2009 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

as channeled through Camille Albrecht on 9/17/09

© 2009

Be prepared to awaken from the slumber of the summer, as new energies stimulate within you the urge to move and activate new ventures.  Invigoration returns. Many have been languid or withdrawn from high activity this summer, choosing to spend time at home alone or with family. This was necessary and has been a preparatory period for the times ahead.

Great healing takes place for those of you who have experienced emotional, psychological or physical imbalances this year. Some experienced emotional crises, sadness, despair, while others experienced depression, unexpected angers emerging, disappointments and fear. Still others faced physical ailments. The imbalances created a much needed correction within that will only serve you in what lies ahead. Know there was purpose in your challenge.

Attitudes now shift towards new potentials unfolding as the belief in possibilities of stability and happiness return. Many will find a change in life direction occur. For some these have already begun while for others, the inner urge grows. You know a change is coming but cannot yet see what it is. Patience, it is there for you. It needs the proper timing for its birth.

The healing begins with a renewed sense of optimism, much lacking in your world now. Fan it and let it grow.

The economy rumbles into a stable period during this equinox period. New jobs form and many who want work are able to find work, perhaps not in their previous field. Many of the new jobs made available now are of a temporary nature and at lower wages than those before. Yet these are the stepping stones to increased income, job stability, and job satisfaction. Understand that to accept a job at less than what you prefer does not lessen you. It expands your ability to be flexible and accept what is, moving towards what can be.

Watch your thoughts, as they will manifest more rapidly now. The new vibratory energies add expediency to the manifestation process, along with adding additional power to them. You are creators of your world, both on an individual basis and as a collective. Watch any damning thoughts towards those you perceive as your opponents. Know that a negative sent to a negative enhances it. A positive sent to a negative diminishes it.

There is much name calling and riotous behavior on the parts of some now, gaining attention in the media. It is as if a cork has been released and uncontrolled, ugly emotions are spewing out. This is the minority and most people do not display such lack of emotional control. Such displays draw attention in your news, which makes it appear more commonplace than it is. Please know that it is more hype than fact. There is a decency growing between people, a civility and a tolerance that is not getting news coverage, but is very much alive. The pockets of hatred are being released for cleansing. Focus on the civility and tolerance. Add those ingredients to your daily self expression. Don’t let your emotions get out of control because you oppose another’s viewpoint. It is our differences that make us strong. Remember that, especially during this time.

Relationships come into focus as the Sun enters Libra. As I tell you each time I have the opportunity, build bridges. This cannot be stressed enough. Build bridges between you and your neighbors, between you and your colleagues, between you and your children, between you and your inner self. Peace begins within the self. Once you except you, love you, with all your lumps and bumps, you can recognize and accept those parts you want to develop. Growth takes place within the space of love.

Your economy will improve. Optimism fuels it. There are still many, many changes to come. So expect periods that are erratic and plan accordingly.

Conservation is the key word once again, in use of all your resources. You will find much focus on the purity, use and conservation of water during this time. It is needed. Those who misuse resources will be brought to light and made accountable for their actions. Greed will not be tolerated. Be aware of your proper use of water. Your actions impact the universe so when you respect water and use it well, it feeds the universal bank and will impact how others use water. Visualize clean water in the reservoirs of those throughout the world who are in need, and many are.

Continue to be fiscally conservative. Differentiate between what you need and what you want. Spending money on wants is not wrong but must be conscious, not whim and waste. That is what is important, proper use of resources. That thread continues for the next decade as balance is brought to the environment through your personal habits. Your personal habits resonate out to the habits of communities, which resonate out to the world. Your environment demands and deserves your attention, and proper stewardship.

There will be a number of important decisions made over the course of the next few months that will impact the world dramatically. Bless the political leaders throughout the world. In your own life, you will find yourself more pensive and your thoughts take on a somber tone as you make some significant decisions as well. These decisions relate to financial expenditures, health, life direction and to relationships. In terms of relationships, you may want to ask yourself questions such as, “How do I choose to respond to the other?”,  “What is my responsibility to this relationship?”, “Has this relationship outlived its purpose in my life?” Some relationships will end, let them go. As the veils between you and another lifts, you will see the relationship with increased clarity. As a result, how you react to the other may change, what you choose to share with the other may change, who you choose to associate with may change. New partnerships form that have great effect in your life.

Freedom to be who you are, and to accept others right to be who they are without your judging them is another key ingredient of this equinox period. There is a rush of energy coming that spurs you on to new expressions of your inner self. There must be proper freedom to express this, a boldness to step out from your comfort zone to do things differently. This is a time to try new expressions, take action on dreams, create the new life that awaits you. The past is over, release it.

This is a new time, a new energy, requiring new acceptance, attitudes and actions. With that comes an emotional freedom and joy welling up from deep within, based upon your true expression of your self. Revel in it.

For above all, this Fall Equinox period is a time of joy. Let it bubble up and be expressed. Look about you and take delight in what you see. Every day can hold joy if you will but accept it. There is joy in the sun’s rising, in the intricate details of a leaf, in the smile of a friend, in the beauty within you. See with your inner eyes and you will see a world to marvel in. Look beyond what appears as discord  and know, by directing your thoughts and actions, apparent disruption can lead to greater wholeness and balance. Hear with your inner ears and you will hear beyond the shouting to the plans for peace. For that is where you are heading, to a world restored in balance, with peace growing within and without.

It is time to sing. And a little dancing goes a long way! Trust yourselves and know you are moving towards the good in all ways.

I bid you peace,
