Archive for Messages from Aca’u

2023 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on 12/20/23

The Winter Solstice begins in the Northern Hemisphere on 12/21/23 at 10:27 pm EST

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks with you now,

Nurture yourself this winter solstice period. Do what you need to restore yourself and regain a sense of inner balance. Energies have been tumultuous and draining. This is a time to lighten your schedule where you can and take time to nourish yourself. Turn your mind off now and then, and just be. Permit the Light from your High Self to bathe you, bringing peace to your every cell. In this way, you can proceed with strength.

The energies now are polarized. One set stimulates self-centeredness, aggression, divisiveness, authoritative misuse of power, and over-blown reactions. You see evidence of this growing throughout the world.

The other set of energies now descending fosters cooperation, creativity, innovation, faith in the future, and optimism in general, along with an increased connection with Source.

It’s your choice. What do you want to access and permit to feed you? I’m not suggesting you deny the world’s crises, but I am suggesting that you respond to them with belief in a good future. No matter what you see and hear, you can remain steadfast in your knowledge that a time of peace and wholeness is coming. This is where the world is heading. It has been decreed.

And you are the manifestors, the creators of the future. You can allow the egocentric forces to create fear and dread, or you can align with Light and grow unity and humanitarianism. You can live, as one author wrote, “Behaving as if the God in all life mattered”.

This is not a time to capitulate to the hate-mongers. This is a call to action. Warriors of Light, Bringers of Peace, stand vanguard your thoughts. Foster those that create a future you want to live in. Treat others with acceptance, kindness, and generosity. Add to the universal bank of open-heartedness.

We on this side of the veil stand with you. Don’t ever doubt yourself. You are Divine, you are powerful, and you are so very loved. Trust yourself and trust that the world is going through its growing pains but you are an architect of it’s future. Be good to yourself, listen to your inner wisdom, and act on it. There is so much joy to be had; partake of it and flourish.

May you have a blessed, peaceful, and happy holiday season.

I bid you peace,


2023 Fall Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on September 22, 2023

For many, this is a time of sailing on rough seas. Worry, sadness, and anxiety run high. Problems that have been brewing for some time now come to the surface and it can feel overwhelming. In my last message, I spoke to you about the importance to reflect and pull up blockages, fears, and any other thoughts or feelings that may be ‘getting you’ from within. I asked that you look at these issues, accept them, and resolve that, ‘Okay, this is how it is but in Reality, I am okay and my future is a good one”. Then, release. Heal and nourish yourselves. It has been a summer solstice period meant for healing and restoration.

Now, the energies ramp up. What is meant to be addressed erupts. It can seem daunting, but it is for progress forward. This is a time when issues from within – your individual karmic lessons – and issues from without – global karmic lessons – are coming on full steam. The energy of now, particularly the beginning of this fall equinox, is bringing up to the surface toxins from within. They have come forward to be recognized and resolved. And the resolution, the healing, may be in the acceptance. Yet, you can’t heal what you aren’t aware of. 

How do you manage these challenges? As any good sailor amid tumultuous seas, you strap yourself to the mast and forge ahead. This analogy from Kabbalah teaches that ‘strapping’ ourselves to our High Self is the best way forward. Call on your High Self. You don’t have to do this alone. Divine Assistance is always there for you. I repeat this again and again because you need to know. Your Higher Self is ever there to provide you with the best possible way forward, along with the courage, strength, and resilience you need.

It’s time to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. When spiraling down into negativity, stop yourself. Take some deep breaths and recognize that you’re digging yourself deeper into a hole. “Wait a minute. Deep breath. Do I really want to go here now?” You can choose different thoughts that take you in another direction. Remember that your emotions are generated by your thoughts.  By changing the thought, you change the emotion. So, you can move yourself from anger, despair, or other negative emotions through thought. You can change your thoughts to those that nurture you. You can choose thoughts that support your well-being. Ask yourself, “What would a loving and wise person would say to me now?” Then, say that to yourself. This isn’t to deny or repress the challenges you face. It is to face those challenges from a position of strength. It restores the balance within so that you can move forward with greater ease. You are in charge of your thoughts, no one else. They can weaken you or give you strength. Choose thoughts that promote your well-being.

This is a time of mixed-bag energies. Some are experiencing the challenges I’ve described, others are sailing easily through this time. For most, it’s some of each. Whether you are riding high or battling the storm, my message is the same. More now than ever, your thoughts are creating your future. The world is in a time of great change, as are you. And remember, everything changes. Nothing remains the same. Hold tight to the mast of your High Self, and align yourself with its wisdom. Together, you can steer yourself to calm seas and the promised land. I promise you this. Above all, love and trust yourself. You are a beautiful soul in the process of becoming.

I bid you peace,


2023 Summer Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on June 21, 2023
In the western hemisphere, the solstice begins June 21st at 10:57 am ET
Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now,
Do you notice that time seems to be accelerating? At times it is. In order to adjust to the increased frequency, it’s important to slow your pace. This entire year is a one of ratcheting back where you can. This is especially so during the summer solstice. Please take time for yourself. Take the time you need to turn inward and ‘clean the cupboards’ of any guilts or regrets, angers, or self-blame. Release, heal, and nourish yourself now. Take time to just be. Where you can, decrease your external commitments so you have more time for self-reflection and simply enjoy this solstice period. Spend time with those who are conducive to your well-being. Be willing to express your love and appreciation for them.
The key to your future is unification. I can’t stress this enough. You have spent eons diversifying, honing your free will towards unique self-expression and manifestation. Now, you will carry forth those skills into the future. Yet, the thrust is now one of wholeness, meaning working together towards the good of the whole, rather than each individual’s interests. You cannot unify successfully if you have not done inner work and come to a place of relative balance within the self. Many of you have worked on gaining self-awareness for years. This is an important year to continue the process in preparation for vast changes in the coming years.
Weather challenges continue to ramp up. The earth is doing what it needs to self-perpetuate. You can help or hinder this process. Until humankind rethinks their methods of propulsion and the use of fossil fuels, expect tumultuous weather to increase. You will see great rain and wind storms and great droughts. The extremes of weather continue. Beginning steps are underway to address climate change. This is a good start with more to be done. What you do in your own home makes a difference. All change begins within.
Be prepared for rapid advancements in all levels of technology, for this is a part of the Aquarian Age. Many are happening with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).  Understand that this is part of the evolutionary process. It will be of great use in many areas. Yet remember, the period you are in is parallel to that of Atlantis. Technology got the better of them. They were unable to successfully manage the level of technology they had developed.  You don’t want to meet the same fate. It’s important to look at where you are going when it comes to technological advancements. This is no time for a runaway train. Limits, clear labeling of what materials are AI-generated, laws restricting the unauthorized use of another’s voice, appearance, artistic property, and such are needed. Well-thought-out laws and guidelines need to be established to successfully weave through this time.
Remember to laugh and have fun. What activities do you consider relaxing? Playful? Make time for them.
The fall equinox brings an onrush of new activity. This will be followed by a year of rapid change. So, now is a time to slow down where you can. Try to make the time to relax, get a full night’s sleep, socialize with good friends and family, moderately exercise, and feed your body what nourishes it. Feed your mind, heart and soul what nourishes them as well. You can enter the Fall Equinox period refreshed, a clear channel and ready for the new.
I keep this message brief. Take care of yourself, take care of your planet, and keep your eyes and ears open. The guidance and assistance you need are always there. Turn inward and know that this is so.
I bid you peace,

Spring Equinox 2023 Message from Aca’u

 Channeled by Camille Albrecht on March 5, 2023

The Spring Equinox begins on March 20th at 5:24 pm EDT

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.
Spring, the time of new beginnings and fresh starts. The seeds of the future are planted. Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. It is the bursting forth of new shoots in anticipation of the fruition to be.
Yet, this year is different. Yes, there will be fresh starts but in a new manner. For you are on the cusp of vast change and to use this time best, you want to slow your pace down. This spring equinox is first, a time to plant seeds of reflection, healing, and strengthening yourself. 

Make time for yourself to just be. Create quiet times to continue to reflect on your life, your accomplishments, and the choices you’ve made. I suggested this in the Winter Solstice Message and the work continues. Release any regrets or guilts you may have. Be at peace with yourself. Permit yourself to be healed. This is a time of reflection and acceptance – of where you are, of who you are, and of the complexion of your life. Accept what is. Through acceptance, you can change anything you choose, including your perspective. But you must accept it first.
This is a time of great healing. Nature, especially water, is particularly healing for you now. Get out in nature when you can. Art, music, and dance all hold special magic during this time. You can experience the arts at a new and deeper level.
Your ability to connect with the Divine is substantially increased with this equinox. The veil has thinned. You can communicate with your High Self and Divine Assistance more easily than ever. Ask for the assistance you need and trust it will be given. It is often in the quiet times that the answers appear. Trust, trust, trust.
I ask you to reflect on your life in several areas during this equinox time

  1. What do you need to accept? Is there anything you’ve been regretting or wish was another way? Perhaps your health isn’t where you want it, or your weight isn’t what think it should be. Is it a relationship you’ve been struggling with? How about your finances? Or your current life circumstances in general? Take a look and see what it is that you need to accept right now. Where you can say, ‘I accept that this is the way it is’ and be at peace. 
  2. What do you need to complete or bring closure to? Is there a project to be done, a relationship that needs closure, a room or closet to tackle that you’ve been putting off? These can be short or long-term projects. What do you need to wrap up in your life? There will be so many new energies coming in, take the time now to bring closure and completion where they are needed.

 After reflection is time to plant new seeds.

  • What, in broad terms, do you want to manifest in your life years? This is a time to create the overall structure, not the details. Do you want to manifest companionship, increased job fulfillment, an improved relationship, financial security? How about some new adventures, increased spiritual growth, or honing your channeling skills? Look at the overall picture, the framework and realize the details will follow.

Plant the new seeds with joy in your heart. This is a time of exuberance at a pace that enriches you. Listen to some happy, upbeat music. Dance. Permit your heart to sing. Permit yourself to sing!

You don’t always have to do something; it’s okay to just be. You don’t always have to be productive in the sense most people consider. It is productive to just be. Allow yourself to float now and then with no particular destination but to enjoy the moment, or the whole day.
Remember, music, the arts, and nature – particularly water, all hold magic even more so during this spring equinox period. Incorporate them into your life. Creativity and imagination will soar. Your connection with the Divine is increased as well.
Do watch involvement in alcohol and drugs. Your sensitivity is increased in all areas. So, you will be more sensitive to the joys and beauty of music, the arts, and nature; more attuned to the understanding and wisdom from Divine Assistance, but you will also be more sensitive to the effects of alcohol and drugs. Just be aware.
You are all coming out of a stressful period in your world and heading for a time of great change. This is a year of transition. During this spring equinox period, take time to engage in healing and restorative practices like meditation, tai chi, healing work, and such. You will find them vastly effective.
I ask you to take this time to clean out your inner closets, heal yourself, love yourself, and plant seeds that will bring you all the fulfillment your heart can hold.
You are loved and you are blessed.
I bid you peace,

2022 Spring Equinox Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on March 20, 2022
  On March 20, 2022 at 11:33 am EDT the Spring Equinox begins in the
Northern Hemisphere and the Fall Equinox begins in the Southern Hemisphere

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.
In my Winter Solstice message, I advised you to recuperate and restore to ready for the new actions about to take place. The lion was preparing to attack. The brief respite allowed you to catch your breath before the next series of evolutionary upheavals.
The worldwide changes taking place are bringing you to new understandings. The suffering of the Ukrainian people is felt around the world. Many others are suffering in the world as well, not just what you see in the media. These events are creating a great well of peace from your desire to relieve the suffering and prevent this from occurring again. The impact of war is deeply impacting the world on a grand scale. World War does not have to follow. Watch your thoughts for you do impact the unfoldment of events.
I tell you, stop warring within yourself. Stop warring with your neighbors. What does this mean? Be a point of peace. Stop blaming, judging, condemning. Peace begins with you. I know you’ve heard this before but I ask you to live it. Your thoughts fill the universal bank and spill over into the world.

The effects of war are brutal. You see the devastation wrought; the cruelty. You must understand the power of your thoughts to mitigate what is happening. Hold firm the thoughts, “May God’s Will be done for all involved. May each person open to the wisdom of their High Self to be guided to that which they need”. That may be food and water, or compassion and a will for peace. Whatever is most needed, the High Self can intercede.
Pay attention to your thoughts. In your everyday life, be kind to one another. Be kind to yourself. Forgive. Be a bringer of peace. You are on the path towards unity, even though that path is paved with challenges and hardships. Powerful lessons for humanity are occurring.
Help in physical ways as well. If you can assist in humanitarian efforts, do so. You can look for opportunities to help those who are displaced.
In your personal lives, engage in those things that bring you joy. The powerful healing effect of music and nature are magnified during this equinox period. Water is especially healing now; being around water as well as in it. Even in the shower, you can image the water cascading healing light over and through you, restoring you to wholeness.
Imagination and creativity soar. This is a wonderful time for artistic expression of any sort, as well as creative organization and problem-solving. This is because the world beyond the physical is more accessible now. Divine inspiration, insights, and guidance are closer than ever. Access these through connecting with the higher forces in meditation, time in nature and such. You can heal old wounds from this lifetime as well as those carried over from past lives. You can discover the next step needed for your fulfillment and well-being. Turn within and permit the Divine Light to flood you. What you need to know will present itself as you go about your daily life.
Now more than ever, trust in a peaceful and fulfilling future. Don’t succumb to fear. You are warriors of peace in a changing world. You have all the tools and abilities you need to create the world you want. You are the architects of the new age. Stand strong and know we on this side walk with you each step of the way. Brothers and sisters of Light are we. Together we will forge a future that mirrors the Divine.
I bid you peace,

2021 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on December 19, 2021

The 2021 winter solstice begins on December 21st at 15:59 UTC (10:59 a.m. EST)

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks with you now.

Bruised and weary, it’s time to restore. The past few years have been trying ones, with discord in the world and for many, in personal lives as well. It’s affected your body, mind and heart. The pace has been hectic; the changes, challenges and responsibilities high. There needs to be a period of quiet reflection and where you can manage it, diminished activity. Most all of you have been overstimulated in your life. Your mind racing with information to digest and from one decision to another. Emotions are taxed.

Stop. Breathe. Connect within. The changes that are occurring are important ones and are moving you into a new way of living. Yet to continuously run at such a high level takes its toll. Balance must be restored for you to function well.

Use this winter solstice period to accept things as they are, move them forward as you can but not in a way that demands. Take a deep breath and know that in the long run, it is all right. This is a time to slow your pace where you can, leaving some time available on your physical and emotional calendar. What I mean by that is, take a break from problem-solving. Take some time to just let things be and restore yourself. Of course, many matters have to be addressed. Rather than ruminating over them throughout the week, establish a day and time for problem-solving. Say something like, “Tuesdays from ten until noon I will address my worries and concerns.” And do so. If called for, make a plan to address them. Put your concerns, decisions, and plans in the Light. Then as the week unfolds, when worries and concerns come up, place those that can wait on your Tuesday Problem Solving list. And let them go.

This is a way of shielding you from the impact life stressors are placing on you and have for several years. (For some, longer than that) This winter solstice period calls for nurturing, rest and reflection.

How can you nurture yourself now? What would fill your cup? Perhaps you could begin or end the day with a ritual that reminds you to take care of yourself. A cup of something warm and delicious, a lighted candle, some moments of peace. Set a timer for several times throughout the day to remind yourself to slow down, turn inward to connect, and then proceed from there. You will be amazed at what these small steps can do to center you.

The Spring will bring with it a new busyness. Activities increase, new projects unfold. It’s smart to take this time to slow down where you can. Involve yourself in activities that create a sense of well-being. Game Night, a trip to the museum, pulling out (and using!) your art supplies… whatever works for you.

It’s a good idea to create a list of activities and non-activities you want to incorporate into this solstice period. Then you’ll have them at hand when an afternoon or even an hour becomes available. Use your time wisely.

This can be a most beautiful time in your life if you will allow it to be. Everyone has challenges. You wouldn’t be on earth if you didn’t want to grow. See it as such and trust. Your perspective is key.

So I ask you to turn down the noise and slow the pace. Open your heart and know with a certainty that the future is a good one.

I bid you peace,


Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u 2021

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on September 20, 2021
The Fall Equinox begins in the Northern Hemisphere
and the Spring Equinox begins in the Southern Hemisphere
on September 22nd at 3:20 pm eastern

Greetings. It is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

Plan one thing; one thing that will bring you peace and joy. It can be time spent in nature, by the water or in the wood, or time with a beloved person or beloved pet. It can be going for a bike ride in delightful weather or savoring a luscious meal. Perhaps it’s dancing or painting, singing or holding hands with someone very special to you. Think of something that delights you and helps you center; a joyful, buoyant experience that will warm your heart and calm your spirit.

Then do it. Allow yourself to experience it. It could occur right now, simply by allowing it to be. And when you begin to feel that peace and joy, be mindful of every moment. Relish it. Delight in it.

Take note of what you hear… see… taste… smell… feel…

Take note and as you do, amplify the feelings of peace and joy. I want you to fill yourself with them. Allow them to fill every cell in your body; to flood your mind, your heart, your very essence. You are filled with peace and joy as your body increases in vibration.

Then, as this continues to grow within, see it push out through every pore of your being until you radiate peace and joy…

That peace and joy enters the atmosphere around you and continues to expand…

Radiating out to your neighborhood…

Your town… peace and joy… peace and joy…

Expanding and growing until it floods the entire world…

Remain in this space for a moment or two…

And now, refreshed, restored, and feeling 100% tuned-up, return to your space and time.

No greater gift than this can you give to yourself and the world. For despite appearances, you are moving to a world of great peace and joy. And this exercise accelerates that movement. You can do this as often as you choose.

Remember, you make choices throughout each day as to how your respond to things. You choose what energies you create and then, radiate them within and out.

Be a bringer of peace and joy. Let it flow within you and through you and thus, are you and your world healed.

In this most beautiful season of bounty, I bid you peace,


Summer Solstice 2020 Message from Aca’u

channeled by Camille Albrecht on June 19, 2020

The Solstice begins Saturday, June 20th at 5:43 pm Eastern Time

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now,

Now more than ever, be at peace. How can you find peace during such tumultuous times? It is always, always within you. No matter what is occurring outside of you, there is always that place of peace and wisdom, insight and intuition within.

Now more than ever, you are called to function from this space. There is a tremendous amount of tension, anger and discord on the planet. I tell you, as the year progresses in many places, it will increase. Polarization is very real now. Energies are escalating higher.

So, you have a choice. Will you respond from ego? Or from the Higher Reality Self? Many are responding from ego, for they do not understand that this is a time of evolutionary growth and that change must come. The ego steps forward with fear and misguided self-protection, saying, “This is what I want, I am protecting my interests and yours don’t matter” Greed, power, might makes right. Misuse of power is being exposed at all levels. Do you see how this is part of the evolutionary process that must take place for peace, true sisterhood and brotherhood to be? You cannot change what is hidden or denied. Only when it is brought to the surface and exposed can you decide what you are going to do about it. And that is what’s happening now. You choose your future.  

As the energies escalate, more truths will come to the surface. And all this amidst a time where, because of the pandemic, you are being encouraged to slow down, decrease your activities, and ask yourself what kind of life you want to create. How do you choose to create the future?

This is a new world dawning. I’ve spoken of this all along and here it is. You will not be the same person in 2021 as you were in 2018. The universe has taken a big leap to a new level on the evolutionary spiral. Where you ordinarily climb one rung of the evolutionary ladder each solstice and equinox, over the past year you’ve gone ten. You are all acclimating to a new vibration, in unchartered waters and must decide how you will live from here on out. You are called upon to create new structures in your personal life along new structures in society and globally. The old ways won’t work now.

What does this mean in practical terms? Working from the space of the High Self does not mean complacency. The High Self is the energy of love and peace, yes, but also, knowledge activated into right action – and that’s wisdom. Change is occurring on just about every level of your life. Use your thoughts to shape and mold a world of balance, unity, and compassion. Hold the thought that you will be guided, and that you will be able to accept the changes and adapt well to create a future for yourself and future generations that is sustainable and of peace.

Ranting is ineffective, angry thoughts and words do nothing but fuel a fire that needs no more fuel. You must think through what you truly want. Then, you need to act on it.  Take some kind of action, or several actions, to make it happen. Write your political leaders, get involved in local issues, and for God’s sake, vote. It is a privilege that many in the world seek. When you see or hear others being treated unfairly, speak up. Silence is complicity. This is not a time to be meek. You are a Light Worker, privileged to be here in a time of great change. You are the architects of the future. Don’t stand back and let it be created by others more focused upon it than you. Be focused. Know what you stand for and act on it.

There is such good happening on the planet that you aren’t aware of. Millions of people are channeling Light to the planet and all inhabitants. Millions are working towards solutions, generously caring for those in need, demonstrating acts of kindness, love and compassion. If you haven’t already, join them. The Light, which is the Creator’s Love, is the most powerful force in all the universes. Drink it in, allow it to fill you and then, deliver it to others. You are more powerful than you realize. Your thoughts and actions are more important now than ever, for this is a tipping point on your planet. Fear or Love? Unity or Division? Indifference or Compassion? Ego or High Self? You make these choices every day, throughout the day.

You are so loved! Take care of yourselves, use good common sense, be cautious and remember to be the change you wish to see. For as you think, act and feel, so shall it be.

I bid you deep and true peace,


2019 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on December 17, 2019

The 2019 December solstice takes place on Sunday, December 22, at 04:19 UTC, which is December 21 at 11:19 p.m. EST. It marks the Northern Hemisphere’s shortest day (the first day of winter) and the Southern Hemisphere’s longest day (the first day of summer). Happy Winter Solstice, everyone!


Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks with you now.

This winter solstice period heralds the beginning of a new year and a new decade. The keywords for 2020 are resilience and restructure.

This is a tumultuous time. Never before has the world undergone such change. You are within the throes of a new Round, a new Age and a new cycle of earth changes. This is the first time all three have occurred at once. Don’t be surprised then, by the clashes and warring as the old and new battle. Expect more turmoil in 2020 because the old patterns of thinking that people are clinging to will become increasingly threatened. Cosmic energies fan the flames.

What can you do? Don’t add to it. Have your perspectives and your opinions, but take the harshness and anger out of them. Try to look at both sides; learn the other’s perspective and you will be able to see the broader picture and make your decisions from the higher view.

This is not only in terms of the political scene, but in your personal lives as well. When you judge, when you criticize, when you blame, you add to the intolerance in the world. You add divisiveness. Those thoughts not only restructure your brain in a narrowing way, but they ripple out and impact others as well. If you want to know what your future holds, look at your thinking because that’s what’s creating your future.

You can develop a state of inner calm and contentment by fostering thoughts of kindness and compassion. These strengthen you. Anger, judging, dividing yourself from others, resentments – all those do is weaken you, limit you, create illness and even more division and separation in your life. Open your heart. Put down your armor and weapons; cut the other guy some slack,.

You have all the tools you need to live a life of happiness and well-being. The source of these rest not in outside people, possessions, situations or events, but within your mind. If you place your source of happiness on the externals, you will always be disappointed because the externals always change. Up one day and down the next as the external environment ebbs and flows. You will be tossed about like a rudderless ship on stormy seas, at the whim of which every way the wind blows. Please understand that the only tools you need to create inner contentment are your mind and your free well. You can create steady, consistent inner peace regardless of what happens outside of you.

I know this is a time of great difficulty for many. There is turmoil in the world and for many of you, turmoil in your personal lives. Never before has the earth experienced such change. As Light Workers, you chose to come incarnate now to hold Light and to deliver Light in the midst of this critical evolutionary period. Remember who you are and why you are here.

Take a deep breath and turn inward. In each one of you is a calm place of refuge. It rests within the very center of your being. Here is your place of peace. Feel it. This inner refuge is where you find your anchor and your nourishment. It is where you find your rudder while navigating stormy seas.

There will always be challenges in the outer world. That’s what life is about. You are here to face the challenges that are presented to you and to grow from them. But you can find the strength you need by turning inward.

I ask you to open your heart. Let kindness and compassion grow within you. The more you learn to develop these traits, the greater your sense of well-being will be. This well-being will strengthen your resilience to face life’s challenges.

How do you develop resilience? By training yourself to view the world through loving, compassionate eyes. Amidst the strife, a calmness will develop within you that says “I feel deeply, yet I do so without harshness or criticism. I care”. And because the lower emotions no longer blind you, you can see clearly and make rational decisions from a calm, stable perspective. Your voice will be heard more easily; you will impact your life and the lives of others to greater benefit. Thus, your resilience grows.

The second keyword for 2020 is restructure. For many people, 2019 and 2020 has or will put you into a new space with new surroundings and a new life direction. You find yourself in a new set of circumstances. What do you want this new space to look like? How to you want to grow from here? The energies of 2020 enhance your ability to create new habits, new rituals and routines, and new patterns of thoughts and activities.

What do you want your day to look like? Create a new structure for it. ‘On Sundays I create a healthy meal plan for the week’ or, ‘I meditate from 7:00 to 7:20 each evening’. ‘I take at least two walk breaks a day’. ‘Each week, I reach out and connect with a family member or friend’. ‘I make it a practice to spend more time thinking of the other person, rather than myself.’ It can be anything. Understand that it’s easier now to release old habits and structures and create new ones.

This is also a wonderful time to release old responsibilities and make room for new ones. Take time during this winter solstice period to look at who and what you are responsible for, what you can let go of and what you want to take on.

There is a difference between pleasure and happiness. Pleasure is fleeting. While something may bring you temporary pleasure, it may not bring the sustained happiness you seek. When creating new habits and structures, when observing what thoughts occupy your mind, ask yourself if they are leading you to happiness. You might take momentary pleasure in eating that fourth cookie, or having another beer, or railing against the one who did you so wrong, but are any of these leading you to happiness? That is a good measuring stick.

All that you need to create a sense of well-being rests within your mind. It takes practice and patience to develop a perspective of loving kindness and compassion. But I tell you, this will lead to the clarity, peace and inner contentment you seek. There will always be people who think and act in ways that trouble you, who have different values than you. Life will throw you curve balls. This is the nature of being human. You are in charge of how you react. Your words can injure or they can heal. You can either add to the turmoil or add to the peace.

And remember, kindness and compassion for others begins with kindness and compassion for yourself.

Know that you are loved. You are never alone. There are choirs of angels, guides, and master teachers here to assist you. Let us in.

Walk into this new decade hand in hand with your High Self. The wisdom and strength you need is always there for you, always awaiting your call. For your High Self loves you unconditionally and completely, and always knows ‘the next right thing’.


I bid you peace,




2019 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on September 22, 2019


It is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.
The Fall Equinox period is a time of harvest. Not just for the farmer’s fruits and vegetables; this is the time of harvest of your past thoughts, words and actions. What you have planted and fed is now producing results.
Where you are overdoing and out of balance becomes highly apparent now. You may find yourself exhausted and irritable due to overextending yourself in some areas of your life, while feeling lethargic and foggy in other areas due to too little activity there. Where you are causing damage to yourself or to others becomes poignantly clear. Change is demanded from within and perhaps, outside of you as well. Your imbalances create feelings of being ‘out of sorts’, uncomfortable with yourself, dissatisfied.
These imbalances show themselves to be recognized and corrected. It will be very difficult to continue the status quo in areas that are blocking your progress. Yet you cannot change what you aren’t aware of. So, bless the awareness that is now yours. Take an honest look at what isn’t working in your life. Where have you wandered off the middle path? What are you harvesting that isn’t pleasing to you, that isn’t furthering your happiness? Where are you out of balance?
Once you are aware, you can begin taking the steps to change. All change begins with the mind. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner one. When you change your thoughts, you change your life. You may know this truth, but do you enact it?
Often, I see the same self-defeating behaviors repeated again and again because the individual feels the situation, whatever it may be, is out of their control. “That’s just the way my life is right now” or “That’s just the way I am right now”. And the thoughts and behaviors creating the very problem continue.
Let’s say you want more time with family and friends but your job prevents you from doing so. You tell yourself things like, “I never have time for anything fun anymore”. “This job is never-ending”, “It seems the work keeps piling up”. Look at what you are creating. What you think sets up a magnetic field that attracts it’s like. Thus, you attract a busier work life. So, your thoughts of a busy work life continue, which attracts more busy work and it goes on and on until you can’t function anymore. Rather than believe the amount of work you are required to do is beyond your control, begin planting seeds of change. “I create a balance between my professional and personal life”. The more you program this into your subconscious, the more you will find yourself acting in such a manner and attracting outer experiences that mirror this inner thought. Try this in any area of your life. You have more control than you realize.
The Fall is also a time to harvest earned success. Honestly assess what’s working well in your life. Where are your efforts producing beneficial results? What are you happy about? It is just as important to recognize what’s working in your life as it is to know what you want to change. For what is working well is to be built upon for future success.
2020 is a critical year for restructuring your life. You reached a new plateau as of the 2019 Spring Equinox. Many of you sense this on an inner level. A new level was reached, with new understandings and awareness. The impact varied for each of you yet for all it has been a substantial elevation on the path of evolution.  This fall and winter will be adjustment periods with the launching of the new in the spring. You know change is afoot. What was is fading. You are at the point of walking the path at a new and higher level. Yet the time to begin the new undertakings is yet to unfold. Can you feel the change blossoming within?
That’s why I suggest this assessment. Best to set aside some time over the next few weeks to look at where you are now and where you want to be a year from now. “Where am I not in balance? What do I need to release or bring in to restore balance? What needs correction?” What will you nurture and grow in your life? You may not be ready to do anything about it yet, other than work with your thinking. And that is the most important, crucial first step.
You can’t restructure your life if you don’t know what the components are. So look at the components. Then you say, “High Self, show me the next step and I will act on it”
At this most wonderful Thanksgiving time, it is good to express gratitude. What are you thankful for? Gratitude for what you’re ready to release and for that which you will retain and build upon.
Nature is one of your greatest healers. It can restore you. Get out in nature and permit yourself to be bathed in its energy. It can replenish vital force, which is the key to vitality and wholeness. Music and the arts are also great healers now.
I urge you to meditate daily. Divine Force is quite touchable during this fall equinox period, yet you must open the door to it. Meditation will fill and surround you in Divine Light to restore you and to give you the strength you need. Divine Light then feeds you throughout the day with the guidance and inspiration you need. Meditation heals all levels of your being.
I remind you this each time we connect, call on Divine Assistance, that’s what it’s there for.
Know that this is a time of accomplishment. Much productive energy is available for you. Pace yourself and know you can do what you reasonably set out to do. In a nutshell, this equinox period is a time of reaping and assessing your harvest, savoring the beauty around you and successful productivity. You are preparing to restructure your life in the beauty of 2020.
Love you! You are more magnificent than you can ever imagine.
I bid you peace,