2012 Spring Equinox Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht


It is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

Faith renewed, welcome Spring!

There is joy in the air; a fresh new energy that brings optimism and faith in the future. Yes, people will continue to strive for their independence and the weather patterns continue to demonstrate that nature is wiser by intuition. Yet you are seeing your economy improve and your own personal financial situations stronger, more secure.

This is a time to continue to pay attention to your finances. Pay off the bills, strengthen your saving habits. But the purse strings loosen, as people feel confident in the economy’s turn around. Gas prices will climb and then drop as the year progresses. Not low, but lower than you are seeing now. Fear drives the prices up. And greed. Alternative fuel sources are the answer and until mankind takes this seriously, the oil crisis continues. It is as it is meant to be.

Be at peace. The future is unfolding at its right and proper pace. Your thoughts manifest more quickly now than ever before. You, the architects of this new Age are the builders, for you are creating the patterns within which the new Age unfolds. Be the Light that you are. Let it shine forth from within you. In the Reality of you, you are perfect. Let that perfection of you, the Divine that dwells within, the Reality of you that is ever ready to be called upon, shine forth.

Each day ask that the Light fill you and guide you. Be who you truly are and the Divine manifests on earth. The world you are striving for awaits creation — by you. The reigns have been handed over to you. “Be the change you want to see in the world”. These words are most powerful at this time, as you create the future.

Do not let the old patterns weigh you down. They are gone now. You have a clean slate. The only way the old patterns can impact you is if you drag them with you into this time. Let it go. Fresh start. New energy, new life. Possibility thinking.

Who do you want to be? What type of person do you want to be? Who you were in the past no longer counts. You may not know the details of what you want in your future, yet can know the overall quality of life you want. You can know the overall character traits you want to have. Put those thoughts out and act on them.

Your creations come into being by your thoughts, your words and your actions. You must act in order to create. Remember that. It cannot simply be stating the words, “Peace and love to you”. You must act with peace and love towards others throughout your day and thus will more peace and love be created. You cannot affirm health and carry anger in your heart. Wholeness and balance are created by living a whole and balanced life. Simple changes make a big difference. Start by loving yourself more, accepting yourself more and watch what unfolds.

I suggest a daily affirmation:

I am a Divine Child of God, loved and cherished by my Creator.

Light of Lights, Power of Powers,

Illuminate my heart and illuminate my mind,

That I may be your instrument of peace and wholeness today and always.

So be it.

Drink in the joy that fills the atmosphere. Let that joy and Light and Love flood you and then carry it forth into the world. For you are meant to live in joy.

This is a magical time of new possibilities; embrace it!

On this, I bid you peace,
