Archive for Messages from Aca’u – Page 4

Fall Equinox 2011 Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht September 23, 2011

The Fall Equinox begins on September 23, 2011 at 9:04 a.m. UTC, 5:04 a.m. EDT and continue through to December 22, 2011.

Greeting, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

Finances continue to take center stage, demanding your focus internationally, as a country, and in your personal lives. Read More→

Question About Nature and the Response From Aca’u

Larry S., a 30+ year student of the Seraph, Julian, ( Wisdom direct from an angel, the Seraph, Julian ) asked this question of Aca’u. It is followed by the response Aca’u provided on July 21, 2011:

Julian taught us that nature will rule the Aquarian Age.

What I am wondering about is how nature will rule. If things become much worse, then nature will be in the forefront of everyone’s mind because humanity will become acutely aware that we need nature for our survival. If there are major die-offs and severe collapses of flora and fauna everywhere then humanity will face a threat of biblical proportions. Humanity will need to work to restore the balance with every ounce of energy it has left.In this scenario nature would rule this age, but in the same manner a violent alcoholic father rules a family. Everyone needs to pay attention to his every mood and word just to make it through the day unscathed.

2011 Summer Solstice Message from Aca’u


Channeled through Camille Albrecht June 16, 2011

The 2011 Summer Solstice will begin on Tuesday, June 21st at 1:16 pm EST

Greetings. It is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now. Once again we enter the Summer Solstice period, meant to be one of rest, recuperation and healing. I recommend each one of you examine your schedules to ensure they allow time for relaxation, enjoyable activities (yes, play!) and down time. This is a period to just be, to allow all that you have initiated to percolate, to let all you have learned digest, to let ideas mature.

Many of you initiated great changes in your life or had great changes thrust upon you earlier this year and in 2010. You are now adjusting and altering your lives to flow towards this new direction. So you may be busier than you’d prefer. Please do carve out down time for yourselves. It’s important. The ‘go, go, go’ energies will burn you out and result in dis-ease and dis-harmony. In other words, your physical body will not tolerate that level of activity. It can’t and I tell you, I won’t.

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2011 Spring Equinox Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on March 20, 2011

Greetings, It is I Aca’u who speaks to you now. Take heart, the winter solstice period was trying for many and much karma was addressed during that time. There will be reprieve, a time for healing and restoration within this time of great change in your world. For your world is changing at its very core level. And I tell you, as frightening as it seems at times; these changes are for the good. You are moving into the time of brotherhood, sisterhood, trust and true unconditional love. These changes are greater than you have ever experienced since the beginning of time.

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Message from Aca’u on Current Energies

This message from Aca’u was channeled through Camille Albrecht on February 21, 2011 at her Connections Class on the Universal Laws held in Whitehall, Michigan.

See  Creation and The Hermetic Laws for information on how to obtain recordings of this class. Aca’u came in at the end of the class Monday to share this information.

Solar Flare

2010 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

Channeled through Camille Albrecht September 17, 2010

The Fall Equinox  between 11:10 p.m. EDT 9/22/10 and 12/21/10

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now. The winds of change rush in. Many have experienced great lethargy this summer. Your energy level returns slowly as we move through the Fall Equinox period. I suggest you continue to protect your energy levels by not over extending yourself this Fall and realize that increased stamina returns by mid November. The pressure of the Cardinal Cross this summer dampened motivation, created a certain inertia and muddled thinking. Many found it difficult to move forward and make decisions. It was a time of rest, turning inward and spending time with loved ones in a way that nurtured and healed relationships.

You may have found that while some relationships strengthened, others ended. Some simply faded away while others abruptly closed. This is as is should be. You are changing from the inside out. Your outer world will reflect the changes taken place within you. Therefore, it is natural that your relationships change. This is a time to release relationships that have outlived their time and to nurture relationships that resonate with you.

It is a time for people to accept responsibility for themselves and for their lives. People must learn to become self reliant in the Age of Aquarius. Review who you have been responsible for and who you have become too reliant upon. What changes need to be made? It is time for each person to increase their level of personal responsibility. People who have had difficulty being self reliant in the past can discover new found strengths and abilities to see them through.

You are all moving into the space you are meant to be for the full expression of your High Self in The Aquarian Age. New jobs, new homes, new friends, new interests, and above all, new mental attitudes. This is a time the inner self cries out to be heard. The soul of you, the essence of you, demands expression. No longer willing to be put on the back shelf, the Reality of you asks you to overcome your lack of belief in yourself and step out into expressing your talents, skills and gifts. It is time to speak up and let your voice be heard. For some, that means to be more assertive at home and for others, it means to finish the book! Write the play! Record the song! For some it is time to get the credentials you need for your new expression – if that means going to school, now is the time to enroll. Take the class, get the certification. For others, it means it is time to teach. For wisdom is meant to be shared.

You have been all repositioned for the next expression in your life.

Please do enjoy life. This is a time of great pressure and change, yes, but there is also great joy to behold. See it. Step outside and see how nature has exploded in its expression. You have blessed nature and it responds in kind. Your Light sent to the Gulf works. The Light always works. Know this.

Do you know the very sea life is involved in cleaning the waters? The Light you have directed has enabled the waters to cleanse at an increased level. The Light you have directed has also helped enlighten the minds and hearts of those involved in the cause and clean up. You have made a difference and continue to do so.

All spaces and energies have increased in vibration now, as they do with each Equinox and Solstice. As such, your thoughts become more powerful. You will notice that manifestation continues to occur more quickly as your power expands.  The universal powers around you become more accessible. God’s energy is always available, off course. Yet it becomes even more accessible in a broader manner as it is relayed through the planetary structures. For, the planets themselves have evolved and are able to bring in more complex, powerful Divine energies for you to use.

The bottom line? What the wise ones have said for eons — your thoughts create your life. Now, some of you find yourselves in very challenges situations. Yes, your thoughts created this. But realize that those thoughts may have originated in past lives or directly from your Soul on the inner plane for the purpose of your soul growth and for the growth of those around you. Whatever situation you find yourself in, your current thoughts, words and actions can directly impact how you experience the challenges. It is all towards your soul growth and the growth of those around you.

The economy begins to turn around after mid November. Confidence increases. You will see the job market improve and this fuels all other growth. Many of the poisons inherent in the systems have been purged either by public awareness of the problems or corrections made by businesses to avoid the disasters they have seen in other companies. The trials and upsets in the economy over the past two years have had positive effect on the future.

So you are the bridgers to the New Age. You who have the experience of the Piscean Age now move into the world of pure Aquarian energy. It is an honor for each of you to be on earth at this time. You are living through the greatest changes in the history of the universe. The most important role you have is to listen to the voice within, to allow your Reality Self expression and to live a life of loving-kindness.

If I could suggest to you one quality to nurture in yourself, it is loving-kindness. Because when you approach life with this, when you approach those you are at odds with in this manner, healing occurs.

Anger, accusations, blaming has no place in this point in time. Rather than point the finger and saying, “It is his fault things are the way they are” or “She got us into this mess”, look to see what have you done to contribute to the discord in order to correct it. What can your thoughts, words and actions do to improve the situation?

I say this to you time and again, it is ever true: a negative sent to a negative enhances it. A positive sent to a negative lessens it. So act with loving-kindness and you will find the negatives in your life lessen.

Don’t get sucked in to the negativity of others. Because this is a tumultuous time, fear is rampant. Fear immobilizes some people and in others creates irrational action. You will see both. How will you react? You can simply say, “I don’t see it that way. I see that we are moving to a better place”. Because you are.

Polarity rules this time. For many, this past year has been ‘the best of times, the worst of times’ as great joy has mixed with great sadness in life’s unfoldment. There have been gains and losses in many, many areas. This is a sign of the times. Yet with this, the amount of Light accessible to you is inexhaustible. Your chakras are open more than ever before to receive and direct Light. Your ability to heal and be healed is heightened as never before.

Take time to drink it in. Each day, fill yourself with Light to see you throughout your tasks and encounters. See it as powering your vehicle, much like fuel in a car. And you want that fuel to be pure Light, not fuel of negativity.

Great innovation is at your disposal now. New, new, new! Nothing need be based upon the old way. You will see technology explode, medical advances explode, and space exploration reveals wonders in your universe beyond your imagination. Medicine is closer to cures for cancer than it has ever been. You can expect contact with your space brothers and sisters to occur on a grand scale, with public awareness. This will likely be first experienced as a distant acknowledgment of life with no direct communication as the seeds are planted in humanity’s mind as a whole. It will be gradual and distant, so as not to invoke fear. But contact none the less. These are truly exciting times!

As your chakras continue to open, communication with the inner plane increases. Listen to the voice of angels, they are all around you. Angelic force is there to assist you as wise and beloved friends. Simply reach out your hand and join it with your angel’s hand, which is ever outstretched to you. You will feel their love and Light fill you. You are loved so very much! You are never, ever alone. Allow yourself to accept the love around you.

The angels are at work now to bridge you closer with your High Self which in turn bridges you more closely to the Creator of All Things, the I Am That I Am. Once you allow the full merger of your ego personality with your High Self, your Reality Self, you have access to all wisdom and all planes of existence. This is the doorway to the heavens.

“High Self, Reality of me, fill me now. I am open to your directing my life.”

You will find a beautiful detachment from the emotional turmoil that can cloud your thinking and interfere with right action and speech. Once you rise above the emotions of any situation, and rest within the wisdom and Divinity of your own High Self, a clarity will descends to guide you through your day. In this space can you handle anything that comes your way.

As bridgers of Light, may I suggest a daily statement to use during this Fall Equinox period:

“I choose today to live in peace. I trust that I am moving towards a good space

and that security, happiness and wholeness are mine. So be it.”

With that my friends, I bid you peace,


2010 Summer Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled through Camille Albrecht on May 22, 2010

Greetings. It is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

Tempers flare as the oil leak continues and environmental catastrophe unfolds. So how will you handle it? Damn them? Curse those responsible? Or send Light & Love to your Mother, Earth. You cannot do both.  It is from a loving heart that healing occurs. For love is the only healing energy there is.  Love heals. The results will progress more smoothly if you send love daily.

The company must take full responsibility for what it has created. That is the Law of Cause and Effect. They seek solutions.  Bless them. It is far more effective than damnation. This catastrophe has caused each person to consider the true price of oil. It pushes the search for alternate fuel sources. Nature takes a toll. It has the power to heal with your assistance. You are each so very powerful if you would but recognize it.

Remember to take control of your thoughts! They are manifesting more quickly than ever. Pay attention to what you are thinking and saying throughout your day, for that is how your future is created.

In your personal lives many continue to find challenges arise. Is this not the fodder for soul growth? With each challenge you face, you gain strength, awareness, wisdom. Look at who you were 12 months ago and who you are today. Growth, progress, evolvement. Take note of it. You are not the same person you were then because the universal vibration has increased many fold in the past year, spurring on accelerated growth within each one of you.

For many, this has not been easy. You have been asked to review your core beliefs. Also, you are asked to examine, What are my true priorities?  What are my core values? How do I want to spend my time? How can I express who I really am? You are realizing how precious life is and how precious you are.

For many, it has been a time of reconnecting with loved ones on a different foundation. One with eyes wide open as to the strengths and weaknesses in the relationship.

Unexpected change is occurring quickly on many fronts. Flexibility is key. For in these times of accelerated evolution, life can quickly change to put you with people, jobs, and into situations where you are most able to grow. And not only for your growth but where you are most able to assist others. You are in a giving and receiving space. Those you need, you will attract to you and those who need you will be drawn to you. Some of these relationships will assist through positive interaction while others create opportunities for growth through very challenging interactions.

Know this, relationships are the focal point of the Summer Solstice period. You will find yourself drawn to examine your relationships in several different areas:

1. Your relationship with nature: There will be a pull deep within to connect with nature, to feel it’s beauty and healing quality, and to examine how you relate to it. Have you appreciated it? How do you acknowledge it?  Do you connect with nature? It is good to do so on a daily basis. Take a walk outside, breathe in the sweetness of fresh air, touch the petals of the fragile yet intoxicating flower, admire the strength and flexibility of the grasses, the industriousness of the ants, the pollination by the bees who provide much of your food,  the gracefulness of the bird in flight. These everyday occurrences are wondrous miracles in their reflection of the Divine. Strengthening the bond between humanity and nature is crucial to this stage in your evolutionary process. Foster it.

2. Your relationship with others: We have spoken of this throughout the past year. This is a time to review relationships. You will find yourself able to love others more deeply than ever before as your capacity to love heightens. This is a love that is unconditional, a giving with no strings attached. It is in accepting the other for who they are today, lumps and bumps and all that I speak of here. In that acceptance is the love. In the love is the healing. As you love, you deliver healing and are yourself healed. Thus, your world is healed.

Your heart expands to encompass the capacity for expressing Divine Love, a love far beyond emotional feeling. Through this increased capacity to love, many of your relationships will deepen and grow as never before.

As in all things, polarity rules and therefore, you may choose to end some relationships that no longer resonate with you. These volatile times can bring out qualities in people you may not have seen before. You see others in a new light as the veil lifts. And you may discover that some relationships have outlived their time in your life and will be shed. This is as it should be. As I have said many times before, it is best in the attitude of “Thank you for all that was. I wish you well”. Be and let be without the judgment factor.
Please continue to foster independence in yourself and in your loved ones. This is a time for people to stand on their own two feet, take responsibility for their lives and for their decisions. This doesn’t mean you don’t help others in need but it does mean you don’t allow over-dependence.  Take a close look my friends, at who is dependent on you and to what degree. If it is out of balance, correct it. In this space, can you both grow.

3. Your relationship with the inner plane: My world of the more subtle forces and yours of the physical are closer now than ever before. Your ability to communicate and connect with the inner plane has vastly increased in recent years. You are able to communicate with angelic force, guides and master teachers as the veil between your world and mine continues to lift. It is a matter of stilling the mind and going within. “Ask and you shall receive”, “Knock and the door shall be opened” are very true statements. If you will but ask, Divine Assistance will be there. Trust. Some may hear the answer to their need, some may feel it, some simply know from a deep inner level how to handle a challenging situation. You are never without Divine support.

Those you love who have crossed over are never really separated from you. The bond of love spans beyond time and space. Our worlds are one, separated only by your thoughts that they are. Your loved ones are with you even now, for life is everlasting. Reach within and touch that space. It is always there for you.

4. Your relationship with your Reality Self: This is by far the primary relationship to foster, your connection with your Divine Reality Self, your High Self with. This is Who you Really Are. You are a Divine Being living a physical existence. You are immortal. You are wise. You have all the answers you need, the guidance and support within. Allow that Self to guide you daily. Let that small Light within the very center of your being grow until it fills you and pushes out through every cell of your being, enlightening you. It will feed you throughout your day. Just as food fuels your body, let your inner Self fuel your mind and heart. For you are moving towards living in the Light Body more and more. Go within, connect and know that this Reality Self can see you through absolutely anything you experience.

You have chosen to live in a changing world with all the challenges and joys it holds. You are the bridge between the old and the new, as one world passes and a new world dawns. Harbingers of change, rejoice in the honor it is to be on Earth at one of its most exciting and dynamic times.  You are never given more than you can handle. Reach deeply within yourself to the core of strength, wisdom and resiliency that is there. You’ll know what to do and how best to do it.

Trust that the future is one of peace, happiness and fulfillment.

I bid you great peace, great joy. And please do love yourself, for you are so worth loving!

We are here for you always,


Spring Equinox 2010 Message from Aca’u

channeled through Camille Albrecht on 2/28/10

The Spring Equinox occurs on March 20, 2010 at 1:33 p.m. EST

Greetings to You,

What you see happening in the world is all in the process of evolution; the Law of Cause and Effect in perfect expression. Don’t fear the future, don’t be discouraged. You see stalemates where progress should be. You see wars where peace should be. This perception can create discouragement that the hopes you had for your future will not be realized. I am here to tell you, they will. There is a new day dawning and you are on the brink.

The earth is adjusting itself for the perpetuation of humanity.  You can impact the earth changes by your thoughts, words and actions. Bless the earth in your healing work, it makes a difference. Watch your thinking patterns as they relate to Mother Earth.

You are in pure Age of Aquarius energy, the Age of Peace. Each one of you are called to bring peace into your hearts and that will spill over into the world you see and experience. But until peace comes into your heart, into your life, it cannot be in the world. You are a reflection of the world around you. So I ask you for a moment to turn within. Who are you battling with? Who are you are war with? Is it yourself? I see too often a beratement of the self for doing this or that, for behaving in ways you feel aren’t a reflection of you functioning at your highest. There is cause for self reflection, of course, but not for beating the self up. The days of martyrdom are over. Treat yourself with kindness. It is important that you look at your growth, look how far you’ve come. Take just a moment and reflect on your life for the past 5 years. How have you grown? Take stock of your accomplishments.

As you reflect on where you could grow from here, how you can best evolve, perhaps you see areas in your life that could use improvement. If you see something you want changed within your self, look upon it with love and acceptance, and change from that space. But don’t berate yourself for past mistakes. That only leaves you battered and bruised, not in the condition of strength and balance that best progresses forward.

So, I suggest that you enter this bright new Springtime thrust with respect for yourself and forgiveness for yourself. For in this respect and forgiveness there is a loving-kindness that permits you to move forward with optimism and faith. This acceptance of where you are at right now, and belief in your ability to create a happy and successful life for yourself is where that future can best be launched.

Then, I would ask you to reflect upon your relationships with others. Who are you battling with? It is time to bring peace into your relationships. That doesn’t mean you must sit down to dinner with everyone, but it does mean that you accept the other person’s right to be who they are, as they are right now. You may not agree with their perceptions or their behavior, but the right to judge that is not yours. Be and let be. You may have heard this many times before and it is an important statement to enact now. You don’t have to damn them, you don’t have to speak to others about what they did or didn’t do to you, or condemn how they choose to live their life. Be and let be.

In this changing energy, you may find yourself reassessing your relationships. You know that you have the right to discern who you choose to spend your free time with. You can leave relationships that no longer resonate with your current life, but leave in peace, with an “I wish you well” and mean it. You may want to pick up a pen and write a note to someone you have been at odds with, perhaps a family member, a coworker or friend and say “I’m sorry we disagreed. I wish you well”.

Bringing peace to yourself and to your relationships is what we’re talking about. You needn’t expect a note or phone call in response. We are talking about bringing peace within the self. Taking out the “scratchies” as some of you call them. This doesn’t mean you bring the person back into your life. Now in some cases, maybe this will happen. In others, the relationship has served its purpose and it is time to move on. Remember, the peace that you seek in your world begins in you, and in your household, in your friendships, even in your attitude while driving your car. See how I slipped that in!

Peace. Live it. Let it flow into you from the Divine that is all around you, and let that peace flow through you. When you find yourself irritated, at odds, out of sorts, take a deep breath of peace in, and breathe out your tensions. Breathe in peace and harmony, breathe out all angers, breathe in peace and harmony and breathe out peace and harmony. You will alter yourself. You will return to a state of balance that permits you to act from a higher space.

I ask you to allow this same reassessment to occur in your commitments. Don’t just continue along with the same commitments out of habit or sense of duty. Take a good look at each one and ask, “Is this where I really want to spend my time and energy?” The Spring Equinox calls for fresh, new beginnings. You must release the old to take on the new. You are completing the Winter Solstice period of assessing what’s worked and what hasn’t in your life and now is the time to act upon what you have discovered.

This Spring launches great insights and awakenings. You will find new understandings in many, many areas. Take time to be still, either through your meditations or through your walks in nature. In this stillness you will open to a stream of Divine Wisdom more accessible than ever before. The vibration increases substantially during this Equinox. The veils are lifted more and more. You can touch the inner plane as never before and because of that, the inspiration, the guidance, the answers you seek are more touchable than ever. You can increase your senses a hundred fold now, developing the inner senses as well as the outer senses. Taking the time to be still and listen is the key.

As with every Spring Equinox, there is a great push to express the new. An inner drive emerges, a pushing forward as motivation grows.This drive can be used in your work and that is wonderful. You will find yourself quite innovative in your approach to things. New methods, new ideas, great freedoms from past ways of doing things are all there for you now. But I say to you, don’t work it all away! I always remind you to play! Make enough time in your weekly schedule for fun. Actually schedule it in if you must. Too often the duties and obligations leave you exhausted for the free time you do have. The new energies call for you to be balanced in work and play. With that balance you will, in the long run, be more productive when performing your duties, and will be happier to boot. Everyone gains! So do incorporate time for silliness, for laughter, for dancing and singing. It would be wise to designate one day a week as a ‘no work zone’, and that includes your thoughts. By this I mean that you not allow that day to be taken up by thoughts of work, even if you are not engaged in a work activity. The mind needs to rest. In the state of just being, greater productivity can grow.

The financial outlook fluctuates just a bit longer, then stabilizes. This period calls for  continued fiscal conservatism as we have spoken of over the past year. The job market continues to improve, if you will allow yourself to be flexible and open minded.

You are entering a time of great inner push to express hidden talents and gifts, those things you didn’t think you had the time or resources, or perhaps the confidence to do. This is the time to take steps you need to bring them to fruition. What is it you have wanted to do? Now is the time to begin.

Because the push to express inner talents began some time ago, many of you have already found yourself in new ventures of self expressions. Keep at it! The beginning stages can appear less than the success you had hoped for. The Spring Equinox will infuse your abilities and outcomes with fresh, enlivening energy.

This is the time to plant new seeds and watch them grow. Breathe in the Divine Power that is all around you. It will fortify you, feed you, direct you. You have great support from the inner plane as you move forward in your evolution and in the evolution of the universe. This is a time to rejoice in being alive. The bursting of the buds into flowers in Spring’s new growth is mirrored in yourself as you, too, bring forth your beauty. Sing your song with great joy and know that you are so very loved, so very blessed. Just breathe it in.

My friends, I bid you peace,


Winter Solstice 2009 Message from Aca’u

channeled through Camille Albrecht on 11/30/09

The Winter Solstice begins on Monday, December 21, 2009 at 12:48 p.m. EST

Do you feel hope returning? Taste it! This is the season of possibilities. It sizzles in the air. Feel it! Fresh start, new year, new creations from the Void. That’s the energy of the Winter Solstice. In many ways it is a return to the Void where all potential resides. It is a time to turn your energies inward to assess, alter and make anew. The atmosphere is alive with new potentials waiting to unfold. Exciting, isn’t it!

Your year is winding down. Look back at your progress. Just for a moment, pick up a pen and write down ten things you accomplished in 2009. It could be in terms of physical accomplishment, emotional growth, new mental attitudes, survival of a challenge, gaining new insights into your life. Perhaps you were there for someone in need and made a difference in their life. Who did you help along the way? What hurdles did you cross? For many, 2009 was a year of challenge as karmic patterns unfolded. Many of you found yourself in new jobs, new financial situations, or in new family structures. This has been a year of clearing out blockages or old patterns in order to be prepared for the new energies to enter. Yet, it is difficult to really see what you have achieved if you don’t take time to recognize and acknowledge them. So, think about it. Write them down and rejoice in your accomplishments! This is the season of joy. That joy begins within you and bubbles out in to the world.

Reach out to your family, friends and others in the spirit of love and thankfulness for their presence in your life. Relationships are to be cherished, for it is the love you share with others that sustains you. Let the minor irritations wash away. Rather than scold, hold. (I like that little rhyme!) You can choose to be annoyed, or you can choose to smile and move ahead without having to say a word. Let it go, let it go, let it go. And know that someone will let your infraction go at some time in your future. For as you treat others, so too will you be treated. Tolerance must be promulgated in your world. It is very true that the love you share, the forgiveness you give, will return to you. Your life can be one of peace, acceptance and love if you would but express that from you. You know that your thoughts, words and actions act like magnets. What you send out, you attract back to you. Be the peace, be the love, be the joy that you want to see in your world. In the kindness you show to others do you spread kindness out in to your universe. During your day, remember to stop and ask yourself, “Is this a kind thing that I’m doing?” It is a good guidepost. For love is kind.

This is the season of gift giving. What is the greatest gift you can give another? Your acceptance of them. Without criticism, without telling them the way you think they could do it better, or how they should act differently, or think another way. Give the gift of simply accepting them lumps and bumps and all. You are all beautiful works in progress. So I speak to you now of acceptance, tolerance, peace. These are the building blocks of your future. In this space can growth occur.

The economy, it progresses. You can expect overall improvement but there will be setbacks along the way. Some major. This is not cause for discouragement but do continue with caution and conservation. Conservation in all resource management is important. I have spoken to you about this often and this theme continues. Conserve your resources. The need for clean water takes on more and more importance as awareness grows.

Innovation blossoms in a grand way. Be open to new ideas. The past can only serve you in the lessons you have learned from it. Let your past go. It is time to move on to new perspective.

And please, stop damning yourselves! Many of you continue to self criticize and this only hinders your growth. Love yourselves with a deep inner recognition of your inherent goodness. When you look in the mirror, look right in to your eyes, smile and say, “I love me, I’m my best friend”. Trust yourselves. You have been given the power to change your life and to change your world. Why do you doubt? The age of beating yourself up is over. When you self criticize, do you know you exaggerate that very quality you don’t like within yourself? You have added another log on to that fire, which keeps it ever burning stronger. Stop yourself. When that thought of self condemnation comes up, flick it off like a hot ash. Say, “That was the old me and I let it go. I love myself and know I express my High Self in me and through me.” That brings the High Self in, rather than pushing it away.

Before you can bring peace to the world, you must bring peace within yourself.

You can decide that 2010 will be your best year yet. How? Simply make the statement and then act as though 2010 is your best year yet. Your words and your actions create your life. As you walk through 2010, tell yourself, “This is my best year ever” and see how it unfolds. You will find remarkable your ability to face the ups and downs the year brings, because your attitude is one of ‘best year ever’. Give it a test run in December! I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. You know it is not the external event but your perception of the event that makes it what it is. And in that ‘best year ever’ mind frame, you will attract those things that make for a best year ever.

Dear friends, please know that you are loved. I know it is scary to be in your world sometimes. It can appear chaotic, out of control. Sadness and loneliness are very real. People hurt one another, wars break out between countries. Wars break out between friends and between family members. And having a good cry now and then is quite healing. But don’t dwell on it. Know that the Creator holds you in Mind at all times. And it is in that Mind that you live, and move, and have your being. There is nothing to fear. You are made of love, by love. Not a single one of you is alone. Just turn inward and your cup will be replenished. The strength and courage you need is there. Tap it! And with it comes a great knowing that it will all be all right. Accept the love that dwells within, it will ever sustain you, guide you, heal you.

So, I ask you to look towards 2010 with great joy in the knowing that all potential is ready to be tapped. For you can create the most wondrous year ever! The clay has been handed to you; have some fun molding your future. And know that giggles go a long way in paving a path of Light.

We walk together, my friends.

I bid you peace,


2009 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

as channeled through Camille Albrecht on 9/17/09

© 2009

Be prepared to awaken from the slumber of the summer, as new energies stimulate within you the urge to move and activate new ventures.  Invigoration returns. Many have been languid or withdrawn from high activity this summer, choosing to spend time at home alone or with family. This was necessary and has been a preparatory period for the times ahead.

Great healing takes place for those of you who have experienced emotional, psychological or physical imbalances this year. Some experienced emotional crises, sadness, despair, while others experienced depression, unexpected angers emerging, disappointments and fear. Still others faced physical ailments. The imbalances created a much needed correction within that will only serve you in what lies ahead. Know there was purpose in your challenge.

Attitudes now shift towards new potentials unfolding as the belief in possibilities of stability and happiness return. Many will find a change in life direction occur. For some these have already begun while for others, the inner urge grows. You know a change is coming but cannot yet see what it is. Patience, it is there for you. It needs the proper timing for its birth.

The healing begins with a renewed sense of optimism, much lacking in your world now. Fan it and let it grow.

The economy rumbles into a stable period during this equinox period. New jobs form and many who want work are able to find work, perhaps not in their previous field. Many of the new jobs made available now are of a temporary nature and at lower wages than those before. Yet these are the stepping stones to increased income, job stability, and job satisfaction. Understand that to accept a job at less than what you prefer does not lessen you. It expands your ability to be flexible and accept what is, moving towards what can be.

Watch your thoughts, as they will manifest more rapidly now. The new vibratory energies add expediency to the manifestation process, along with adding additional power to them. You are creators of your world, both on an individual basis and as a collective. Watch any damning thoughts towards those you perceive as your opponents. Know that a negative sent to a negative enhances it. A positive sent to a negative diminishes it.

There is much name calling and riotous behavior on the parts of some now, gaining attention in the media. It is as if a cork has been released and uncontrolled, ugly emotions are spewing out. This is the minority and most people do not display such lack of emotional control. Such displays draw attention in your news, which makes it appear more commonplace than it is. Please know that it is more hype than fact. There is a decency growing between people, a civility and a tolerance that is not getting news coverage, but is very much alive. The pockets of hatred are being released for cleansing. Focus on the civility and tolerance. Add those ingredients to your daily self expression. Don’t let your emotions get out of control because you oppose another’s viewpoint. It is our differences that make us strong. Remember that, especially during this time.

Relationships come into focus as the Sun enters Libra. As I tell you each time I have the opportunity, build bridges. This cannot be stressed enough. Build bridges between you and your neighbors, between you and your colleagues, between you and your children, between you and your inner self. Peace begins within the self. Once you except you, love you, with all your lumps and bumps, you can recognize and accept those parts you want to develop. Growth takes place within the space of love.

Your economy will improve. Optimism fuels it. There are still many, many changes to come. So expect periods that are erratic and plan accordingly.

Conservation is the key word once again, in use of all your resources. You will find much focus on the purity, use and conservation of water during this time. It is needed. Those who misuse resources will be brought to light and made accountable for their actions. Greed will not be tolerated. Be aware of your proper use of water. Your actions impact the universe so when you respect water and use it well, it feeds the universal bank and will impact how others use water. Visualize clean water in the reservoirs of those throughout the world who are in need, and many are.

Continue to be fiscally conservative. Differentiate between what you need and what you want. Spending money on wants is not wrong but must be conscious, not whim and waste. That is what is important, proper use of resources. That thread continues for the next decade as balance is brought to the environment through your personal habits. Your personal habits resonate out to the habits of communities, which resonate out to the world. Your environment demands and deserves your attention, and proper stewardship.

There will be a number of important decisions made over the course of the next few months that will impact the world dramatically. Bless the political leaders throughout the world. In your own life, you will find yourself more pensive and your thoughts take on a somber tone as you make some significant decisions as well. These decisions relate to financial expenditures, health, life direction and to relationships. In terms of relationships, you may want to ask yourself questions such as, “How do I choose to respond to the other?”,  “What is my responsibility to this relationship?”, “Has this relationship outlived its purpose in my life?” Some relationships will end, let them go. As the veils between you and another lifts, you will see the relationship with increased clarity. As a result, how you react to the other may change, what you choose to share with the other may change, who you choose to associate with may change. New partnerships form that have great effect in your life.

Freedom to be who you are, and to accept others right to be who they are without your judging them is another key ingredient of this equinox period. There is a rush of energy coming that spurs you on to new expressions of your inner self. There must be proper freedom to express this, a boldness to step out from your comfort zone to do things differently. This is a time to try new expressions, take action on dreams, create the new life that awaits you. The past is over, release it.

This is a new time, a new energy, requiring new acceptance, attitudes and actions. With that comes an emotional freedom and joy welling up from deep within, based upon your true expression of your self. Revel in it.

For above all, this Fall Equinox period is a time of joy. Let it bubble up and be expressed. Look about you and take delight in what you see. Every day can hold joy if you will but accept it. There is joy in the sun’s rising, in the intricate details of a leaf, in the smile of a friend, in the beauty within you. See with your inner eyes and you will see a world to marvel in. Look beyond what appears as discord  and know, by directing your thoughts and actions, apparent disruption can lead to greater wholeness and balance. Hear with your inner ears and you will hear beyond the shouting to the plans for peace. For that is where you are heading, to a world restored in balance, with peace growing within and without.

It is time to sing. And a little dancing goes a long way! Trust yourselves and know you are moving towards the good in all ways.

I bid you peace,
