Archive for Messages from Aca’u – Page 5

2009 Spring Equinox Message from Aca’u

as channeled through Camille Albrecht on 3/15/09

© 2009

Dear Friends,

Trust. This is the key word for the Spring Equinox period you enter this week.

You are already feeling the energy of this vibrational increase now and will until the Summer Solstice energy takes hold with its softening energy of maintenance.

For now, however, this is a time of initiating those plans that you have been mulling over the winter. What is it you want to begin anew in your life? Let’s begin with attitude. Let go of doubt. Let go of fear. When you look at the state of the world’s situation, fear can begin to accumulate in your mind and heart. Why? Because you are seeing structures that you counted on as stable and assured, begin to crumble. Yet if you look at this from the over view perspective, you will see that what is actually occurring is poisons within the very framework of society are being purged out, brought to the surface into the light of awareness in order to be removed from the system

It is as if some of the structures of your world have become diseased and these are being recognized, diagnosed and will be treated so that the end result is a healthier society, a healthier structure and thus, a healthier, stable and stronger world. You see this clearly in your economic situations, internationally, nationally and in your own bank accounts. Trust. Do you know how much God loves you? Do you think you would be abandoned? Don’t believe it for a minute. You are in the mind of God and in the heart of God. You will not be forgotten, you will be healed.

Let’s continue with attitude, shall we? Where in your life do you feel lack? Assess. Do you feel lack in security? In financial resources? In love? Take a moment now to scan your mental attitudes regarding lack. Now, look to see where fear has played a part. Fear is one of the most destructive energies in your world. It eats away at your belief in yourself and in your belief in your future. So where you see lack in your life, I want you to see where the fear is. Now, release the fear. See it as a software program in your computer that you will uninstall. For some of you, it may be easier to view it as a file folder of old messages that you have been hanging on to needlessly. Toss it out. Don’t let it come back. If thoughts of fear return, simply say, “I have released that” and let it go. Once the fear is gone, the attitude of lack can be transformed. Where you saw lack, I want you to see abundance. “I am abundantly secure”, “I have financial abundance”, “I am abundantly loved”. Create the statement that suits your need and use it.

Why? Because this is a time of balance. Balance must be brought back in to the world and in to your personal life. There has been a needed scaling back of excess, and this will continue. Of that, be assured. Not only internationally, but in your own country and in your own lives as well. You must continue to evaluate your life and see where you have created unnecessary excess and extravagance and live within your means. Live within your means. This message is resounding loud and clear. This is also a time of continued respect and proper stewardship of your resources.

However, in the scaling back, in the pairing down, lack has been expected in some areas where it need not occur. Fine tune, my friends. You can have a life of proper use of your resources, proper expenditure of your money, your time and your energy, without experiencing lack. This is the balancing aspect of the energy of the times.

Polarity is one of the rulers of the Aquarian Age. At times you may swing from one end of the scale to the other before you find the midpoint. And in this Spring Equinox energy, you are able to find the midpoint between excess and lack. It begins by releasing fear and embracing trust. Trust in God and trust in yourself.

The Spring is time to initiate new projects, to plant new seeds. Write the book, take the class, socialize more, play more. Spend some time in the sunlight. Many of you have convinced yourselves that all sun’s rays are harmful. Balance is called for here, as well. Baking in the sun for hours is harmful. Twenty minutes of sunlight daily on your skin is healthy. Find the point in the middle. Let yourself stand in the sun’s light and feel it fill you with energy, renewed belief in yourself and renewed belief in your world.

Play. You are leaving a period of relative lethargy. Many of you have felt low energy physically, emotionally, and mentally. This passes. A new surge of vitality comes in. This is a time of increased energy and stamina. Don’t work it all away, my friends. Take some time to use your energy doing something you think of as fun. I would ask you, sometime between the initiation of the equinox and the following week, to engage yourself in a fun activity. Something that brings you joy. And then, build upon this joyful state. Let joy and trust be your foundations for the equinox period. For, this can be a time of great joy if you permit it to be so.

Many of you are experiencing financial crises in your lives. This is temporary. Please do not let appearances bring you to a point of despair. Release the fear. It eats away at your ability to move forward. You will see the employment market open up and new jobs become available. Think possibilities, not probabilities. Try new expressions of your potential. This is a time of fresh starts.

Smile. It’s a simple thing yet changes your body’s chemistry. And please smile at the sales clerk, at the waiter who takes your order, even at your grumbling neighbor. It changes the world’s body chemistry. You see?

You are in a magical time. Unsound structures become sound and your world will be more stable from it. Balance is being restored. You are moving in to a good future, be assured. So for this next period, expect doors to open for you, new opportunities take root, and new potentials within you ask for expression, as balance continues to be restored.

Rooting out of poisons continues and it is towards the good.

I end my message to you as I began it, trust. And enjoy the beauty of springtime. Permit it to fill you with the joy of living and growing and blossoming. For just as the flower blossoms on the tree, you are blossoming into the beauty that you are.

I bid you great peace, great joy and great love,


2008 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

as channeled through Camille Albrecht on 12/15/08

© 2008

Dear Friends,

This is the time of year of introspection, of turning within to determine what worked and what didn’t work in your life over the last few years. This is not a time of tearing down, quite the opposite. This is the time to recognize what you are capable of, what your skills and talents are, and to build upon them.

For many of you, this is a frightening time in the world of appearances. You see your major financial institutions crumbling, many of you have lost your homes or know those who are losing them. Many of you are seeing your savings and lifetime investments dwindling. It appears frightening and without end. I tell you, this is for a purpose. I tell you, you are going to be all right. You have a future and it is a good one. I ask you to trust this. You are not being abandoned and you are not being punished. This is a time of readjustment and rectification of businesses and institutions that have been built on sand. People are realizing that poor decisions, greed, avarice, living above their means, cannot sustain a healthy economy or a healthy life.

So what are you to do? Trust, trust, trust. This is a time of adjustment and change. Trust that you will be able to survive what may appear to be one of the most challenging periods in your life. Most of all you must scale back your lifestyles now. Even if you are not experiencing a financial constraint, which most of you are, this is a time of conservation of resources. What do you really need? This is a time to discern between needs and wants.

Many of you have been able to fulfill your wants lavishly, but now the pendulum swings and it is time to live frugally. You must learn the balance between overindulgence and not enough. This scale is balancing and you will find that balance and wholeness will be restored in your economy and in your lives. You will find great lessons learned during this time that will protect your businesses, governments and institutions in the future, for they will not return to such short sighted decision-making patterns. Rest assured that balance will be restored.

You have a new president who is determined to be a bridge between peoples, countries, the past and the future. Even if he did not get your vote, it is time to stand united as a country. By this we do not mean to put your diverse opinions aside. Do voice your opinions, let yourself be heard, debate and discuss your views with others. Then a consensus can be formed.

You are not to lie complacent at this time. Your voice, your opinion matters. YOU matter. And that is what is important to remember. The people must be heard. The government must return to truly representing the needs, the wants and the direction of its constituents.

In your personal lives, realize that this is a time to look at what and who you are responsible for. And for each of these responsibilities, ask yourself to what extent are you responsible? Have you been carrying more than your fair share? Perhaps you are continuing in a responsibility out of habit, or fear of change, or unwillingness to rock the boat. Take time to re-examine what and who you are truly responsible for, and to what extent, during this Winter Solstice period.

Many of you have had, or will have, your responsibilities change. For some this has come through personal choice, such as a career change, retirement, move or change in family structure. For others, this has come externally through job loss from company closures or restructures, or self employment in a business that could not be sustained in the current environment. You must rely on your inner ability to adjust and change. And to know that this time period will alter the future so that the work environment becomes more secure. If you have lost your job, take a look inward at your skills. Where else can your talents be expressed? This is a time of bringing up from within talents, abilities and skills you have not yet explored. There are many small businesses that will begin during this time. Some service oriented, many new creative endeavors. Take a look about you. This may be a time when you take an interim job that allows you to have your basic needs met while you develop the new career that awaits you.

There may be something you have always wanted to do, but never had the courage to try. Now is the time to discover what you need to learn or prepare for to move closer in that direction.

Fear is debilitating. It can destroy if you allow it to. Tap in to the point of courage within, the point within that says, “It is all right. I trust in my ability to adjust and flow with this time and I know that my future is good”. Feed those thoughts and watch them flourish. You will flourish.

Love yourself. These are not empty words! When you love yourself, you are able to withstand all challenges because you have a strong foundation from which to operate. You stand firmly planted in a belief in the self. No one, no situation, no external challenge can destroy you.

Trust yourself. You are a powerhouse. You can alter your world by your thoughts. What thoughts are you holding about your life right now? About the state of your government? Your institutions? Your global situation? Do your realize the power of these thoughts? Millions living in fear, in anger, and blaming others create powerful thought forms. So do the millions who live with faith that there is a way to successfully maneuver through these times, stronger and wiser than before. Do not let the world of appearances get the better of you now. When someone tells you, “Everything is awful”, you can say, “I don’t see it that way. I think there will be a good outcome in the long run”.

This is not to say you must live in denial of the difficult time period you are in. But it is to remind you to use bridging words that carry you from where you are now, to where you want to be. “My career is in a state of flux now and I know that I will be successful in my new venture.” “I know that we will be able to find affordable housing soon”. “My investments may be down now, but I trust the market will grow solidly and strongly”.

You have chosen to be born in a time of great change. You are guided well, my friends. Turn inward to that light within you that always awaits you, your Reality Self. It will never let you down. Through it you are directly connected with the Divine, with God and God will never let you down.

There is joy to be had now. Recognize what you have to be joyful for in your life, and you all have things to be joyful for. Be grateful and from that gratitude for what you have now, more can grow.

You have all that you need within you, to move forward and to create a world of peace, prosperity and love. Be who you are, a Light Being expressing the Divine on Earth.

In this most beautiful season of renewal and Light, may this Light permit you to see the beauty within you and around you.

I bid you peace,


2008 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

as channeled through Camille Albrecht on September 14, 2008

© 2008

The energies of the Fall Equinox come in very strongly. You can see this through your weather patterns that are increasing in veracity as the hurricane season continues. This mirrors the pattern of universal energies as change is brought about swiftly and forcefully.

You will see continuation of the energies of the spring equinox of 2008 which call for unification of opposing forces, bringing balance to all areas in your life, and conserving your resources — which includes your personal energy as well as the energy resources of your planet.

Know that change is coming and that this change is for the good. There are many warring factions occurring on your planet now, as opposing forces face each other. You see this stirring not only in the middle east, but in Russia, Africa, North Korea, even within your own country as your political parties step up their challenging rhetoric one to the other.

Bring peace, my friends. Be bearers of peace, both in your own lives and in the lives of those around you. Where you see warring, offer a bridge between two spaces. Where can we find a middle ground? Even if that is to say with peace in your heart, “Then we agree to disagree”.

The energies of hatred, anger, disdain, cannot be promulgated at this time and remain in harmony with the future of your world. This is the time of peace, this is the time of brother and sisterhood. And you are the instruments of this unfoldment in the universal plan.

So I would say to you, smile more. Even in the face of what appears to be disaster. Know that you can help any situation by the power of your thoughts. See relief coming to those who need it. See food and shelter made available, see people working side by side to rebuild that which needs to be rebuilt. You can make a difference through your thought patterns, and through generosity of your resources.

In your personal lives, where are you spending your resources? Your time? Your energy? Your money? Review these to ensure that your expenditures are balanced, yet with a conservation in mind. Balance is key now. Those things that are not in balance cannot function well and dis-ease, illness, world weariness will result.

The Fall Equinox is meant to be a joyous time of reward and harvest. Look at your cup as full. What have you to be grateful for in your life? This truly is the time of thanksgiving and gratitude. And no matter what is going on in your life at this time, there are things to be grateful for. Gratitude can be a wonderful foundation to build future successes upon.

Be kind to your self, be compassionate with your self, and be at peace with your self. You are a beautiful work in progress! Acknowledge your beauty and grow from there. Be a point of peace and light in your world, that emanates from the space of peace and light within yourself. In this manner is your life and your world one of joy.

I bid you peace,
