2019 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on December 17, 2019

The 2019 December solstice takes place on Sunday, December 22, at 04:19 UTC, which is December 21 at 11:19 p.m. EST. It marks the Northern Hemisphere’s shortest day (the first day of winter) and the Southern Hemisphere’s longest day (the first day of summer). Happy Winter Solstice, everyone!


Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks with you now.

This winter solstice period heralds the beginning of a new year and a new decade. The keywords for 2020 are resilience and restructure.

This is a tumultuous time. Never before has the world undergone such change. You are within the throes of a new Round, a new Age and a new cycle of earth changes. This is the first time all three have occurred at once. Don’t be surprised then, by the clashes and warring as the old and new battle. Expect more turmoil in 2020 because the old patterns of thinking that people are clinging to will become increasingly threatened. Cosmic energies fan the flames.

What can you do? Don’t add to it. Have your perspectives and your opinions, but take the harshness and anger out of them. Try to look at both sides; learn the other’s perspective and you will be able to see the broader picture and make your decisions from the higher view.

This is not only in terms of the political scene, but in your personal lives as well. When you judge, when you criticize, when you blame, you add to the intolerance in the world. You add divisiveness. Those thoughts not only restructure your brain in a narrowing way, but they ripple out and impact others as well. If you want to know what your future holds, look at your thinking because that’s what’s creating your future.

You can develop a state of inner calm and contentment by fostering thoughts of kindness and compassion. These strengthen you. Anger, judging, dividing yourself from others, resentments – all those do is weaken you, limit you, create illness and even more division and separation in your life. Open your heart. Put down your armor and weapons; cut the other guy some slack,.

You have all the tools you need to live a life of happiness and well-being. The source of these rest not in outside people, possessions, situations or events, but within your mind. If you place your source of happiness on the externals, you will always be disappointed because the externals always change. Up one day and down the next as the external environment ebbs and flows. You will be tossed about like a rudderless ship on stormy seas, at the whim of which every way the wind blows. Please understand that the only tools you need to create inner contentment are your mind and your free well. You can create steady, consistent inner peace regardless of what happens outside of you.

I know this is a time of great difficulty for many. There is turmoil in the world and for many of you, turmoil in your personal lives. Never before has the earth experienced such change. As Light Workers, you chose to come incarnate now to hold Light and to deliver Light in the midst of this critical evolutionary period. Remember who you are and why you are here.

Take a deep breath and turn inward. In each one of you is a calm place of refuge. It rests within the very center of your being. Here is your place of peace. Feel it. This inner refuge is where you find your anchor and your nourishment. It is where you find your rudder while navigating stormy seas.

There will always be challenges in the outer world. That’s what life is about. You are here to face the challenges that are presented to you and to grow from them. But you can find the strength you need by turning inward.

I ask you to open your heart. Let kindness and compassion grow within you. The more you learn to develop these traits, the greater your sense of well-being will be. This well-being will strengthen your resilience to face life’s challenges.

How do you develop resilience? By training yourself to view the world through loving, compassionate eyes. Amidst the strife, a calmness will develop within you that says “I feel deeply, yet I do so without harshness or criticism. I care”. And because the lower emotions no longer blind you, you can see clearly and make rational decisions from a calm, stable perspective. Your voice will be heard more easily; you will impact your life and the lives of others to greater benefit. Thus, your resilience grows.

The second keyword for 2020 is restructure. For many people, 2019 and 2020 has or will put you into a new space with new surroundings and a new life direction. You find yourself in a new set of circumstances. What do you want this new space to look like? How to you want to grow from here? The energies of 2020 enhance your ability to create new habits, new rituals and routines, and new patterns of thoughts and activities.

What do you want your day to look like? Create a new structure for it. ‘On Sundays I create a healthy meal plan for the week’ or, ‘I meditate from 7:00 to 7:20 each evening’. ‘I take at least two walk breaks a day’. ‘Each week, I reach out and connect with a family member or friend’. ‘I make it a practice to spend more time thinking of the other person, rather than myself.’ It can be anything. Understand that it’s easier now to release old habits and structures and create new ones.

This is also a wonderful time to release old responsibilities and make room for new ones. Take time during this winter solstice period to look at who and what you are responsible for, what you can let go of and what you want to take on.

There is a difference between pleasure and happiness. Pleasure is fleeting. While something may bring you temporary pleasure, it may not bring the sustained happiness you seek. When creating new habits and structures, when observing what thoughts occupy your mind, ask yourself if they are leading you to happiness. You might take momentary pleasure in eating that fourth cookie, or having another beer, or railing against the one who did you so wrong, but are any of these leading you to happiness? That is a good measuring stick.

All that you need to create a sense of well-being rests within your mind. It takes practice and patience to develop a perspective of loving kindness and compassion. But I tell you, this will lead to the clarity, peace and inner contentment you seek. There will always be people who think and act in ways that trouble you, who have different values than you. Life will throw you curve balls. This is the nature of being human. You are in charge of how you react. Your words can injure or they can heal. You can either add to the turmoil or add to the peace.

And remember, kindness and compassion for others begins with kindness and compassion for yourself.

Know that you are loved. You are never alone. There are choirs of angels, guides, and master teachers here to assist you. Let us in.

Walk into this new decade hand in hand with your High Self. The wisdom and strength you need is always there for you, always awaiting your call. For your High Self loves you unconditionally and completely, and always knows ‘the next right thing’.


I bid you peace,
