Archive for Messages – Page 4

Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

The Winter Solstice begins December 21, 2012 at 6:12 am EST

From Camille: Aca’u initially presented his Winter Solstice Message on December 11th.  That message follows this additional information channeled from Aca’u on December 17th, 2012:

Great sadness fills hearts now, as the world mourns for the loss of life taken in Newtown, Connecticut last Friday. Such horrors seem incomprensible; that innocent youngsters with their whole lives before them, were murdered by a mentally ill man. That this man also took the lives of dedicated, heroic adults who did all they could to save others brings profound sorrow.


Please know that these children and adults are being cared for and comforted on our side by many, many angels and masters. The children are with beings familiar to them and with whom they feel safe. For many, this is the Master Teacher, Jesus. They will find peace. Please continue to send your prayers to those on both sides, as this period of acceptance and adjustment continues.


I also ask you to pray for the perpetrator, who needs Light as well.


You can make a great difference by sending Healing Light to all those involved. Light is always stronger than the dark. Know this. The Light will prevail.


I bid you peace,



Note from Camille: I channeled The Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u on December 11, 2012. Initially, it was difficult for me to understand why Aca’u would say ‘all is right in the heavens and earth’ when the tragedy of December 14th was looming. However, I was directed to find Julian’s teaching, “On Approaching the Bumps in Life” ( Then, I understood that this horror brings to the surface poisons that must be identified so that we do all we can to prevent this from happening again. May you find comfort in these teachings as well.

Greetings! It is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now. Be blessed during this Holiday Season. Know that you are safe and protected. All is right in the heavens and all is right on earth. Peace. Let your hearts be Light. You are the builders of your future and what a wonderful future it is!


You see and hear so much on your news and in your fast-digital media, of all the problems and disasters and upheavals; the protests and killings and such. You don’t hear of all the good. The kindnesses, the miraculous healings, the joys, the efforts that are becoming more and more successful to restore and protect your natural resources, sea life, rain forests. There is so much good going on in your world.


Here’s a suggestion. For just one day over this next month, please focus on the good things taking place in the world. The Heroes. The good men and women and children who are making a difference to bring about a new world filled with peace and abundance. Read their stories, read of the new sciences and technologies that are bringing great healing. Share these stories with others. One candle can light the darkness. How very true this is! You can be that candle.


Bring peace, my friends. There is so much fear in your world right now. Not only fear of the dreaded 2012 Winter Solstice and the imminent destruction it is to bring on your planet, there is such fear of lack. People fear there won’t be enough money, won’t be enough jobs, won’t be enough ___ fill in the blank. And what do these fears create? Lack. You can bring peace by simply stating, and believing, in a positive, progressive future. And when someone says, “I think it will turn out badly”, say, “I don’t believe that. I trust in a bright, happy future”. And there you go, you have just added to the energy of the bright and happy future.


As I have said many times, you are the builders. You are the bridge between the past and the future.


And so here we are on the cusp of pure Aquarian Age energy. Breathe it in. It is your future for a very long time; 2600 years! This is the Age of Peace. Think about that; Peace. What does this mean? It is not just peace between warring factions in your world, it is peace between mankind and nature as well. There is a cooperation growing, an understanding and appreciation of nature. Mankind is beginning to understand Nature’s power and the mutual dependence between mankind and nature. New fields are developing to support the sustainability of your planet. Trust it is moving in the right direction. And assist the process through your thoughts and through your actions as well.


This is also an Age of Peace within the self. No more warring within! No more cutting yourself down, diminishing yourself. This is the age of peaceful acceptance of who you are, just as you are. Yet with that, there is great desire to evolve. There is an inner thrust propelling you to grow. You can feel this desire to progress, although the end destination is not yet known. It is not supposed to be clear-cut now. The growing, the moving forward, the exploration is what is important now.


How many of you are working towards developing a stronger intuition to hear the voice of your Higher Self? And it’s working! The veil has lifted between your world and mine. Our worlds are closer than ever. Your vibration has increased so much so, that we are able to connect and communicate more readily now.


“Be still and listen and know that I Am God.” Make the connection with the Divine each day. It will nourish you in all ways.


If you would but make the effort to reinstate your daily meditation practice, you will see how quickly your evolution goes. I am not only referring to your ability to communicate with your High Self and with beings on the inner plane, guides, teachers, angelic force and such. I am also saying that meditation brings balance and wholeness to the physical body, to the emotional body and to the mental body. Meditation is your great healer, for it is the key to all awareness. And, through increased awareness, you are healed. Give it a try for a month, will you? And see how your life improves.


There is a massive influx of new energy now. And what is it? Power. Your power has magnified many-fold and will continue to do so as you adjust to the new vibrations. When you send The Light to heal any person or situation, it is amplified, rarefied and miracles become commonplace.


Manifestation continues to excel both in quickness and in accuracy. So do watch your thoughts. The manifestation may not take form tomorrow, because we the Universe knows the right and perfect timing, yet the manifestation will occur. Ask for the best possible timing, the best possible outcome.


That thoughts will manifest more readily can create fear. You may find yourself having some thoughts that you don’t want to manifest. You can delete that by making a common statement, “Cancel, cancel, cancel” and replace the negative thought with a positive one. Now, you must live the new thought. You can’t think the world is going to hell in a hand-basket, say ‘Cancel, cancel, cancel. The world is going to a good space” and them damn the polluters that afternoon. It doesn’t work that way. You send Light to those you perceive to be polluting, know that the Light always works and that they will see what they need to see and understand that which they need to understand.


Understand that this magnified power allows you to tap into your highest potentials. By doing so, you create a world you’ll want for generations to come.


Water is to be respected. The comprehension of the need for clean water will grow; it won’t be taken for granted anymore. Don’t waste water. Value it as precious, for it sustains you just as the sunlight sustains you. Acknowledge your great fortune to turn on a tap and have clean water at your disposal. How blessed you are! Now, take time to be grateful for such abundance and do bless your planet’s water. See it as abundant and clean for the whole – and I include the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms as well as humans.


Please try something new! Paint, sing, dance, write. Volunteer. Drive a new way home. Make 2013 The Year of Exploration. All things are possible with this new energy. That may seem daunting if you don’t know what it is you want to create. And that’s fine. Don’t think it all has to be done now. If you would but say, “I trust that my future will be healthy, successful, abundant and joyful”, that gets the ball rolling in the right direction, don’t you think?


Then, explore! What’s a new thing you could try in January?


You have so much potential ready to be tapped. Skills and abilities that have been dormant, some undiscovered, some lain to rest for too long. Take up the piano again!  Go through your community education classes and find something that interests you. Teach a class. Offer to share your expertise with another.


The world is not ending, dear friends, it is beginning in a new expression. What ends is the Piscean Age of structure and form. It cannot be as it has always been. The old way doesn’t work with the new energy. And with it’s ending goes an ending to martrydom, guilts, self-doubt, the “I am not good enough” frame of mind. Herald in the Aquarian Age of “I am a powerful Light Being, growing and evolving to my greatest potential. I am a bringer of healing and peace”.


Smile. You have all the tools you need to forge ahead into a bright future.


We on this side are willing to work with you every step of the way. Call on us, for that is what we are here for.


I bid you peace and joy,


Fall Equinox 2012 Message from Aca’u

The Fall Equinox begins September 22, 2012 at 10:49 am EDT

Channeled by Camille Albrecht September 22, 2012


Greetings. It is I Aca’u who speaks to you now.

Although the journey these past few years has been weary, the energies turn and you will see them lightening. Already you may feel the surge of energy. With it there is a feeling of enthusiasm, hope, faith in a future that turns out well. And it will turn out well, my friends. On that you can rely. You are protected and blessed and have come through this period more cleansed and balanced and whole than ever. You’ll get your strength back! It grows even now.

Can you feel the shift? Promise, renewal. That’s what’s in the air. Take a moment to breathe it in. This Equinox brings fresh new vibrant energy that can energize you and quicken your development even more. Each Solstice and Equinox brings an increase in vibration, bringing you closer to your Light Body. The veil lifts. You will hear more, see more, sense more – on all planes. The worlds are blending, yours and mine. People who never considered themselves ‘psychic’ find they can communicate with those on the other side. It is easier for you to connect with the Angels, with your Guides and Teachers. You are able to connect deeply with your Higher Self and above all, feel that connection with Divine Consciousness; that which is called God. Open the door and the Power and Light and Peace floods in. That is what sooths and heals you. It gives you the renewal you need. This Divine Consciousness gives you the direction, the wisdom, the peace you seek.

And, you are clearer now to receive than ever before. These past three years have been a time of great release. You have worked hard to let go of those things within that have blocked you and held you back. You have cleaned house and are now a more receptive vessel for the higher frequencies that are pouring in.

I tell you, finances continue to improve. However, you must live within your means. Pay off your debts. It is important to be fiscally responsible now. The time of excess and overspending are over. Universal energies call for taking responsibility. I have spoken with you about this before. You must take responsibility for your life and allow others to take responsibility for theirs. No more do you enable those who are overly dependent. The energies now provide people with that which they need to become personally responsibility. But they cannot begin to do that until some of the dependency cords are cut, lovingly and with compassion. Understand of course, that there are some who are legitimately dependent and their needs must be met. This is part of being responsible, too. Yet, examine who and what you are truly responsible for. And most of all, assume responsibility for yourself. Keep your house in order. Accept that you are responsible to move yourself forward to where you want to be.

That is the question, isn’t it? Where do I want to be? What do I want to do with my life now? How can I best proceed? These are times of great change with new opportunities for you. New doors open. Where there has been a sense of stagnation, it breaks and there is movement forward. This is a time of excitement and anticipation!

Often with equinox energy, because it brings great propulsion, you feel anxious or off base for a week or so before and after the actual equinox occurs. You will adjust to the new vibration within a week to ten days. So there may be disruption of your sleep pattern, feeling out of sorts, this type of thing. Be patient with yourself (and others!) as everyone settles into their new space.

With the movement of Saturn in Libra to Saturn in Scorpio taking place in a few days, you will feel another shift. Saturn in Libra brought relationships into focus. If you look back over the last two years, you will see that your relationships have changed significantly. Your life has changed as result of some important relationships ending and new ones formed.

Saturn in Scorpio brings a quickening to the manifestation of your intentions. Scorpio is a sign of great creativity and productivity. It brings power, courage, focus and endurance. It is healing energy as well. Your manifestation ability will increase tremendously now. Your thoughts can focus and direct Divine Power as never before. Healing abilities are magnified tenfold. Scorpio’s power will be felt at all levels of your life. You can become physically stronger and more fit as you tap great will power to improve your exercise and eating patterns. Understand that your will power is strengthened and focused and can be used to direct Divine Energy to create that which you desire in your life.

All the guidance you need to create a whole and happy life will come through connecting with your Higher Self. Please take the time to meditate on a regular basis so you are in touch with that which is of highest benefit to you and to the universe. Meditation can be seen as a chore when you first begin the practice. Yet, as you develop the habit more and more, you discover it is coming home. It is drinking from a cup that quenches a thirst deep within you. In this space you are able to merge your will with Divine Will and create a world of Light and love. Divine Will is that which brings peace, balance, wholeness and love. So in aligning with God’s Will, which is Divine Love and Light, you cannot help but become more peaceful, balanced, whole and of love.

Expect miracles! This is a time of magic!

The storm is almost over. I say almost because there are still freedoms to be had and often freedom comes through facing opposition and challenge. People must be free to express their I Am. I don’t mean in a ‘step on the other fellow’ way, but in the ‘Be and let be’ fashion. So there will continue to be the inner push from the Higher Self to express, to be who your really are, the Reality You. And what a beautiful Soul you are!

Open your arms to all the wonderful possibilities that are in store for you. Open your heart to the benevolent energies pouring in. Open your mind to new ideas of what can be. You are in the doorway to a whole new world. Magic! Miracles! Wonder! There is great joy awaiting you.

With much love, I bid you peace,


2012 Summer Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht June 19, 2012

The 2012 Summer Solstice Period begins June 20th at 7:09 pm EDT and ends September 22nd at 10:49 am EDT


Be at peace, my friends. The tumultuous period you have been through is almost at its end. For most of you, the time period 2009 – 2013 has been life altering. Many have found the past 18-24 months the most difficult of all. To each, the lessons have been different. Some have experienced loss loved ones, others, the loss of financial stability or an important relationship. Some face legal battles, health crises in themselves or others. Some are facing issues that confront self- esteem and self worth.

In days long ago, your Initiations took place in the Sacred Temples. You were tested. You had to face your personal inner demons. You had to face your fears. Through these Initiations, your faith was tested.

Do you have faith in yourself? Do you have faith that all is governed and protected by a Divine Being that is of essential goodness? This faith can move mountains and transform any situation from the seemingly impossible to success.

These are the challenges you face. Your Initiation today is not in the Temple; it is in your everyday life. You are asked to use all of your skills and all of your tools to see you through. And those tools include Divine Assistance. Call on us! We will assist you in the best possible manner. That is how The Light Works.

Understand that your personal challenges are occurring within the context of the greatest universal change in all of history. For the first time in history, you have three major evolutionary processes occurring simultaneously. You are closing the Piscean Age in totality this year. 2013 brings pure Aquarian Energy. The past is over, this is a time of flow, of possibilities and potentials. No longer black and white, you will see all shades of the color spectrum show themselves. Very practically, this means you can have three or four or more careers in the course of your life, new relationships can be discovered after you thought you could never love again, if you never thought of yourself as creative, you now find the creative urge pushing forth from within you. The Aquarian Age is the Age of Possibilities, and the Age of Brotherhood, Sisterhood and Peace.

Be builders of bridges; I have said this often. Where there are diverse opinions, create the bridge that allows acceptance between the two. Create bridges between countries, different religions, different cultures and different age groups. Create bridges between your conscious mind and superconscious mind. By this I mean bridge with your Divine Self, your High Self.

Create bridges between your physical world and the angelic realm. They are all around you. Every plant has an accompanying angelic force, each body of water, each rock, each fire has its Nature Spirit. Connect with this World. Connect with your Guardian Angel. A simple, “Be with me today, thank you.” is all it takes.

These bridges will intertwine the diverse energies to create the unity and wholeness that is part of the evolutionary return Home. It is a very important element of the Aquarian Age.

The universe is also moving from the 4th Round to the 5th Round. Modern writers refer to this as “5th Dimensional Consciousness”. Moving from the 4th Round to the 4th Round is a great elevation in vibration. A leap, shall we say? You will find that the veil between your world and the inner world is lifted. Your ability to connect with and communicate with more subtle forces is strengthened now and will continue to be over the next thousand-year period or so. A Round lasts for exactly as long as it needs to, some millions and millions of years, some only thousands. So, you have time to get the lessons down right! The 5th Round will bring you a closer to the Light Body and all that entails. Already you see how your thoughts manifest more quickly and your intuition is heightened. This accelerates with time

The third shift is in terms of earth’s preservation. The earth is regenerating itself, just as it did during the Ice Ages and The Great Flood. The earth must regenerate for the perpetuation of life on earth. You are not going to experience another Ice Age in your lifetime! Nor another Great Flood! But you can expect continued volcanic activity, earthquakes, and extreme weather patterns. Have your emergency supplies at hand and up to date. This is not alarmist; it is good, common sense. Most all of you over the age of 50 have experienced power outages at some time or another in your life. Most all of you under the age of 50 will experience power outages in your life! So common sense says, have clean water, have a source of light, extra canned goods, this sort of thing, at hand.

What makes this time so unique is that for the first time, all three of these processes are occurring at once! You have your Age change; the Round change and the earth’s replenishment taking place simultaneously.

You are living in a great tidal wave of evolutionary change. And, difficult as it may be to feel at times, it is an honor to be on earth during this great time of change. Your potential for soul growth is unprecedented. You can accomplish what ordinarily takes place in ten, twenty or more lifetimes. And, you are here for a reason. You are a Light Worker, a bridger between the old and the new. You are creating the future for mankind. It is your thoughts, words and deeds that are setting the structure within which the new energies unfold. You are the architects. And you have all the tools to do it well.

Many are weary, this is understandable. Trust that the great challenges in your personal life will ease.

There’s change in the air. Tune in and you can feel it. Something new is in store for you. A new expression, a new job, a new creative impulse, new relationship, new opportunities… You now stand in a misty place, yet know the future is just around the corner. Trust, trust, trust.

Feel the magic in the air! It’s like the atmosphere after a rain with new ozone cleansing the air.

There is a song in West Side Story called “Something’s Coming”. If you have a moment, take the time to listen to it for this is the energy now. “Something’s coming, I don’t know what it is but it is going to be great. Around the corner…

Not yet, almost.

During this Summer Solstice period, please take time to slow down. Please don’t push yourself hard. This is a time for recuperation, rest, putting your feet up and having a glass of lemonade while you listen to the birds. Walk on the beach, get together with family or friends for barbecues. In other words, Enjoy!

You need this time to restore yourself.

There will be plenty of time for starting new projects this Fall. Now is time to maintain what you have, tend to the garden you have already planted. Nurture yourself, love yourself.

There is great power within you. You are magical. You are Light. You are God’s Instruments on earth. And we are here to assist you each step of the way.

In this most beautiful period of Sunshine and blossoming, be at peace. For In Reality, All is well and you are so very loved.

I bid you peace,


2012 Spring Equinox Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht


It is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

Faith renewed, welcome Spring!

There is joy in the air; a fresh new energy that brings optimism and faith in the future. Yes, people will continue to strive for their independence and the weather patterns continue to demonstrate that nature is wiser by intuition. Yet you are seeing your economy improve and your own personal financial situations stronger, more secure.

This is a time to continue to pay attention to your finances. Pay off the bills, strengthen your saving habits. But the purse strings loosen, as people feel confident in the economy’s turn around. Gas prices will climb and then drop as the year progresses. Not low, but lower than you are seeing now. Fear drives the prices up. And greed. Alternative fuel sources are the answer and until mankind takes this seriously, the oil crisis continues. It is as it is meant to be.

Be at peace. The future is unfolding at its right and proper pace. Your thoughts manifest more quickly now than ever before. You, the architects of this new Age are the builders, for you are creating the patterns within which the new Age unfolds. Be the Light that you are. Let it shine forth from within you. In the Reality of you, you are perfect. Let that perfection of you, the Divine that dwells within, the Reality of you that is ever ready to be called upon, shine forth.

Each day ask that the Light fill you and guide you. Be who you truly are and the Divine manifests on earth. The world you are striving for awaits creation — by you. The reigns have been handed over to you. “Be the change you want to see in the world”. These words are most powerful at this time, as you create the future.

Do not let the old patterns weigh you down. They are gone now. You have a clean slate. The only way the old patterns can impact you is if you drag them with you into this time. Let it go. Fresh start. New energy, new life. Possibility thinking.

Who do you want to be? What type of person do you want to be? Who you were in the past no longer counts. You may not know the details of what you want in your future, yet can know the overall quality of life you want. You can know the overall character traits you want to have. Put those thoughts out and act on them.

Your creations come into being by your thoughts, your words and your actions. You must act in order to create. Remember that. It cannot simply be stating the words, “Peace and love to you”. You must act with peace and love towards others throughout your day and thus will more peace and love be created. You cannot affirm health and carry anger in your heart. Wholeness and balance are created by living a whole and balanced life. Simple changes make a big difference. Start by loving yourself more, accepting yourself more and watch what unfolds.

I suggest a daily affirmation:

I am a Divine Child of God, loved and cherished by my Creator.

Light of Lights, Power of Powers,

Illuminate my heart and illuminate my mind,

That I may be your instrument of peace and wholeness today and always.

So be it.

Drink in the joy that fills the atmosphere. Let that joy and Light and Love flood you and then carry it forth into the world. For you are meant to live in joy.

This is a magical time of new possibilities; embrace it!

On this, I bid you peace,


2011 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht December 14, 2011

The Winter Solstice begins at 5:30 am CUT on December 22, 2011 and continues through until March 20, 2012.

Greetings. It is I Aca’u who speaks to you now. The winter solstice brings an inner peace. There is calm within the storm you have experienced over these past few years. 2012 is a more peaceful, stable year. There will continue to be earth changes, and people will continue to demonstrate for democracy and freedom. This is the soul’s urge. It is occurring in each of you, the desire for freedom to express who you are, the desire to release the tethers that have held you back from expressing your full potential. Read More→

Fall Equinox 2011 Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht September 23, 2011

The Fall Equinox begins on September 23, 2011 at 9:04 a.m. UTC, 5:04 a.m. EDT and continue through to December 22, 2011.

Greeting, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

Finances continue to take center stage, demanding your focus internationally, as a country, and in your personal lives. Read More→

Question About Nature and the Response From Aca’u

Larry S., a 30+ year student of the Seraph, Julian, ( Wisdom direct from an angel, the Seraph, Julian ) asked this question of Aca’u. It is followed by the response Aca’u provided on July 21, 2011:

Julian taught us that nature will rule the Aquarian Age.

What I am wondering about is how nature will rule. If things become much worse, then nature will be in the forefront of everyone’s mind because humanity will become acutely aware that we need nature for our survival. If there are major die-offs and severe collapses of flora and fauna everywhere then humanity will face a threat of biblical proportions. Humanity will need to work to restore the balance with every ounce of energy it has left.In this scenario nature would rule this age, but in the same manner a violent alcoholic father rules a family. Everyone needs to pay attention to his every mood and word just to make it through the day unscathed.

2011 Summer Solstice Message from Aca’u


Channeled through Camille Albrecht June 16, 2011

The 2011 Summer Solstice will begin on Tuesday, June 21st at 1:16 pm EST

Greetings. It is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now. Once again we enter the Summer Solstice period, meant to be one of rest, recuperation and healing. I recommend each one of you examine your schedules to ensure they allow time for relaxation, enjoyable activities (yes, play!) and down time. This is a period to just be, to allow all that you have initiated to percolate, to let all you have learned digest, to let ideas mature.

Many of you initiated great changes in your life or had great changes thrust upon you earlier this year and in 2010. You are now adjusting and altering your lives to flow towards this new direction. So you may be busier than you’d prefer. Please do carve out down time for yourselves. It’s important. The ‘go, go, go’ energies will burn you out and result in dis-ease and dis-harmony. In other words, your physical body will not tolerate that level of activity. It can’t and I tell you, I won’t.

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2011 Spring Equinox Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on March 20, 2011

Greetings, It is I Aca’u who speaks to you now. Take heart, the winter solstice period was trying for many and much karma was addressed during that time. There will be reprieve, a time for healing and restoration within this time of great change in your world. For your world is changing at its very core level. And I tell you, as frightening as it seems at times; these changes are for the good. You are moving into the time of brotherhood, sisterhood, trust and true unconditional love. These changes are greater than you have ever experienced since the beginning of time.

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Message from Aca’u on Current Energies

This message from Aca’u was channeled through Camille Albrecht on February 21, 2011 at her Connections Class on the Universal Laws held in Whitehall, Michigan.

See  Creation and The Hermetic Laws for information on how to obtain recordings of this class. Aca’u came in at the end of the class Monday to share this information.

Solar Flare