2022 Summer Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on June 21, 2022

The 2022 Summer Solstice begins in the northern hemisphere

on June 21st at 5:13 am eastern daylight time.

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now,

This is not the time to give up. From your perspective, there is a tearing apart, dissension, violence, and discord. From our perspective, this is true, but there is an overlying evolution towards a future of peace. This violence and poison come to the surface to be purged. To teach that there is another way beyond greed for money and power. That pitting one against another will not lead you to success. That God loves all equally; not one group more or less than another. The Law of Cause and Effect is perfect in teaching a different way, a way that leads to well-being. Growth to peace and balance takes many lifetimes, yet that is where you are headed. Know this.

There is darkness in the world today. Costs of gas, food, and lodging are high. War, thirst and starvation persists. Yet, see the good, too. See those who have dedicated their lives to assisting There is so much good in your world. There is so much love. And that is what needs to be fed and nurtured.

You have a choice every day of what you will do and how you will think. As a co-creator with the Divine, you create your world. I tell you again, don’t despair. Light and love are always the more powerful. Always. So, you choose how you walk through this time. Do you smile a bit more? Say “I love you”, or “How can I help?”, “I’m thinking of you”, “I care”. Volunteer, donate, clean up the trash on your street, demonstrate kindness, do what you can in your pocket of the world to bring peace, to help others. Let go of anger, judgment, and fear. It does nothing positive for you or the world. Rather, think, “How can I help?” Think of the other guy and what they might need and what you can do to reach out.

Every day, choose kindness. One wise teacher said that each morning she asks, “What is my assignment today?” and then remains attentive as to what that might be. What soul growth lesson is there for her? Is today a good day to learn more patience? To be less judgmental? Where is she needed to bring peace and comfort? Very worthwhile questions.

Yours is the world of action. You are the do-ers. We can assist, but you have taken on the task of manifesting in the physical world. The Divine is at the core of your being; always there to call upon and bring forward.  

Do enjoy your summer. Add more happiness and laughter to the world. Know who you are and act as though you know who you are, a Divine Being. We are always here to assist, your companions of the Light.

In this, I bid you peace,
