to diverse ideas and activities than even five years ago.

The second aspect unfolding strongly now is the need to incorporate healthy doses of pleasure, relaxation, and fun into your life. You are meant to live a balanced life. Yes, share your gifts and skills, but revel in the delight of physical existence. What do you find pleasure in? Make time for it. Relish it! Have fun and laugh, enjoy time with friends and family. It adds to your lives and to the universal bank, which spills out to others. People throughout the world need a greater sense of well-being and light heartedness. Add to it. You are meant to live a life of joy. Take time to experience the wonder in the ordinariness of life. Savor the simple pleasures of listening to the birds sing, feeling the sunshine on your face, holding the hand of one you care about.

My dear friends, each of you in your own way have spent much of your life working to improve yourself and the world in which you live. You’ve studied and honed your knowledge, you’ve tempered the rough edges of your personality, you have given of yourself to your family, your profession and your community. Please take time to acknowledge your growth, productivity, and strengths. The unique impressions you have left help to create a most beautiful tapestry.

There is more for you to do. Walk hand in hand with your High Self and all the direction you need will be provided. Live a life of joy and balance, so that your work is tempered with play, your heart is open and your trust in the future strong.

We on my side of the veil walk with you. If you could see the future as we do, all fear and discouragement would dissolve. Let The Light of Reality fill you and guide you. You will know just what to do, how to respond, and what the next step will be. You are terrific! Know that for certain.

I bid you peace,


Last Time this Year: Online Astrology of 2018 & Beyond

Presented by Camille Albrecht

Choose one of three class dates available

Sunday, March 4, 2018

At Noon eastern

Class will run about 1 hr & 15 mins

A number of people have requested that I provide another online class. This is the final one I’ve scheduled. If you weren’t able to attend and would like to, here you go!

Powerful energies continue to unfold as we enter 2018. This class reveals the astrology of what’s in store and how to maximize the benefits available. When will the turbulent energies end? What can you do to successfully maneuver your way through? Know that you have more control than you may realize. You can tap into energies needed to manifest your desires and create a life of stability, love, and fulfillment. Information is power!

As an astrologer, spiritual teacher and channel for over 35 years, I’ve extensively researched the unfolding energies and how to best work with them. This workshop is designed to share what is occurring in the heavens and how to work consciously with Divine Guidance to navigate your way through well. You don’t need to know a thing about astrology to benefit.

Please select one of three class dates offered and send an RSVP email advising me of your preference. I’ll send you a PayPal request or you can me mail a check at 6280 Blank Rd., Whitehall, MI 49461. Then, I’ll email you a link to the website where you’ll be able to attend the class.

Select one:         

Sunday, March 4, 2018
At Noon eastern

Cost: $50.00

RSVP and/or questions: [email protected]

Please share this with anyone you think might be interested to attend. Absolutely everyone is welcome!

2017 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on December 20, 2017

The Winter Solstice begins on December 21st at 11:28 am

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now. This is an exciting time, when great accomplishments can be made. The Winter Solstice period can be especially productive for you in practical, long-lasting ways. You know that the Winter Solstice period is usually a time of rest, recuperation and reflection. These energies continue. This is a time of turning inward and examining what it is you want to continue in your life and what you want to release. I suggest you do that over the next month or so.

Begin by looking at what’s working in your life. Acknowledge your strengths. Take note of your successes. There is such a tendency to tear one’s self down. It becomes a habit to see where one lacks, or hasn’t lived up to the expectations of others, or lived up to their own expectations. Skip it this year. It doesn’t serve you. Instead, look at what you are pleased with. “I have resolved my issues with my sister”, “I have come to accept my weight”, “I am working in a job that pays my bills”. These are noteworthy accomplishments. These are successes that can be built upon.

People tend to think of success as the ‘big thing’ – the dream job, the never-ending stream of income, the swept-off-your-feet romance. Yet, true success is being pleased with who you are and your ability to respond to life’s ups and downs. More than anything else, this is based on your perspective. So look at yourself and your life through loving, gentle eyes. It is important to self-review now, just do it with kindness.

This Winter Solstice brings increased self-discipline and productivity. It is a good time to push forward in the direction you’ve chosen for your life. But I want you to do that from a position of strength and belief in yourself. That’s why counting your blessings, coming from a place of gratitude for who you are and what you’ve made of your life is important. From this platform, you can take the next step forward with lightness in your heart and confidence in your ability to succeed.

Make a decision as to what you want to accomplish, create a plan and take the first step towards achieving it. You might be surprised at how easily it flows. That’s because the universe supports great progress now. This is a time for bringing practical changes in. Rethink how you go about your day. This is a good time to shake up your routine and bring about a greater sense of order. You can create new structures in just about any area of your life you choose. Let’s say you want greater physical health. Your initiative to attend a group fitness class, or eliminate sweets during the week will be easier to accomplish. Complete the new project, get involved in fresh social activities, clean out the basement – whatever you choose – your ability to accomplish is enhanced. You can tap into more self-discipline than has been accessible in a long time. Things that appeared daunting before will become doable now.

Your ability to plan with logic and reason is increased. This works hand in hand with the self-discipline and creative energy that abounds. Spell out what you want to accomplish and design the plans to make your dream become a reality.

The energies of manifestation have been strong for over a year and these will continue to be in 2018 with even greater assistance. Your dreams, goals, inspirations, and aspirations can be brought into the world. Set your sites on what you want, decide how best to bring it about and act on it. As the saying goes, “Just do it!”

I want to talk with you about the need for greater compassion now. It has become acceptable to malign another quite vocally, to forgo common courtesy, to bully one’s way through. A detachment is occurring between people, forgetting or not caring that the other has feelings and can be hurt. You can either add to this or diminish it by how you relate to others. Kindness matters. Tolerance and acceptance need to be fostered. Temper your judgments and watch your thoughts so that you don’t add to the problem.

The world is in a state of great change. Pockets of hatred are coming to the surface to be eliminated. Pockets of heroic acts are also being revealed. When you understand how the universe functions, you realize that greater success comes from unity rather than discord and division. This includes unity between mankind and nature, as well as between countries and between individuals. Commonalty must be found and a brotherhood and sisterhood formed. This is your future. It is up to you the path you take to get there.

Discussions to understand one another’s perspective must take place. Bridges need to be built between opposing sides for mutual agreements to ever arise. Try to understand the other person’s perspective a bit more. That’s where it begins.

Please have faith in yourself and in the world. Dictators will not survive in the new energies. Those who hate and destroy cannot survive. As Julian often said, hatred will not be tolerated in the new age. Those who hate will either self-destruct, be destroyed or nature will intervene.

Hold tightly to your knowledge that the world is moving towards peace and unity. Vote your conscience. Share your perspective with reason and kindness. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see.” Your thoughts, words and actions are powerful. You are creating the future. Shine bright your Light!

You are in the process of designing the Aquarian Age. You are the architects. Choose carefully what you want the future to be. The foundational structures of the new age are being built now. Treat yourself with loving kindness, see your worth, and acknowledge your successes. Like yourself just as you are. This fosters treating others with the same open-heartedness. Like ripples in a pond, it expands outwards and creates more of the same in the world. And remember to have some fun. There is so much good in the world; be one who creates even more.

I bid you peace,
