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New Date! New Building! New Room!

Astrology & Affirmations: Manifest Your Best in 2014

Other WorldsPresented by Camille Albrecht

Saturday, February 8th

The storm has passed (for now!) and we are able to commence with this workshop.

We are in the midst of dramatic, uncommon astrological configurations that are resulting in global and personal transformation. And, fierce weather patterns! As we move into 2014, the energies enable us to contact Spirit more readily and to manifest more powerfully than ever before. We are moving rapidly towards living at one with our High Self.

Astrology and Affirmations are tools that have withstood the test of time. As an astrologer, spiritual teacher and channel for over 35 years’, I’ve researched these subjects extensively. As result, I’ve designed a class to share what is occurring in the heavens and most importantly, how to best navigate through your way through. No prior knowledge of astrology is needed.

This class is packed with practical information to help you make sense of these challenging times, and to feel more confident about the future. You’ll walk away with specific knowledge and tools to proceed with success. You’ll have detailed written guidelines for navigating through this time well and design a concise, empowering personal affirmation to manifest your best in 2014.

Date: Saturday, February 8, 2014

Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Cost: $60.00

Location: Muskegon Community College,

           Stevenson Center

           2nd floor, Room 1200: Conference Complex

           221 S. Quarterline Road, Muskegon, MI


Contact Camille at [email protected] with any questions.

Please share this with family and friends – Absolutely everyone is welcome to attend!

Astrology & Affirmations Workshop Rescheduled Due to Storm!

Due to a winter snow storm forecasted for February 1st, this workshop is rescheduled for:

Saturday, February 8th

New Date! New Building! New Room!

Kagaya_the_universeWe are in the midst of dramatic, uncommon astrological configurations that are resulting in global and personal transformation. And, severe weather patterns! Astrologers have named it, The Cardinal Cross Years. As we move into 2014, the energies enable us to contact Spirit more readily and to manifest more powerfully than ever before. We are moving rapidly towards living at one with our High Self.

Astrology and Affirmations are tools that have withstood the test of time. As an astrologer, spiritual teacher and channel for over 35 years’, I’ve researched these subjects extensively. As result, I’ve designed a class to share what is occurring in the heavens and most importantly, how to best navigate  your way through. You don’t need to know a thing about astrology to benefit.

This class is packed with practical information to help you make sense of these challenging times, and to feel more confident about the future. You’ll walk away with specific knowledge and tools to proceed with success. You’ll also have detailed written guidelines for navigating through this time well and design a concise, empowering personal affirmation to manifest your best in 2014.

Date: Saturday, February 8, 2014

Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Cost: $60.00

Location: Muskegon Community College, Stevenson Center

2nd floor, Room 1200: The Conference Complex

221 S. Quarterline Road, Muskegon, MI

RSVP Camille at [email protected] to confirm attendance,

and I’ll be sure to have enough handouts.

Please share this invitation with family and friends.

Absolutely everyone is welcome to attend!


Astrology & Affirmations: Manifest Your Best in 2014

 Saturday, February 1, 2014

I’ll let you know when the audio version of this class is available in mid-February.

We are in the midst of dramatic, uncommon astrological configurations that are resulting in global and personal transformation. Astrologers have named it, The Cardinal Cross Years. As we move into 2014, the energies enable us to contact Spirit more readily and to manifest more powerfully than ever before. We are moving Kagaya_the_universerapidly towards living at one with our High Self.

Astrology and Affirmations are tools that have withstood the test of time. As an astrologer, spiritual teacher and channel for over 35 years’, I’ve researched these subjects extensively. As result, I’ve designed a class to share what is occurring in the heavens and most importantly, how to best navigate  your way through. You don’t need to know a thing about astrology to benefit.

This class is packed with practical information to help you make sense of these challenging times, and to feel more confident about the future. You’ll walk away with specific knowledge and tools to proceed with success. You’ll also have detailed written guidelines for navigating through this time well and design a concise, empowering personal affirmation to manifest your best in 2014.

Date: Saturday, February 1, 2014

Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Cost: $60.00

Location: Muskegon Community College, Blue & Gold Room

221 S. Quarterline Road, Muskegon, MI

RSVP Camille at [email protected] to confirm attendance,

and I’ll be sure to have enough handouts.

Please share this invitation with family and friends.

Absolutely everyone is welcome to attend!

2013 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u


Channeled by Camille Albrecht on December 20, 2013

 The Winter Solstice begins on December 21, 2013 at 12:11 p.m. ET 

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

The challenges you face are taking you to a better place. As you progress forward, may peace be with you. Take a moment to drink it in. All around you, the energy of peace and wholeness is present. You need only open to it. Draw it in. You can be restored in a moment by accepting that Divine Power and allowing it to fill your being.

Your ability to tap into Divine Love – which is the healing power – is your birthright. When you feel challenged, frightened, worried, take a moment to breathe in that Light that is always there. It will calm you and bring a sense of peace. Because in this Light, there is the ability to restore balance within you. Once you are in a state of balance, you can see things more clearly and your understanding increases. You can more easily tap into guidance and direction. Any problem or concern can be assisted through this process.

You have all come to earth to work on yourself and your universe. And you have chosen to incarnate in a time of some of the greatest changes and challenges since the beginning of time. You are moving towards greatness. That is the Light Being. You are moving from density to Light. From the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age. The Piscean Age taught much needed self-discipline to the world yet, that was accomplished through fear and punishment. “If you did not follow proper action, God will get you”. Eternal damnation from an external, vengeful God was the great deterrent to misuse of your power and will.

Important evolutionary steps were taken in the Piscean Age. Mankind began to accept that there was one God, manifest in all things. And, that you had to treat one another with love. The importance of following a moral or spiritual code of behavior came to be. Taking part in sinful behavior would result in great punishment. The concept of good and evil was driven home. These were taught as external powers. There was an external God who was good and an external Satan who was bad. You could choose to follow the path of either and suffer the consequences of making the wrong choice. And of course, there was the Master Teachers, such as Jesus and others, to show the way to abide by God’s will on earth. So the Piscean Age accomplished a great deal in the evolutionary process.

Now, mankind has moved from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age. You have brought forth your learned lessons, along with the blockages you incurred along the way. This new space, the Aquarian Age, is higher in vibration than the Piscean Age. The old patterns of imbalance cannot function in this new vibration. They must be released. The very laws of Nature will accomplish this release. You can assist or resist. And the releases are coming at a more rapid, demanding level. This is why you are facing the challenges you face. Soul growth. You are being pushed, prodded, pressured to release emotional and mental patterns that are not in line with the higher vibrations.

You may not understand why you have a specific life lesson. Often times, there won’t be a clear reason. “What was it from a past life that I did to cause this?” “Or was it this lifetime?” “Is the lesson mine or is my challenge for the learning experience of those around me?” Let trying to determine the underlying cause go; it doesn’t matter in the long run. What matters is, how are you going to face the challenges you have here and now? That is where the soul growth comes in. That is all that matters. That you handle whatever it is you are facing with a spirit of acceptance, kindness, love and peace.

Acceptance. That’s the first step. You have an expression born over the past few years to help with just this very issue: “It is what it is”. Very important! Because once you accept that you have the illness or that you are in an unhealthy relationship, or that your eating or drinking is out of balance, or whatever it is that is creating distress, then you can begin to alter it.

Those things that are not in a state of wholeness and balance will be drawn up and out to be addressed. Even in your political arenas, the extreme attitudes of some politicians will result in their demise. These behaviors will not be tolerated in the new energies. Internationally, tyrants will fall; freedom and independence will be achieved. As difficult as it may be to understand, please know that you are moving to a greater place of peace and wholeness, kindness and love. The world of appearances can be quite frightening now. Yet, this is the very purging needed to move you from the old patterns into the new. You have entered the Age of Peace, Brotherhood and Sisterhood. Energies not in accordance with that pattern will not survive.

You must love one another. You don’t have to like what the other guy did; you don’t have to go out to dinner with them or be best buddies. But, you do have to love them, soul to soul. You have societal laws that must be followed and a person must have consequences for not abiding by those laws. This makes for a civilized world. Beyond that, let the judgment go. You don’t have to judge them; universal laws will correct all that needs to be corrected. Be and let be.

Kindness: “God’s will be done”. “Be a point of Light”. These are the goals of a Light Worker. And one of the best measures of thinking and acting as such is to ask, “Am I being kind?” No matter what you are facing, within yourself or outside of yourself, ask if how you are behaving is kind. Are you treating yourself with kindness? Is what you are saying and how you are saying it kind? You can disagree with someone and be kind while doing it. You can leave a job or leave a relationship with kindness. If you are struggling with illness, in yourself or caring for another, treat others with kindness. It will make all the difference.

Just for one day, be as kind as you can possibly be. Write the word down on a few sticky notes, “Kindness”, as your reminder. Then, paste one at your desk, one in your kitchen, your car or where ever you will see your notes. And, check your thoughts and behaviors throughout the day. The world can use as much kindness as you can muster.

And the other two qualities key to the Age of Aquarius are love and peace. Be a point of love, be a point of peace. The following affirmation given by the Seraph, Julian, can create this in your life. For affirmations, when repeated on a regular basis, become the thought pattern that creates the new behaviors and thus, the new world:

God is my source of all supply, and answers my every need.

I become a flow of energy in a moving force.

I know no beginning and no end. 

I am an instrument of peace and wholeness.

It flows from me, from my voice and from my eyes.

It flows through me, from my heart and from my touch.

It flows. A never-ending source of peace.   For that is who I am. 

So Be It.

In this Season of Light, love yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be at peace with yourself. Accept you just the way you are. From this space, acceptance, loving kindness and peace will flow out from you to the world. And you will truly be living your Reality Self, the Light Being that you are.

May your heart be light and joy be yours as you accept the Love that surrounds and fills you.

I bid you peace,



Enter the Void to Birth Something New in Your Life

What would bring you great joy, a new relationship? More fulfilling work? Greater health?

In this class, Aca’u explains the impact of universal energies over the past five years. This has been a turbulent time with great purpose. Aca’u shares where we are meant to go from here.

The class begins with a gentle led meditation to bring calm and centering. Then, walking through a corridor that leaves the past behind and seeing your future – a happy one, ahead.

For healing and restoration, Aca’u will take you on a journey into The Void. Here, you will experience some of the greatest peace you have images-1ever known. This is a space of calm and inner knowing. This is a beautiful space to enter when you need to be replenished. It is also the space where you touch what it is you want to bring in to your life. Aca’u refers to The Void as a place where we can access “God’s playdoh” to create whatever it is we want to create in our lives. Everyone, no matter who, no matter where, is now in the process of bringing something new into their lives. This meditation can bring it into manifestation.

Next, Aca’u provides a perfect healing technique to rid you of something from this lifetime or a past lifetime that is causing distress. You may not even know the cause, only the result. Perhaps you have a fear of closed spaces, or deny yourself financial success or a fulfilling relationship. This healing exercise goes right to the core of the issue, as it resides in your subconscious mind, to release it at its very roots. You can use this simple technique again and again for anything within you – or within another – that needs healing. It works!

This class provides go-to exercises and meditations that you’ll be able to use throughout your life. Bright Blessings to you!

A digital recording can be purchased for $15 through PayPal or by contacting me at [email protected] . Once purchased, I will email you the recording. Please contact me should you have any questions. Thank you!

Release Blockages & Set Up Your Day for Success

This class, taught by Camille, begins with an exercise to cleanse the mind of attitudes, beliefs, feelings or attachments that are no longer beneficial in your life. The first step in the process is to identify what those things that need release might be. Once identified, the next step is the release. Included are suggestions for how to handle those things you are not yet ready to let go of, and issues in your life that need healing and resolution. These may include letting go of issues related to a difficult childhood, marriage or job situation along with how to address unresolved issues with others.

Then, I’ll offer practical techniques on how to attract healthy, balanced attitudes, beliefs, feelings and attachments. This is a great way to release what is causing distress in your life and attract to you that which you want for a happy and healthy life.

In the second part of this class, I offer tried and true ideas for setting up your day to bring greater productivity and joy. The techniques I share with you can make a great difference in how you proceed throughout your day.images

I’ll share with you some exercises and techniques taught by the Seraphim, Julian. (  You’ll learn how to create a protective filter that will allow in what you need to sense and experience, but will not have you interact with those energies not necessary for you. This will filter out that which you don’t need, but will allow in that which you do, such as knowing what is around the corner or if a loved one is in need.

Other subjects discussed in this class included  information on your guides and their purpose, what your guides and guardian angel are there for, and how to handle the challenge of watching a loved one go through trauma.

This class is packed with useful, practical and timely information.

A digital recording can be purchased for $15 through PayPal or by contacting me at [email protected] . Once purchased, I will email you the recording. Please contact me should you have any questions. Thank you!



New Class: Survive and Flourish This Holiday Season

I’m excited to offer you the first in a series of new classes taught by Aca’u and me. These classes are recordings of those we teach  on a bi-monthly basis at The White Lake Community Library in Whitehall. Many people have requested recordings of these classes and I am happy to be able to make them available to you. Each class last about one hour and varies in topic. I think you will find them interesting, practical and enjoyable.

94_holiday-candleThe first class offered  is titled, Survive and Flourish this Holiday Season. It’s a great one to listen to in preparation for upcoming holidays. In addition to holiday preparation, other timely topics covered in this class include:

1. Techniques to create a stress free, enjoyable holiday that can be used for most any  event or occasion

2. How to relate to others in challenging situations

4. The importance of taking care of yourself and how to accomplish that

5. How to create your reality by accepting your current situation and moving it forward

Aca’u includes a beautiful Chakra Meditation to cleanse and balance the system

6. This is followed by a brief discussion of the chakras

Aca’u provides some real insights and practical tools for making this one of the best Holiday Seasons yet! This is a wonderful class to begin preparing you for creating a successful year ahead.

This digital recording can be purchased for $15 through PayPal or by contacting me at [email protected] . Once purchased, I will email you the recording. Please contact me should you have any questions. Thank you!



2013 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

As channeled through Camille Albrecht on September 21, 2013

The Fall Equinox begins on Sunday, September 22nd at 4:44 pm EDT

Greetings, it is I Aca’u who speaks to you now.

Be at peace. The change you seek is here. Many of you have already started on your new path. For some, it arrived so subtly that until you stop and really take a look around you, you won’t notice that it began. You may have left one job to take on another, let go of past relationships to form new ones; you’ve begun to shape your life differently from what it was before.

Some still stand in the mist, not quite sure what their new path will be. Yet, there is a sense that clarity is coming soon, and you will know what the next step is.

Take a moment to review the many changes that have occurred in your life over the past five years. In a word, transformation. You have broken from the past and pushed through to a new life. Many of you experienced trauma such as serious illness, financial crisis, divorce, or the death of someone close to you. Yet, you have also discovered an inner strength you hadn’t known before. Along with these changes has come a new perspective, and you have redefined what you value most. The result? Attitudes, relationships, responsibilities and such that you were not meant to carry into this new Aquarian Age were released. New ones have unfolded.

The past eighteen months were especially challenging for many who experienced a great Initiation. You were asked to use your knowledge, skills and tools to face the challenges life cast before you. The Initiation has now been completed and you are healing, perhaps still a bit weak at the knees.

I spoke to you at the Summer Solstice that summer was a time of healing. These past few months have provided an energy that asked you to slow down. Did you feel a bit more tired than usual? The universe asked you not to have your plate so full. There wasn’t the time or energy to do all the things you had planned. In some cases, illness or injury slowed you down. But for most, it was time to incorporate more relaxation between responsibilities. There is a reason many of the planets retrograde in the summer. It is meant to be a time to slow down, refresh, restore, and recuperate. That has been especially so this summer.

Now, with the Fall Equinox, energies rev up once again. Not in the old way. The Fall Equinox brings a balance of exuberance and calm. There is a peace within that you can tap more readily than before. All you need to do is turn inward. You’ll see, it is right there. The more you tap into it, the easier it becomes to access. This is your key to finding the way, managing your challenges, knowing what to say and do. It is tapping into the Light within that is ever ready to guide you, nurture you and balance you. It is your Reality Self.

Take a moment now to turn inward and feel it. Let this Light well up with in you; this never ending Source of peace and wholeness.

“Divine Power, thank you for your presence in my life. Show me the way. I accept you in my life and ask you to fill me with your peace and wholeness. Joy is mine, security is mine, health is mine. I am Light and I deliver Light. So be it.”

This is a good way to begin your day. It will never steer your wrong. “Ask and you shall receive”. “Knock and the door will open”. These are truths. When you ask for Divine Assistance, it will always be there for you. Always.

The Fall Equinox energies bring exuberance. You will feel your batteries recharged. This is a good time to begin a new physical routine, as the body wants movement. If you have always done it one way, try a new way. It doesn’t matter what you choose. Each person will find what best suits them. But, you must move. Over the past several years, life changes have created toxins in the body that can be released through physical routines. This may be tai chi, yoga, aerobics, weight training, walking – what have you. The point is, move! J The purpose is to rid the body of toxins, and to strengthen, tone and build flexibility, but also for your mental and emotional health.

The Fall Equinox will provide an edginess that encourages you to tackle new things. It gives an internal push to join new social groups, have the courage to ask someone out, work on a challenging relationship with your family member, co-worker or neighbor. It will feel right to take the new course of study, or to explore options for a new career or avocation. This will be felt as an internal tension to progress. It is needed to drive you forward to accept new opportunities for growth. However, that inner tension can also become out of balance. Physical movement will help to dissipate the excess so you have just enough to be buoyant and nicely charged without being too much. So, as they say, just do it!

I would like to talk about healing for a moment. Healing does not always mean feeling calm. Sometimes healing requires facing adversity. If you have lived with unresolved issues, the healing energies now will bring forth situations that encourage you to address them. Although it may not be easy, in the long run, it is worth the effort. Remember to call in the Light, and then progress with courage and faith that with effort, you will succeed.

This is the time for new mental stimulation. It brings opportunities to explore untried potentials. This allows you to express yourself more fully and with greater innovation. Please welcome these. They may keep you busy and on your toes, but what a feeling of accomplishment you’ll have by giving it a go!

For those of you still uncertain of what your new path is, be patient just a bit longer. And in the meantime, take action. You may not know that the action will lead you to ‘the thing’. And, that’s fine. But do explore new activities. Align with your High Self by turning inward, then put out the call for the program, class, or other step forward that’s right for you. And watch, something will catch your eye and you can begin.

Your thoughts are more powerful than ever in creating your life. The Fall Equinox energies continue to enhance your ability to manifest. This enhancement will continue over the next few years. Your dreams can become your reality. Affirmations are strong tools of manifestation, and can move you from a feeling of hope, to one of belief, and finally, to the knowing. One of the reasons an affirmation works is because it takes you from a state of uncertainty, “I hope” to a somewhat firmer state of security, “I believe” and eventually to a true understanding, “I know”.

Once you know in your heart that it is so, manifestation will occur. Thus the saying, and I paraphrase here, “As one thinks in their heart, so shall it be”.

Take time over this next week to decide what you want to manifest between now and the Winter Solstice. Write out the first few steps you will take to achieve it, along with your start date. For, you must follow your thought with action for manifestation to occur.

There is the potential for much generosity with this Fall Equinox. You will find yourself wanting to extend kindnesses to others. And, you will find kindnesses extended to you. Ask yourself, “Where can I express generosity today?” Look for opportunities. It will change the life of the recipient and it will change you as well.

Here’s an invitation for you. Each day, beginning today, I want you to extend a kindness to another. You may show generosity in tangible ways such as making a donation or helping someone cross the street, walking a dog from an animal shelter, or cleaning up litter on your street. The opportunities are endless. You may show generosity of spirit, giving intangible gifts – a smile, an acceptance when one expected to be shunned, or an understanding to one who holds opposing political beliefs.

Try it for one week. Ask yourself, “What loving, kind act can I do today? After one week, see the changes brought about within you, and know with a certainty that you have changed the universe as well. You are moving to a place of peace and joy and kindness. This is your future. It is what the Aquarian Age is about. Live it. Fan it.

There is so much to be grateful for in the world. You have all been through great challenge and with it, great growth. You stand stronger, more aware, clearer in who you are and in your connection with The Divine. And, when teamed with The Creator, you can accomplish all things. You can create a future that is wonderful.

And so shall it be.

I bid you peace,


Time to Take Care of You!

26th-August-2013-chart-871x812This pattern – the Six Pointed Star – repeats again and again with various planets until mid-September. What it means is, take time for yourself to heal, relax, and restore. Spend time in nature. The challenges will still be there, (you can see the squares in red in the above chart – today, a Grand Square~) but your ability to tap into deep, healing energy is there. It’s more accessible than usual. With Fall comes new energies that will stimulate change. You’ll hear all about it in The Fall Message from Aca’u. Until then, as busy as your life may be, make it a priority to give youself some down time; especially in the presents of nature. It will help you prepare for the Fall energies ahead. So get out there and enjoy the beauty that is all around and do take care of yourself!

2013 Summer Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on June 15, 2013

The Summer Solstice begins Friday, June 21, 2013 at 1:04 am eastern, 12:04 am central.

It begins Thursday, June 20th at 11:04 pm mountain, 10:04 pm pacific.

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u, who speaks to you now.

This is a summer that brings energies of peace. There is a great influx of energies of healing and compassion, encouraging you to luxuriate in the beauty and power of nature.blazing_sun

Over the past several years, many of you have gone through a period of great challenge or trauma. I have spoken of this often since 2009, when The Cardinal Cross began. The universal energies created tensions and situations that realigned you, repositioned you. You or someone you love may have gone through a serious health challenge, you may have lost someone quite close to you. Some have had significant job changes or moved. Relationships you had for years ended and new, important ones began.

You have learned whom you can place your trust in. These relationships must be nourished now. Take time to do so. For through them, you sustain one another. It is important to walk in unity now, for this is the Age of Peace, Brotherhood and Sisterhood. In all relationships, a sense of acceptance must be. “I may disagree with how you are handling something, but I do not judge you”. You don’t have to like everyone, but you do have to love them, soul to soul. Leave the judging to a far greater power. Rather, hold the attitude of “be and let be”.

Now, there’s a difference between the changes you’ve gone through over these past few years and the everyday events they may appear to be. That is because through these changes, major initiations have taken place. Many of you have faced your greatest challenges over these past few years. The changes that resulted are life altering. You now stand repositioned, ready to create your life anew. New potentials have been brought to the surface, with new awakenings, new attitudes, new perspectives. Your values have been honed and there is an inner desire to make manifest on the outside, the kind of life that resonates within the new you. And you are beginning to take the action that will bring it about.

“I will take steps to develop a new career based on what I truly love to do”

“I will honor myself by revamping my to-do list to take more time to nurture me”

“I appreciate my family as never before and will treat them with more acceptance and love.”

“Health is precious. I make healthy choices for my body”

“Happiness and peace emanate from within. I have a choice how I will respond to every situation that occurs in my life”.

These are simple examples. Do take note of the new perspectives you’ve developed that steer your life differently now. It is important to foster and develop those thoughts that bring you greater fulfillment. The more you do that, the deeper they become imbued within you and the greater your ability to manifest that fulfillment.

I know there are those of you who have just experienced a new trauma. You face great uncertainty as to what your future holds. I tell you, be at peace. Find that peace by tapping in to the love and support from the Divine Creator who is ever present and ever powerful. Let the Divine Power fill you with strength, courage, trust and wholeness. Take time each day to see that Light fill every cell in your body, every corner of your mind. You will have the guidance, love and support you need to see you through. The ability to connect with God – by whatever name you call the Light of Lights – is enhanced by the energies now.

Your meditations will be highly fulfilling. This is a very, very productive use of your time this summer. Twenty minutes a day in silence is all it takes to enrich your life in all ways.

The highly challenging astrological energies of 2009 – 2013 have softened this year. The Summer Solstice energy still contains several challenging aspects, but the overall pattern is harmonic.

Expect a summer that brings deep inner peace and deep healing. It is there for you to touch now. This Summer Solstice period brings enrichment of whatever you choose to focus on. Be mindful of where your focus is.

Slow your pace this summer. Spend time in nature. Allow these magnificent energies to bubble up within you and radiate from the very center of your being to fill you, heal you and push outward to touch all those you encounter with peace and love. This is not mere flowery sentiment. This is the reality of the Summer Solstice energies.

Facing challenges is a part of life. Yet they will be much easier to face now if you tap into the available energies I speak of. For they are much touchable now than they have been in a long time.

So this means you can handle life’s challenges better than ever. There will be much inner strength available to you. Also, easier access to inner guidance.

This is what I suggest you will discover within you now. In the past, you may have reacted quite emotionally to life’s ups and downs. Getting angry, being critical and judgmental, feeling fear, lashing out or throwing in the towel and saying “I can’t cope” – these are common reactions of the past.

That doesn’t have to be today’s scenario. It is easier to detach for a moment, say “Okay, I don’t like what’s happening here. How do I choose to respond?” You will find it easier to have a better handle on your emotions. Notice this. You may find a flash of anger when someone upsets you, but you will have the opportunity to snap out of it quicker. Then, it will be your choice to feed the angry thoughts and react in anger, or, you can feed that detached place and take a few breaths and gain a handle on that anger. You can respond with a calm state of mind. For today’s energies make it easier for you to control your emotions rather then your emotions controlling you. And that is a very empowering thing.

Take time to foster this. It will serve you for the rest of your life.

This is a happy summer. The energies are buoyant, light and playful. Whatever you are facing in your life now, take time to watch nature dance and sing. Happiness is all about you if you would but see it. It can heal you at a deep level, so do allow it in.

Create happy times this summer. Play with your children, take time for fun activities with your spouse and your friends, play with your dog or cat. Laugh!

There is such loving, peaceful energy in the heavens now that you can tap into. I ask you to look at your schedule. What can you let go of to allow time to just be this summer? And to be with family and friends, enjoying the preciousness of time together. Turn off the TV, the smart-phone, the iPad or whatever electronic device is keeping you from immersing yourself in the healing, happy energies awaiting you.

Soon, the time will come again for great productive action. For you to be fully prepared for that, you must replenish yourself. This summer can do that. And I tell you, harsh thoughts towards another – be it a person, an employer, a government – only diminishes you. This summer solstice energy brings acceptance and compassion. Not in the sense of ‘anything goes’ but in a sense of ‘this needs correction, not damnation”.

The arts are favored this summer. And, your senses are heightened. What a grand combination! You can savor art at a deep level and create art fluidly. For these are energies of imagination, creativity, and inspiration. Give it a try – go to a live music event and notice how the music is just a little more enticing. Read beautiful poetry and notice what it evokes within you. Visit an art gallery; the list goes on and on. If you tune in, you will notice that which is exquisite.

Your own creations will be inspired as well. Paint, write, sing, dance. Even your yoga practice will feel different because all of these are enhanced by the energies at play. Your morning walks will be more healing.

Please don’t let these beautiful, life enriching energies go by without your drinking them in.

You are creating your summer. Your reactions to what is taking place, the thoughts you have, the words you speak, the actions you take are all working together to create this summer for you and those about you. Choose love. Choose accepting the differences of those around you. Hold off on the judgments, okay? Choose to take the ups and downs as they are and make the very best of it. No matter what, you can choose to make this summer a good one.

Recognize your power. You are a Co-Creator with the Divine Creator and together, all things are possible. Those of us on the Inner Plane support you. Please do call on us and know we will be there.

Love yourself as you are loved.

I bid you peace,
