2014 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

This message was channeled by Camille Albrecht on September 14, 2014

The Fall Equinox begins at 10:29 pm EDT on September 22, 2014

and at @:29 UTC on September 23, 2014.

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now. World weary, that’s how many are feeling. You see the world in crisis with no let-up in sight. I 311484_168986039845671_4611112_ntell you truth, you are moving towards a better future. These poisons must be routed out. Hatred comes to the surface to be annihilated. You are moving into an Age of Peace but the birthing process is slow; its creation is slow. Yet only from your perspective, for in reality, it is happening in the blink of an eye.

You are going through evolutionary changes as your planet has never experienced before. You are experiencing the Age change, the Earth changes and a Round change all simultaneously. Having all three evolutionary changes at once is unprecedented. So, your personal lives are being played out within the context of massive evolutionary upheaval that is moving you all towards a more balanced existence. One where there is more peace, more recognition of the God within, greater respect for nature, and a higher vibratory rate. The higher vibration aligns the ego personality more closely with the High Self, so communication between the two will be much easier. These are all happening now. And to move into these new spaces or energy patterns requires the purging and releasing you see. The acknowledgement of that which must change can only take place after it is revealed. In other words, you don’t know what needs changing if it remains hidden. So the unveiling, the revealing of those things that cannot be sustained in the new vibration is occurring.

Hatred. Hatred will not be tolerated in this new vibration. The Seraph, Julian has told you this, as have I. Those who hate will either self-destruct, be destroyed or nature will intervene. And so you have those with hatred burning in their chests that are being called to gather and rally their forces. Their identification and subsequent union with others of like-minds will be their demise.

Your world needs much Light now to quicken this time of purging. And you are the instruments of Light in the world. Your sending Light to areas in need alters the path, and accelerates the movement towards peace. Keep your work alive. Daily send love and Light to people and areas in need. It makes a great difference.

In your personal lives, you are evolving at a rapid rate. What would have taken lifetimes to accomplish on the evolutionary scale, you are now able to accomplish in one lifetime. You can now leap three, four, even five rungs on the evolutionary ladder, whereas in the past, one rung’s climb would have taken lifetimes. The challenges you face are equal to the reward. And the assistance you need is there. So don’t get discouraged when you see what is going on in the world and in your life. It is all for the purpose of moving towards a life of increased balance and happiness.

The Fall Equinox is a time of reaping the harvest of what was sown. This will be a time of culmination, and in that, great activity. You will feel energized after the relative calmness of the summer. Decide what you would like to accomplish; you will have the stamina to accomplish it. To reap the harvest may mean completion. You may be wrapping up a project, in the final stages of healing, finishing a book you started, leaving a marriage or a job, or even a way of life in preparation for the new one. So what needs to be done to bring it to completion? What do you need to finish? Or release? The universal energies will help you bring it to a close so you have space in your life for the new.

This is also a time to have some fun. Try something different. Dare to do it! This equinox gives you great creativity and stamina, with a keen sense of freedom and exploration. Use it! Create opportunities to experience fun and joy in your life. This, too, spills over into the universe and adds big dollops of happiness into the universal bank. The more happiness you create, the more happiness others can create. Each day, find someone to smile at. Give it a try and you’ll see, the more you smile, the happier you will feel. Happiness builds on itself. Take one moment right now to smile. You see how your heart lightens during that moment? It is a simple thing, with vast ramifications.

Let your heart be Light.

You have a choice how you face your day; how you face your challenges. This is a time of great change. You are evolving rapidly, and you are facing great challenges as an individual, a nation and a world. Yet, it is your choice how you face them – with a dour face? With anger and fear? Or with acceptance and love, and faith in the future?

You are creating your life each day and as a whole, you create your world. What will your contribution be?

You will get through this patch! Visualize success. There are stressful energies you can tap into now or there are creative, joyful energies to tap into. The choice is yours.

Know that you are never alone. We are always here to guide you, to support you, with love and great faith in each one of you.

Do cherish your gift of life on earth.

I bid you peace,

2014 Summer Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on June 21, 2014

The Summer Solstice began at 6:51 am EDT on June 21, 2014summer_solstice_by_kancano-d3hz6ju

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now. Take heart. There is purpose to the dramatic energies you are experiencing. The purging continues. Many of you have been in a purging process for the past 4 to 5 years. Recognize that you are cleansing from the very depths of your being that which has been carried over from the Piscean Age and cannot withstand the vibrations of the Aquarian Age. What I mean by this is that you have incarnated again and again over thousands of years’. And over that time, you have created, by your words, thoughts and actions, various diverse effects in your life. Some of these resonate with the high energies of the Aquarian Age and some do not. The imbalances and wounds that you have brought forward from the Piscean Age must be released at this time. They cannot vibrate with the high energies of today. As these energies combine, the higher burns away the lower.

So, many are experiencing crises and challenges in their health, family life, friendships, or employment. Some are having great conflicts within the self that create doubt, loneliness or fear. You will purge, heal and be re-born to resonate with the highest vibrations that have occurred since the beginning of time. You are being tested, honed, and fine-tuned in order to express your highest potential.

What are the keys to success in this time of great change? Be and let be. Let go of judging another. You have the laws of the land and those must be followed. Beyond that, there are Universal Laws that ensure the universe evolves towards wholeness in a balanced manner. So, there is a far greater judge than you who will take care of things. In your life, you have the right to determine who you spend time with and how you interact. You may disagree with how another person handles something and you have the right to say, “I would have handled it differently.” And, you may choose not to spend time with that person. However, you do not have the right to condemn or berate them, or to gossip about them. That creates a karmic debt and in the long run, it will come back to be corrected within you. Understand that in Reality, you are one with your brothers and sisters, as different as appearances may seem. Rather than focus on that what divides you, look for the bridges between you. “Where can you meet?” That is what the Aquarian Age is about, harmony within diversity.

Remember, love heals all. This includes loving yourself — your whole self. To heal you, you must love you. I have spoken of this often. There are many teachings today that condemn the ego-personality. They ask that you ignore this aspect of yourself, or repress it, or disdain it. Some even refer to the ego personality as ‘the enemy of the Self’.

How can you move towards wholeness and Light if you are negating a critical aspect of your self? The ego personality is to be loved, nourished and brought into balance just as every other aspect of you is to be treated this way. A balanced ego is one who listens to the voice of the High Self. The High Self is perfect, whole, loving, wise and one with the Creator. It is who you are in your Reality. When the ego is out of balance, it likes to think it is in control. Yet, the ego is subject to the illusions of the physical world and as such, doesn’t have the wisdom that the High Self has. So, you love the ego of you and lovingly teach it to defer to your High Self. How? Listen to that still, small voice within. Train the ego to listen to the High Self through meditation. The High Self will never steer your wrong. It functions without the emotions of the day-to-day world, without anger and impatience. It functions with acceptance and joy. Tap into it, for it is always there for you.

These times call for patience. You are going through great change and so is everyone else. Because you understand the purpose and nature of these changes, you can assist others by your patience, acceptance and understanding. Be a beacon of Light, a bringer of peace. You are a Light Worker and are needed to assist in this great evolutionary leap. That’s one of the reasons you are here.

The infamous Cardinal Cross continues to create dynamic tension for another month and then begins to weaken. You will feel some pressure alleviate in mid-July. Emotions won’t be so exaggerated. It will be easier to re-gain self control in terms of eating and exercise patterns. You will see improvements in your ability to relax and to sleep, along with having calmer emotions. August will bring even more relief. And with September comes a whole new energy pattern that will be discussed in detail when that time arrives. Things lighten up substantially!  J

Another key to success now is to look for the little joys and miracles in your every day life. They are all around you if you will open your eyes, ears and heart to them. There is great beauty in the bounty of nature now. Let the healing power of nature restore you. Each person resonates to the elements differently at different times. Take time with each element. Spend time with the great power of the wind, as well as the gentle breeze that caresses your cheek. Perhaps you are drawn to the warmth of a crackling campfire or the grounding that comes under the shade of a oak tree. Floating on the cool waters and splashing in the waves can bring the healing powers of water into your life. If you take time to truly experience the elements, you’ll find they restore a sense of peace and balance within you.

You can choose to spend your day looking for what is wrong or looking for what’s right. It is your choice, what you focus on. Take time throughout your day to be mindful of what you are focusing on at that moment. This practice teaches you to pay attention to your thoughts, to what you are creating and enhancing.

I understand that for many of you or those you love, this is a difficult time. However, if you focus on the negatives, you will only exaggerate them. Everything has polarity. There is purpose in what is occurring. Bless it, whatever it is, and know the Light will bring a beneficial outcome. You change the situation by changing your attitude towards it. “This may be how it is now, but I know it is changing for the good”. Let that be your mantra.

The Summer Solstice period is a time of restoration, relaxation, slowing down and taking time to just be. Do what you need to in order to allow for this.

It’s important to have fun now. July begins a time where it will be easier to engage in activities that bring joy. So, plan a picnic, a day at the beach, a stroll in the park; go to a concert, invite friends over. This is a time where fun and social activities are enhanced. Call a friend you haven’t spoken with for awhile; strike out to meet new people in activities you enjoy. Decide that this will be a summer of great fun and then, make it happen!

You are the captain of your ship, the master of your fate.

You are creating the pattern for the new age and its birth brings great challenges, yet great joys as well. In the process, treat yourself and others with kindness, for kindness goes a long way to create the kind of world you want.

Play in the sand, my friends, dance with the winds. If you keep an open ear to the voice of your High Self and a deep faith in yourself, then happiness, health and success are yours.

I bid you peace,




Cardinal Cross Exact April 21 – 23, 2014

This is article is jointly written by Camille Albrecht and Carol Ciocco.

In examining this Cardinal Cross, the first aspect we need to consider is the historic Uranus-Pluto square, which is at the heart of the  Cross.Grand Square 2014 Emphasized Astrologers attribute much of our current transformational times (from 2010-2015) as spin-off from these two planets as they square each other in the signs of Aries and Capricorn.

i.e. During the Time Between Eclipses, the 5th of 7 exact squares of Uranus and Pluto will perfect (i.e. will be exactly 90 degrees apart). This occurs on Monday April 21 at 2:38 pm EDT. The square will occur with Uranus at 13 degrees Aries 34 minutes, and Pluto at 13 degrees Capricorn 34 minutes (Pluto is Retrograde).

There are 7 exact squares of Uranus-Pluto between 2012- 2015. They occurred/will occur on the following dates: June 24, 2012, September 19, 2012, May 20, 2013, November 1, 2013, (current – April 21, 2014), Dec 15, 2014, March 16, 2015.

These are revolutionary energies (Uranus) in the sign of “I am” – the strive for individual expression (Aries), in developmental tension (square) with the planet that purges out poisons and strengths, can be ruthless for power and control (Pluto) in the sign of structure, government and business (Capricorn). Many of you have attended Camille’s Astrology Update Workshops over the past few years, where this square is discussed at length. Please contact Camille at [email protected] for information on The Astrology of 2014 and The New Power of Affirmations. 

What makes the April 21 – 23, 2014 Uranus-Pluto square especially significant is that Mars and Jupiter jump on the wheel and create a Cross formation. Because of this, all four corners of the cross will be held by a strong presence, like four people anchoring in the corners of a tent. This Cross is formed by the signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn (known as the Cardinal signs). As these planets tighten into a Cross with very little wriggle room, our world as we know it will be shaken up. The exact Grand Cross does not actually begin until Mars retrogrades into 13 degrees Libra, which occurs in the early morning hours of April 22, 2014.

Here is the timing of the unfolding of the Cross, as it clicks into place from April 20 to April 24 (some of these probably have already happened, depending on when you read this):


In a nutshell, this Cross exaggerates energies; it expands emotions and reactions of all kinds. You may feel more irritable, have less patience, be increasingly prone to anger and annoyance. Now, this energy has been building on and off all year. Even our weather was exaggerated in expression this year! And, you may find yourself and others have felt out of sorts over the past month or so.

Be careful driving and when working with any sharp instruments or machinery. This energy can cause carelessness. Slow down! Take it easy!

Choose to respond, rather than react. What I mean by this is emotions will be running high and folks are likely to react emotionally. You can stop yourself, gain self control and choose to respond with thought. Thought always is behind an emotion. So, to change your emotions, change your thoughts. Choose how you want to respond to something rather than simply react to it. And remember, the High Self of you can help you change your thoughts about something by gaining a spiritual perspective. So, emotions can be controlled by thought, thoughts can be controlled by detaching and viewing things from the spiritual perspective.

In addition, this Cross creates a great deal of high energy that results in exhaustion. So, its a great idea to incorporate a nap into your day if possible. At the least, scale back activities in yourself – and your kids! – to allow for some much needed downtime. Kids can have an especially tough time with this transit and be more prone to tantrums and meltdowns.

Specifically, Jupiter functions very well in Cancer and provides an energy of nurturing and caring. However, in this cross configuration, it can blow things out of proportion. Mars in Libra tries to mediate peace, but in itself it is conflicted, much like we are, concerning the need to be right in relationships (between people, and between nations). It is challenged by the almost crazy Uranus in Aries, which wants change at ANY cost and can be quite self-absorbed in its desire for freedom at any cost.  Mars square Pluto is very volatile… and angry.

So, what’s the best way to handle this? Avoid confrontation this week. Put it off (if you can) until May, especially the more contentious discussions that you need to have in your life. Instead, write it out and debate it within yourself. The energies are just too volatile for most of us to handle gracefully. And the regret after we have ‘acted out’ our insecurities is best avoided. Trust me, I’ve done the legwork! Just make sure you feel it, feel the feelings, witness them, and know that just by witnessing them, you are moving forward into higher consciousness. Remember that the outside ‘people, place and things’ that are pushing your buttons are really mirrors of your own unprocessed shadow side. Even if its simply a matter of an ancient wound being opened up so that it can be cleansed and healed.

In addition, Expect the Unexpected! Uranus, the planet of sweeping and unexpected change, will be prominent, meaning that there can be shocking reversals.

Jupiter in Cancer can help us to ‘reach for the thought that feels better’ – focusing on what we are grateful for in your life and making technicolor the dreams that we know will come to fruition. The energies of the Cross are like a nuclear rocket and you can send up your desires with them into manifestation!

Please do take time to nurture yourself and your family. Have down time, take a nice leisurely walk in nature, meditate, get a massage. Take some deep breathes and decide to confront issues later.

If you have time this week, you may want to harmonize with the timing of the unfolding Cross as listed above. Tune in and notice what you intuit. Your dreams may be especially vivid right now, and may have messages for your concerning what ‘needs to go’ in your life (especially your inner world and self-talk) and what new beautiful creations are being born.

The Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) have “cardinal force.” They are the initiators, creators and leaders of the zodiac. Each of these signs kicks off a new season – they are associated with Spring Equinox (Aries) Fall Equinox (Libra) Summer Solstice (Cancer) and Winter Solstice (Capricorn). They have a GO GO GO feel to them. 

So, hang in there! This may be a challenging time, but it can also be a time of great energy to accomplish things you ordinarily don’t have the stamina to tackle. This is a great time for Spring Cleaning. Just pace yourself and take some time out to enjoy the beauty of Spring!

Spring Equinox 2014 Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on March 20, 2014

The Spring Equinox begins March 20, 2014 at 12:57 pm EDT

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now. This has been a long and difficult winter for many. You seek and shall find signs of Spring soon. That will be the case both externally and within your heart. For you have gone through a period of time when many of you have felt discouraged and out of sorts. Things haven’t worked out the way you thought they would. Unforeseen problems have arisen that have taxed you physically – perhaps financially, emotionally, and mentally.

The planetary energies occurring now are those of exaggeration. So, things you had been able to cope with before seem bigger now, your reactions are bigger, and spring-wateryour desire for change is bigger. You may have felt a blockage in your ability to break through and move forward. This changes with the Spring Equinox. It is as if the wall comes down, the gate unlocks, the dam is released. You will have the ability to move forward from the space you have felt stuck in.

There was reason for this exaggerated Winter season. No matter where you live, be it snow land, the rainy or dry areas, or even the places of  sunny skies, this Winter Solstice period was a time for you to turn inward to look at yourself and your life. Your social, external life was curtailed either by choice or not, which allowed you time within. The purpose was to look at where you are not resonating with the higher energies of the 2014 Aquarian Age and release, release, release.

For some, the letting go was easy. For most, it hasn’t been so easy. You faced fears that were holding you back, or attitudes and beliefs that have prevented you from expressing your highest potential. There is no coincidence that a current popular song now is titled, “Let It Go”.

Freedom is being sought throughout the world, just as it is being sought within you. At its highest expression, this freedom is coming from your Higher Self. It is asking for the freedom to express through you. And what is blocking its full expression is being brought to the surface to be released. The inner tension you feel is to awaken you to free yourself from that which binds. Don’t be afraid of these awakenings. Understand that working through them will bring you far greater freedom and joy than holding on to them does. And you can work through them, if you turn inward for the guidance and direction you need. Divine Assistance is always there for you.

The greatest lesson right now is trust. You have set the goal but don’t see the results yet. Remember, the Universe has a far better sense of timing than you do. Often you want it right now, whether this is the best time for it not.  What has been created in your life has often been created over years and years. It may take some time to un-create what you are no longer happy with! 🙂 Be patient. Don’t give up on the faith and trust that it will occur. Align yourself with Divine Will and you can’t go wrong.

You are heading toward the good. I tell you that in each message I give to you because it is true, and I want you to let that knowledge of a happy, successful future resonate deeply within you. Keep your faith in that strong and it will act as magnet, drawing you closer and closer to the happiness that is rightfully yours.

There are many positives to this Spring Equinox period. As with each Spring Equinox, new life begins. This is a time for you to begin acting on what you have had in the planning stages. The Spring Equinox fosters new growth. So, this is a wonderful time for new jobs, new homes, new health plans, new projects, new businesses. Go ahead, reach out and give it a try, what ever ‘it’ is. There is something within you, right now, that wants to be expressed. Dare to do it. And know that your path is unfolding in a new way, right now.

I ask you to do something for yourself. Take a few moments to decide what will be the new thing for you this Spring, and where it will take you by the Summer Solstice… Okay, do you have that? Now, imagine yourself at the Summer Solstice on June 21, 2014. You are sitting comfortably outside, enjoying a beautiful summer day. Where do you want to be with this new thing? How do you want to feel about it? Take a moment to really feel it manifested… See it, taste its’ energy, feel it alive and manifest in ever cell of your body… And now, fill the entirety of it with Divine Force, the creative energy that manifests within the Will and Power of the Creator… When you align your creative imagery with the Divine Creative Force, its manifestation gains great power and speed. Live each day feeding that imagery, living it and breathing it; trusting fully that it unfolds. And so shall it be.

Divine Power is more tappable now than ever. Faith and trust are also easier to touch. Reach out for this assistance. It is there for you and can help you each step of the way. Divine Power has always been within and surrounding you. But now, because you are vibrating  at a higher level – and this Spring Equinox increased your vibration so that you are vibrating at a higher level this week than you did last week. You are vibrating at the highest level you have ever vibrated at since existence. This is true of all things. So, you are more in line with Divine Power than ever. Just reach out for it. Let it work miracles for you.

Nature can heal you now. Do spend time out of doors with the elements and the nature kingdoms. You can help nature as well. Should you hear of a forest fire out of control, send Divine Light to restore the balance. When you walk along a riverbank, send the river Divine Light to help heal any impurities in the water. Take an hour to pick up trash on your street or any road. Pocket a pair of gloves and a trash bag. One hour of your time can make a difference. When you gaze up at the clouds, send Divine Healing Light to the Earth’s atmosphere, to help clean pollutants in the air. You will alter the fire, the air, earth, and water with your thoughts, words and actions.

My dear friends, enjoy your life. Each day can bring you happiness; look for it. It doesn’t have to be the big new thing. The ability to be happy rests within you. It is all about your response to what is occurring within and around you. You have a choice how you will respond. The bumps in the road are there with a purpose. Don’t damn them. Accept them; work with what is presented to you with all the tools you have been given. And the biggest tool is trust. I ask you to trust in yourself and in the Divine. For as a team, you can accomplish it all.

At this time, I would like you to open yourself to a Divine Blessings. Take a moment now, and as you read this, I will direct a Blessing to you. Feel the Divine Blessings shower down upon you… Like a gentle, warm, Spring rain, it washes away all sadness, all pain, all fear… You are left clear and refreshed… And in place of what has been washed away, these Divine Blessings fill you with nourishment, strength, courage, clarity, motivation and deep inner peace… I want you to know that each time you read or image this, the Blessings will be delivered to you.

And now, you are ready to move forward, enlivened and enriched.

May you have discover much happiness in this most delightful springtimeseason.

I bid you peace,




Live Recording Now Available!

Astrology & Affirmations: Manifest Your Best in 2014

Presented by Camille Albrecht

Live Recording Now Available

Other WorldsA live recording of this class, taught by Camille in February 2014 class is now available. The recording will arrive in two parts, each about one hour in length. Part One covers The Astrology of 2014 and is accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation. Part Two covers The New Power of Affirmations and includes a second PowerPoint presentation, along with a selection of Affirmations by the Seraph, Julian.

This class is packed with practical information to help you make sense of these challenging times, and to feel more confident about the future. You’ll walk away with specific knowledge and tools to proceed with success. You’ll have detailed information about the astrology of now and be guided to design a concise, empowering personal affirmation to manifest your best in 2014.

Astrology and Affirmations are tools that have withstood the test of time. As an astrologer, spiritual teacher and channel for over 35 years’, I’ve researched these subjects extensively. As result, I’ve designed a class to share what is occurring in the heavens and most importantly, how to best navigate  your way through.

Cost: $45.00

You can pay by PayPal

Or by check:

Camille Albrecht

6280 Blank Rd.

Whitehall, MI 49461


Contact Camille at [email protected] with any questions.

Please share this with family and friends – thank you so much!

New Date! New Building! New Room!

Astrology & Affirmations: Manifest Your Best in 2014

Other WorldsPresented by Camille Albrecht

Saturday, February 8th

The storm has passed (for now!) and we are able to commence with this workshop.

We are in the midst of dramatic, uncommon astrological configurations that are resulting in global and personal transformation. And, fierce weather patterns! As we move into 2014, the energies enable us to contact Spirit more readily and to manifest more powerfully than ever before. We are moving rapidly towards living at one with our High Self.

Astrology and Affirmations are tools that have withstood the test of time. As an astrologer, spiritual teacher and channel for over 35 years’, I’ve researched these subjects extensively. As result, I’ve designed a class to share what is occurring in the heavens and most importantly, how to best navigate through your way through. No prior knowledge of astrology is needed.

This class is packed with practical information to help you make sense of these challenging times, and to feel more confident about the future. You’ll walk away with specific knowledge and tools to proceed with success. You’ll have detailed written guidelines for navigating through this time well and design a concise, empowering personal affirmation to manifest your best in 2014.

Date: Saturday, February 8, 2014

Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Cost: $60.00

Location: Muskegon Community College,

           Stevenson Center

           2nd floor, Room 1200: Conference Complex

           221 S. Quarterline Road, Muskegon, MI


Contact Camille at [email protected] with any questions.

Please share this with family and friends – Absolutely everyone is welcome to attend!

Astrology & Affirmations Workshop Rescheduled Due to Storm!

Due to a winter snow storm forecasted for February 1st, this workshop is rescheduled for:

Saturday, February 8th

New Date! New Building! New Room!

Kagaya_the_universeWe are in the midst of dramatic, uncommon astrological configurations that are resulting in global and personal transformation. And, severe weather patterns! Astrologers have named it, The Cardinal Cross Years. As we move into 2014, the energies enable us to contact Spirit more readily and to manifest more powerfully than ever before. We are moving rapidly towards living at one with our High Self.

Astrology and Affirmations are tools that have withstood the test of time. As an astrologer, spiritual teacher and channel for over 35 years’, I’ve researched these subjects extensively. As result, I’ve designed a class to share what is occurring in the heavens and most importantly, how to best navigate  your way through. You don’t need to know a thing about astrology to benefit.

This class is packed with practical information to help you make sense of these challenging times, and to feel more confident about the future. You’ll walk away with specific knowledge and tools to proceed with success. You’ll also have detailed written guidelines for navigating through this time well and design a concise, empowering personal affirmation to manifest your best in 2014.

Date: Saturday, February 8, 2014

Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Cost: $60.00

Location: Muskegon Community College, Stevenson Center

2nd floor, Room 1200: The Conference Complex

221 S. Quarterline Road, Muskegon, MI

RSVP Camille at [email protected] to confirm attendance,

and I’ll be sure to have enough handouts.

Please share this invitation with family and friends.

Absolutely everyone is welcome to attend!


Astrology & Affirmations: Manifest Your Best in 2014

 Saturday, February 1, 2014

I’ll let you know when the audio version of this class is available in mid-February.

We are in the midst of dramatic, uncommon astrological configurations that are resulting in global and personal transformation. Astrologers have named it, The Cardinal Cross Years. As we move into 2014, the energies enable us to contact Spirit more readily and to manifest more powerfully than ever before. We are moving Kagaya_the_universerapidly towards living at one with our High Self.

Astrology and Affirmations are tools that have withstood the test of time. As an astrologer, spiritual teacher and channel for over 35 years’, I’ve researched these subjects extensively. As result, I’ve designed a class to share what is occurring in the heavens and most importantly, how to best navigate  your way through. You don’t need to know a thing about astrology to benefit.

This class is packed with practical information to help you make sense of these challenging times, and to feel more confident about the future. You’ll walk away with specific knowledge and tools to proceed with success. You’ll also have detailed written guidelines for navigating through this time well and design a concise, empowering personal affirmation to manifest your best in 2014.

Date: Saturday, February 1, 2014

Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Cost: $60.00

Location: Muskegon Community College, Blue & Gold Room

221 S. Quarterline Road, Muskegon, MI

RSVP Camille at [email protected] to confirm attendance,

and I’ll be sure to have enough handouts.

Please share this invitation with family and friends.

Absolutely everyone is welcome to attend!

2013 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u


Channeled by Camille Albrecht on December 20, 2013

 The Winter Solstice begins on December 21, 2013 at 12:11 p.m. ET 

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

The challenges you face are taking you to a better place. As you progress forward, may peace be with you. Take a moment to drink it in. All around you, the energy of peace and wholeness is present. You need only open to it. Draw it in. You can be restored in a moment by accepting that Divine Power and allowing it to fill your being.

Your ability to tap into Divine Love – which is the healing power – is your birthright. When you feel challenged, frightened, worried, take a moment to breathe in that Light that is always there. It will calm you and bring a sense of peace. Because in this Light, there is the ability to restore balance within you. Once you are in a state of balance, you can see things more clearly and your understanding increases. You can more easily tap into guidance and direction. Any problem or concern can be assisted through this process.

You have all come to earth to work on yourself and your universe. And you have chosen to incarnate in a time of some of the greatest changes and challenges since the beginning of time. You are moving towards greatness. That is the Light Being. You are moving from density to Light. From the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age. The Piscean Age taught much needed self-discipline to the world yet, that was accomplished through fear and punishment. “If you did not follow proper action, God will get you”. Eternal damnation from an external, vengeful God was the great deterrent to misuse of your power and will.

Important evolutionary steps were taken in the Piscean Age. Mankind began to accept that there was one God, manifest in all things. And, that you had to treat one another with love. The importance of following a moral or spiritual code of behavior came to be. Taking part in sinful behavior would result in great punishment. The concept of good and evil was driven home. These were taught as external powers. There was an external God who was good and an external Satan who was bad. You could choose to follow the path of either and suffer the consequences of making the wrong choice. And of course, there was the Master Teachers, such as Jesus and others, to show the way to abide by God’s will on earth. So the Piscean Age accomplished a great deal in the evolutionary process.

Now, mankind has moved from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age. You have brought forth your learned lessons, along with the blockages you incurred along the way. This new space, the Aquarian Age, is higher in vibration than the Piscean Age. The old patterns of imbalance cannot function in this new vibration. They must be released. The very laws of Nature will accomplish this release. You can assist or resist. And the releases are coming at a more rapid, demanding level. This is why you are facing the challenges you face. Soul growth. You are being pushed, prodded, pressured to release emotional and mental patterns that are not in line with the higher vibrations.

You may not understand why you have a specific life lesson. Often times, there won’t be a clear reason. “What was it from a past life that I did to cause this?” “Or was it this lifetime?” “Is the lesson mine or is my challenge for the learning experience of those around me?” Let trying to determine the underlying cause go; it doesn’t matter in the long run. What matters is, how are you going to face the challenges you have here and now? That is where the soul growth comes in. That is all that matters. That you handle whatever it is you are facing with a spirit of acceptance, kindness, love and peace.

Acceptance. That’s the first step. You have an expression born over the past few years to help with just this very issue: “It is what it is”. Very important! Because once you accept that you have the illness or that you are in an unhealthy relationship, or that your eating or drinking is out of balance, or whatever it is that is creating distress, then you can begin to alter it.

Those things that are not in a state of wholeness and balance will be drawn up and out to be addressed. Even in your political arenas, the extreme attitudes of some politicians will result in their demise. These behaviors will not be tolerated in the new energies. Internationally, tyrants will fall; freedom and independence will be achieved. As difficult as it may be to understand, please know that you are moving to a greater place of peace and wholeness, kindness and love. The world of appearances can be quite frightening now. Yet, this is the very purging needed to move you from the old patterns into the new. You have entered the Age of Peace, Brotherhood and Sisterhood. Energies not in accordance with that pattern will not survive.

You must love one another. You don’t have to like what the other guy did; you don’t have to go out to dinner with them or be best buddies. But, you do have to love them, soul to soul. You have societal laws that must be followed and a person must have consequences for not abiding by those laws. This makes for a civilized world. Beyond that, let the judgment go. You don’t have to judge them; universal laws will correct all that needs to be corrected. Be and let be.

Kindness: “God’s will be done”. “Be a point of Light”. These are the goals of a Light Worker. And one of the best measures of thinking and acting as such is to ask, “Am I being kind?” No matter what you are facing, within yourself or outside of yourself, ask if how you are behaving is kind. Are you treating yourself with kindness? Is what you are saying and how you are saying it kind? You can disagree with someone and be kind while doing it. You can leave a job or leave a relationship with kindness. If you are struggling with illness, in yourself or caring for another, treat others with kindness. It will make all the difference.

Just for one day, be as kind as you can possibly be. Write the word down on a few sticky notes, “Kindness”, as your reminder. Then, paste one at your desk, one in your kitchen, your car or where ever you will see your notes. And, check your thoughts and behaviors throughout the day. The world can use as much kindness as you can muster.

And the other two qualities key to the Age of Aquarius are love and peace. Be a point of love, be a point of peace. The following affirmation given by the Seraph, Julian, can create this in your life. For affirmations, when repeated on a regular basis, become the thought pattern that creates the new behaviors and thus, the new world:

God is my source of all supply, and answers my every need.

I become a flow of energy in a moving force.

I know no beginning and no end. 

I am an instrument of peace and wholeness.

It flows from me, from my voice and from my eyes.

It flows through me, from my heart and from my touch.

It flows. A never-ending source of peace.   For that is who I am. 

So Be It.

In this Season of Light, love yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be at peace with yourself. Accept you just the way you are. From this space, acceptance, loving kindness and peace will flow out from you to the world. And you will truly be living your Reality Self, the Light Being that you are.

May your heart be light and joy be yours as you accept the Love that surrounds and fills you.

I bid you peace,



Enter the Void to Birth Something New in Your Life

What would bring you great joy, a new relationship? More fulfilling work? Greater health?

In this class, Aca’u explains the impact of universal energies over the past five years. This has been a turbulent time with great purpose. Aca’u shares where we are meant to go from here.

The class begins with a gentle led meditation to bring calm and centering. Then, walking through a corridor that leaves the past behind and seeing your future – a happy one, ahead.

For healing and restoration, Aca’u will take you on a journey into The Void. Here, you will experience some of the greatest peace you have images-1ever known. This is a space of calm and inner knowing. This is a beautiful space to enter when you need to be replenished. It is also the space where you touch what it is you want to bring in to your life. Aca’u refers to The Void as a place where we can access “God’s playdoh” to create whatever it is we want to create in our lives. Everyone, no matter who, no matter where, is now in the process of bringing something new into their lives. This meditation can bring it into manifestation.

Next, Aca’u provides a perfect healing technique to rid you of something from this lifetime or a past lifetime that is causing distress. You may not even know the cause, only the result. Perhaps you have a fear of closed spaces, or deny yourself financial success or a fulfilling relationship. This healing exercise goes right to the core of the issue, as it resides in your subconscious mind, to release it at its very roots. You can use this simple technique again and again for anything within you – or within another – that needs healing. It works!

This class provides go-to exercises and meditations that you’ll be able to use throughout your life. Bright Blessings to you!

A digital recording can be purchased for $15 through PayPal or by contacting me at [email protected] . Once purchased, I will email you the recording. Please contact me should you have any questions. Thank you!