2022 Spring Equinox Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on March 20, 2022
  On March 20, 2022 at 11:33 am EDT the Spring Equinox begins in the
Northern Hemisphere and the Fall Equinox begins in the Southern Hemisphere

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.
In my Winter Solstice message, I advised you to recuperate and restore to ready for the new actions about to take place. The lion was preparing to attack. The brief respite allowed you to catch your breath before the next series of evolutionary upheavals.
The worldwide changes taking place are bringing you to new understandings. The suffering of the Ukrainian people is felt around the world. Many others are suffering in the world as well, not just what you see in the media. These events are creating a great well of peace from your desire to relieve the suffering and prevent this from occurring again. The impact of war is deeply impacting the world on a grand scale. World War does not have to follow. Watch your thoughts for you do impact the unfoldment of events.
I tell you, stop warring within yourself. Stop warring with your neighbors. What does this mean? Be a point of peace. Stop blaming, judging, condemning. Peace begins with you. I know you’ve heard this before but I ask you to live it. Your thoughts fill the universal bank and spill over into the world.

The effects of war are brutal. You see the devastation wrought; the cruelty. You must understand the power of your thoughts to mitigate what is happening. Hold firm the thoughts, “May God’s Will be done for all involved. May each person open to the wisdom of their High Self to be guided to that which they need”. That may be food and water, or compassion and a will for peace. Whatever is most needed, the High Self can intercede.
Pay attention to your thoughts. In your everyday life, be kind to one another. Be kind to yourself. Forgive. Be a bringer of peace. You are on the path towards unity, even though that path is paved with challenges and hardships. Powerful lessons for humanity are occurring.
Help in physical ways as well. If you can assist in humanitarian efforts, do so. You can look for opportunities to help those who are displaced.
In your personal lives, engage in those things that bring you joy. The powerful healing effect of music and nature are magnified during this equinox period. Water is especially healing now; being around water as well as in it. Even in the shower, you can image the water cascading healing light over and through you, restoring you to wholeness.
Imagination and creativity soar. This is a wonderful time for artistic expression of any sort, as well as creative organization and problem-solving. This is because the world beyond the physical is more accessible now. Divine inspiration, insights, and guidance are closer than ever. Access these through connecting with the higher forces in meditation, time in nature and such. You can heal old wounds from this lifetime as well as those carried over from past lives. You can discover the next step needed for your fulfillment and well-being. Turn within and permit the Divine Light to flood you. What you need to know will present itself as you go about your daily life.
Now more than ever, trust in a peaceful and fulfilling future. Don’t succumb to fear. You are warriors of peace in a changing world. You have all the tools and abilities you need to create the world you want. You are the architects of the new age. Stand strong and know we on this side walk with you each step of the way. Brothers and sisters of Light are we. Together we will forge a future that mirrors the Divine.
I bid you peace,