2014 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on December 21, 2014
The 2014 Winter Solstice begins at 6:03 pm ET on December 21st

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

Breathe in deeply the peace of the season. That energy is all around you. The atmosphere is filled with love, gentleness, and compassion. It can be deeply healing if you allow it in. Love generated by those of you on earth combines with love from the heavens and permeates the atmosphere now. Pockets of distress are being filled with this Light. YouSymbols of Many Faiths add to it each time you allow the feelings of love, gentleness and compassion to grow within you. These are sent out into the atmosphere and magnified by similar thoughts from others. This creates a powerful force for good.

It is you who create your world. And this time of year is especially filled with thoughts of peace and generosity. Let that be your focus. Where can you add joy and compassion to the world? Smile. Tell someone, “I think you’re great!” Say, “I love you” from your heart. When you add such thoughts, feelings and actions to the universal bank, it diminishes the power of the wrongdoings and challenges in the world. The energy of love is the most powerful energy in the universe. It conquers all. You can create a more loving, joyful world by consciously choosing the path of peace.

Why do you think the holidays exist? What is their purpose? Each faith takes time out during this time to celebrate The Light. It is a time to declare your gratitude, generosity, peace and Divine Love. In this manner, do you enter the New Year aligned with the I AM.

Foster it; grow it. Drink in all the Divine Love that permeates the atmosphere and allow it to deeply heal you. Once you have filled yourself with all the Light you can hold, shine it outward as the Sun and all you encounter will feel that compassion and love man-radiating-lovepermeate from you. Your eyes, your voice, your touch will demonstrate acceptance, compassion and love. And so do you heal by your presence. This is something you can do each day. And so is your universe healed.

Expect miracles in 2015. It will be a magical year. The universal energies are creating unexpected blessings. Sudden turns of events that make life easier will occur. Dare to dream big. You can create greater financial stability, improved health; whatever the need is. It will be easier to curtail what needs to be curtailed in your life and to expand in those areas that need expansion. Why? While the planet continues towards its goal of exposing poisons, correcting injustices and rooting out evil, the Divine Energy needed to meet these challenges is increased. The vibration of the universe increases with each Solstice and Equinox, which provides more access to Divine Power.

Feel it. It’s easier to function now, isn’t it? Challenges exist but are somehow more tolerable, or the solution is in sight, or collective rallying is providing strength to face the foe.

I tell you this to alert you to the strengths within you and around you. Pay attention. You can shoulder your burdens more easily now. Courage! Faith! You can succeed.

The energies support success in 2015. Be open and accept the Divine Inspiration that is around you. You can have flashes of insight into anything you are dealing with now. This is a year of awakening.

Meditation will accelerate your ability to tap into the wonder and magic of 2015. I use these words quite specifically. Expect unexpected good things to occur. They will occur in small ways as well as the big ones. You can magnetize yourself to attract this by meditation, and by accepting that miracles can occur. Live in awareness of your oneness with the Divine.

It is in God’s mind that you live and move and have your being. What then, need you fear? God’s mind is Love and Light and all-powerful. This is your birthright. This is who you are and what you are. Feel it; live it. Your faith in your own ability, aligned with the I AM can move mountains.

When you are frightened, feeling alone or in pain, reach out for Divine Assistance. Trust that it will never let you down. Ever. Because the Light always works. It is always there to provide the strength, guidance and inspiration that you need.

You are here on earth with a purpose. You came to create more balance within yourself and thus, within the universe. So your life lessons are with purpose. Don’t turn away from them. Yet realize that you are never meant to handle them alone. You have a very special guardian angel assigned only to you that works with you every single moment of your life. Their great joy is to be of assistance. Feel your angel beside you and know that your betterment is their prime focus.

You know you have Guides as well; your Divine friends assigned only to you. As with your angel, your guide’s focus and great joy are to help you be the best that you can be. Open your arms to them. Let them in. All that you need to face your challenges and to be the successful, fulfilled person you are meant to be is there for you.

My dear friends, you are instruments of the Divine. Divine energy lives and breathes in you. Feel it permeate every cell. Close your eyes for just one moment and breathe in Divine Power. See it fill every cell of you being; your body, your heart, your mind. This is the stuff that powers your day. Let it work for you.

Be at peace in this most blessed of seasons. We celebrate on this side of the veil just as you celebrate on earth. Amongst all your worries and concerns, let Light shower down around you and in you. It will show you the way through it all. And as that Light fills you, be a bringer of joy and love and peace in your world.

It is an honor to incarnate, you know.

May you have a joyous Winter Solstice Season of Light.

I bid you peace,