2022 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht, September 11, 2022

The Fall Equinox begins in the Northern Hemisphere on 9/22/22 at 9:03 pm eastern

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

When there is chaos or sadness, upsets, and challenges in your life, the solace you need lies within. No matter how stormy the seas are, within is where you will find your calm, stable center. Remember to go there often. These are tumultuous times and you need this connection with your High Self more than ever.

Remember that everything outside of you changes; nothing will ever remain the same. When you tie your happiness, security, or sense of well-being to someone or something outside of yourself, you set yourself up for disappointment and loss. When you give away your happiness, security, or sense of well-being because something happened in the world that isn’t as you think it should be, or another doesn’t behave the way you think they should, you set yourself up for disappointment and loss.

The security you seek lies within. Your sense of well-being blossoms from the inner self; so does happiness. Foster these; grow and nurture them. For within is the water to quench you amid the desert. Of course, loving another can bring great joy. The accolades from colleagues, the completed work of art – all these can bring great satisfaction. But my friends, it is temporary. What I ask you to tap is the ever-lasting place of wisdom and strength within. Here you find resilience and the sense of well-being that comes from a strong inner core. Foster a close, conscious relationship with your High Self. It is the most important one you will ever form. As I have said before, when you are in the presence of your High Self, you are in the presence of God. Your High Self is who you really are.

Your Reality Self, the immortal Self wants nothing more than to help you lead a fulfilling, happy life. Always it will lead you to the best decision or action or non-action to take. Turn inward, my friends. You don’t have to face life’s challenges alone. You have the source of all wisdom right within you.

You’ve heard the key to all awareness is meditation and this is true. Many say that they can’t turn their mind off to meditate. I tell you, everyone’s mind wanders. When you try to still the mind, it is natural for thoughts to come and go. There are many sources available to learn and practice meditation. Please know that led meditations are wonderful, but should not take the place of your silent meditations. Those meditations where you tune inward to be one with your High Self.

For this, when you go to meditate, have a focus point – follow your breathing, count breaths one to ten, then back down to one again. And just repeat this for 10-20 minutes. Set your timer so you needn’t think about it. Or, visualize yourself sitting within a great Light, like the sun. Or lie on a hammock at a beautiful beach. When you notice your thoughts have wandered, fine. Just return to the focal point. Don’t attach to any thought, let it float by like a cloud or a passing car as you sit on the side of the road. The more you practice letting thoughts go by without attaching to them, the easier it will be for your mind to slow down. For this is what meditation is, a practice. So, practice!

In this space, you commune with the High Self. The High Self then floods the subconscious with Divine Light of wisdom to feed you throughout your day.

Meditation is one of the most vital actions you can take in a day. That’s because it provides you with the sustenance you need to successfully manage your life. There is nothing better you can do for a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

Most of you already know these things. But it’s time for a reboot. For those of you who have put your meditation practice on the shelf, it’s time to take it down, dust it off, and start your practice again. If you’re meditating on a regular basis, keep at it. If you are new to meditation, this is a very good time to start.  

Expect some real ups and downs during this equinox period. This fall will be a mixed bag of destruction and building. You can have great ease one day, the next day upheaval, followed by extreme harmony. Ride the waves with resilience and trust. Don’t ever lose sight of the good the future is bringing. Find your center and walk from that space, knowing you are headed towards a world of peace. Hold your head up high and persevere. You will find powerful successes mixed in with the challenges. For as stressful as this time may be, the Light is always the more powerful. It descends upon you and your world daily.

You know we are always here for you. Call on us. We are meant to work together.

I bid you peace,
