2016 Spring Equinox Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on March 13, 2016

The Spring Equinox begins at 12:30 am ET on March 20, 2016

766017-cherry-blossom-picturesGreetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks with you now.

If there is one point I would like to stress to you now, it is to recognize your power. You have the ability to shape and mold your world. You can have a great impact in the world. You’ve heard this many times, in many different words. The way you think, the words you speak and your actions reverberate from you, into your immediate surroundings, out into the world and even out into the universe.

Like a pebble tossed into a pond, these rings go out and yes, they return back to you. Your thoughts, words and actions can strengthen the positive or can enflame the negative. It is your choice. This is because you are much more powerful than you know.

It is a good idea to catch yourself throughout the day and ask, “What am I thinking right now?” and decide if it is a train of thought you want to continue. Listen to your self-talk. Will it create what you want to manifest? The same is true with your words; listen to what it is you are saying. “I’ve got so much work to do this weekend, I don’t know how I’ll get it done” or “No one in the family really likes her, you know”, “Ugh, I’ve gained so much weight”… What are you adding to the Universal Bank?

I ask you to truly take this to heart. Pay attention – it matters. When you say, “I may have gained weight these past few months, yet I know I’ll lose it easily” or “This will be a busy weekend and I know it will go smoothly”, “Every day, more compassion and love is expressed in my family”, these will manifest. For you are a source of Light in your personal life and in the outer world.

Love yourself, appreciate who you are and your uniqueness. No one is like you and no one is meant to be like you. You are a unique expression of the Divine with the power to diminish you or to enhance you. Each moment of each day, you have a choice of how you respond to external situations. You can feel the world is going to hell in a hand basket or that your life is at a standstill or that you are becoming poorer each day.

Or, you can say ‘this situation is changing for the better, now’. It sounds simple. In fact, for some it may even sound unrealistic, denying the reality of whatever the external situation is. But I tell you, this is how that external situation is altered and turned to move to the positive, most beneficial outcome.

No matter what is going on in your life, no matter how awful or sad, no matter if it seems things are at a standstill, you can move things forward towards the positive. Mind is All.

This is an especially important year in the United States because of the presidential election. Pockets of hatred are coming up to the surface to be healed. When there is a poison destroying anything from within, it must be brought up to the surface in order to be recognized and changed. If it is never brought to the surface, it festers and chips away at the health and wholeness bit by bit. The eruptions of hatred, prejudice, fear and greed are happening throughout the world for a purpose.

Please don’t live in fear. When you do that, it adds to the problem. You have a choice how you will react. To say “that is not how I feel, that is not how I think’ is sufficient. You don’t need to add more anger or hatred to the mix.

Remember this, Light and Love are the most powerful energies in the universe. Nothing – no person, no group, no thing is more powerful. Let Light and Love be your shield and sword.

You can state your thoughts and feelings without vehemence; the voice of gentle conviction is the most powerful voice of all. Know that your reactions matter, your thoughts matter and of course, your actions matter. Bless your life and country, and vote.

Another area of focus now is the accessibility of fresh water. This is the most valuable natural resource on the planet. Water must be respected and appreciated. Many have taken fresh water for granted and a new perspective is needed. From an attitude of respect and appreciation, behaviors will change and thus, the accessibility of fresh water will increase. This is because of the Law of Cause and Effect, which is ever in motion and cannot be stopped.

Please understand, this is not to say people in Flint, Michigan or elsewhere in the world without fresh water created the problem on their own. They agreed to take on the hardship for the growth and understanding of humanity. When you turn on a faucet and fresh water pours forth, take a moment to thank it. Be judicious in your use of water. Be grateful for the waters around you and see them clean and in balance in your area. It all makes a difference.

Share yourself! Let your Light shine as brightly as possible. Smile at the grocery store clerk, thank the bank teller, and with sincerity, tell someone how terrific you think they are. Your kindness adds to the Universal Bank and spills over, creating more kindness in the world.

The Spring Equinox Energy brings forth a powerful force for change. This is a time of new growth, taking the initiative, beginning new projects and putting your plans into action. This energy can inspire you to have the courage to ‘do it’ whatever ‘it’ is for you. It could simply be more time for you – to enjoy life more or to find a creative project that inspires you

Take some time to dream. Meditate on ‘inspiration’ and see what unfolds. This is a year of awakening. You can see things in a new light, free from past blockages to what can be. The fear subsides and is replaced by courage to proceed with what your inner voice urges you to do.

This is a potent year where your desires can become a reality. You can discover ways to make your inspirations practical, do-able and achievable.

There is a common sense energy (Saturn) that is blending with the energy of inspired creativity (Uranus)

Many of you may have a dream for quite some time that hasn’t yet become a reality. If it isn’t happening as quickly as you’d like, trust that the Universe knows the best timing. When on earth, you tend to see things from the narrow perspective of the ego personality. The Universe understands the whole picture and will manifest for you when the right and perfect time is there. “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”. You are not being denied; you are being blessed with what is best for you, when it is best for you. This calls for trust, along with listening to the High Self to know when best to be still and when to act.

I know that some of you are coping with great physical and emotional upheaval. Universal vibrations are rapidly changing, unearthing many things that can be challenging to address. Please trust that these are happening for a purpose. You are not alone in your struggles. “God, help me now” is a powerful statement to call forth The Creator in your times of need.

Call on Divine Assistance to help you. Begin each day by acknowledging your Guardian Angel and Guides. “Hello! Thank you for assisting me in all I think, say and do”. That simple statement opens the door for them to guide and inspire you throughout the day. At the end of the day, thank them for their assistance. By doing this, you will see their impact more and more in your life. Where the focus is, the manifestation is. Just focus for a few moments each day on your Divine Assistance and watch the magic unfold.

Please allow joy into your life. Look for the good in every day and build on that. It may be as simple as noticing the beauty of a flower, or listening to the sound of children’s laughter. The energies of this Spring Equinox are uplifting and healing, with great movement forward. You will feel the logjam break as you begin to see the steps forward to fulfill your goal.

What is it you want to manifest? What ability or skill of yours do you want to bring forth? Take a few minutes to decide what 2016 will hold for you in terms of creative self-expression, of play, of increased satisfaction in your life. And with that, how you can increase the joy of others. For as you give, so shall you receive.

I tell you my friends, this is a beautiful world. There is joy to be had and with claiming that joy, more unfolds. As Gandhi said, ‘be the change you want to see in your world’, speak your truth and live your truth. You are Divine. You are powerful and you have much to share. Don’t let the doomsayers diminish the happiness you experience and create. Those of us on this side stand with you each step of the way. Remember, you have friends in high places!

I bid you peace,
