December 2022 Solstice Message from Aca’u

The 2022 Winter Solstice begins in the Northern Hemisphere

 and the Summer Solstice begins in the Southern Hemisphere

on December 21st at 21:48 UTC, 4:48 pm eastern time

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on December 20, 2022

Greetings, it is I Aca’u who speaks to you now,

Turn inward during this Solstice period for the coming year is one of transformation. It is a most important year in your evolutionary cycle and preparation is called for. Now, you are always growing and learning from your experiences. But 2023 will hold a different type of growth; it’s deeper and more lasting. You can transform your life in the next year. The energy of the new year is one of vast change, transformation, and growth. Universal forces enhance the power of your thoughts and thus, your ability to manifest. Your ability to heal yourself as well as others, including dwellers of the nature kingdom, is accelerated. 2023 will bring great change.  

Major shifts occur in the planets Saturn and Pluto as they enter new astrological signs; Pisces and Aquarius respectively. These provide fresh energies that allow for greater compassion and imagination, as well as objectivity and advanced intellectual concepts.

But you must make room for the new growth. To do so, I suggest that over this December solstice period, you heal from your past, whatever in you needs healing. This is a time to release any fear of the future, let go of shame or guilt you hold, and any resentments, angers or regrets. Do some self-review. There is a never-ending outpouring of Divine Light to assist and guide you, but when you hold on to these types of emotions, they form a barrier to that Divine Emanation. You create a blockage. The Divine wants you to receive its bounty. Its outcome is to restore balance. When you are in doubt or unsure of the next step to take, how to respond to a challenge, or how to improve your circumstances, this Divine Emanation can restore balance. The Inner balance enables you to receive insights, guidance and clear direction. It provides the peace of mind you need to understand that which you need to understand and act upon it.

So, when you hold on to fears, angers, doubts, shame, remorse, and such, you are holding yourself back. You become one more person that needs healing. Heal thyself and you are free. You can receive Divine Assistance each step of the way. Begin by turning inward with unhampered honesty. Be courageous in facing your inner self. It’s worth it. Because once you take the blinders off and see with clear sight what is holding you back, you can release and move forward. Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall open. This means that you can ask your High Self to show you what is holding you back. What attitudes, habits, and beliefs need to be released for you to progress more smoothly? This is the first step I suggest you make during this winter solstice period.

You may be shown your answer in a dream, in meditation, or in an “ah-ha” moment that springs up seemingly out of nowhere during the day. By your sincere intention, it will be shown to you. For your evolvement is the Divine Plan.

Once you see what these veils to your enlightenment are, reflect on them; bring yourself to a place of peace with them. Divine Light enables you to do this.

In this space of healing, this transformation of the self you have accomplished, rest. Take stock of your accomplishment. For to face the self with honesty and transform that which is needed is the Hero’s Journey.

After you have rested in this cleansed and balanced space – and that could take a few days, a few weeks, whatever time you need – you are ready to call forth the new into your life. Choose one area of your life that you want to be transformed. And if you don’t know, simply ask, “High Self, what is it I need for my greatest fulfillment this year?” You will know what is most beneficial for you to manifest.

Then, take some time to create a sacred space. Light a candle and call forth the Power and Presence of the Creator. You will feel the Divine Power descend. You may even see a soft glow of Light surrounding you. We sometimes think of it as “God’s playdough” for it is pure Divine potential and you direct it by your thoughts. It is pure Creative Force. Once you sense it about you, imbue it with your desire. Make a statement as “I call forth from the Universe ______” that which you desire to manifest in 2023. See that thought form imbued with pure potential and watch it form into a brilliant ball of Light. Your desired manifestation is imbued with Divine Power in this ball. If you choose, permit the ball of Light to enter your heart, knowing it will guide you as to its proper manifestation. Accept that it is so.

Many people throughout the world need your prayers. Take time daily to send the Light where it is most needed. Your High Self will know where. You can make a great difference through your thoughts as well as your actions. Know that we are all One and we are returning to that Unity as we evolve.

In this season of peace and love, permit it to flow to you, within and from you. For you are a Divine Being with the power of the Creator within. For God is, you are and you are one. Remember we are with you always.

I bid you peace,
