2015 Summer Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on June 21, 2015

The 2015 Summer Solstice begins on June 21st at 12:38 p.m. EDT 11:38 a.m. CDT, 10:38 a.m. MDT and 9:38 a.m. PDT

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u, who speaks to you now,

This Summer Solstice brings energies of joy. You have come through a harsh winter and spring; now is your time to rest, restore and recuperate. Take time this summer to do so. The energies still encourage you to grow, but within an atmosphere that nurtures and strengthens.

Summer SolsticeYou are meant to express your individuality. You are meant to discover what your personal skills, traits, strengths and resources are. In 2013, 2014 and 2015, your character traits that need balancing are coming to the fore. You are meant to recognize within yourself, either by self reflection or through feedback from others, what is meant to be carried into the new millennium and what your are meant to leave behind.

This is a kinder, gentler Age. It is an Age of Brotherhood and Sisterhood. Hatred is being purged from your world. I understand that from your perspective, that might be difficult to recognize. But trust, my friends, that this is true. Hatred is being brought to the surface to be identified and destroyed. For it will not be tolerated in the energies that are unfolding.

The world evolves not by magic, nor by space beings that come in and repair it all; not by the descent of Divine Beings to create a fanciful cloud out of Peace Dust. There are some that continue to look outside of themselves for the answers. No. The answers, the cure, the resolution comes from within you. The world evolves – humanity evolves – through trial and error, cause and effect. Thus, you learn discernment in the use of your free will and decision-making. In other worlds, you evolve in your ability to create a peaceful world. Now, the planetary energies assist in your unfoldment, of course. They provide the energies that push you and prod you, and encourage you to move and grow. And the energies of the Age of Aquarius are energies that resonate with peace and Divine Love more strongly than you have ever experienced. This means it is easier then ever to tap into vibrations of compassion, kindness, understanding and wisdom. Such vibrations are higher than those dealing simply with self-focus and survival, getting ahead at whatever cost and fulfilling base desires. You have grown through those experiences as well.

The Piscean Age was to teach self-discipline, among other things. It taught that to meet your needs of survival and material success, you had to sacrifice some things for the sake of others. It honed your ability to focus your will to create what you want and to forsake pursuing helter-skelter a myriad of desires. So you enter the Aquarian Age with the ability to create at a higher level. You are learning that when you combine your will with imagination, adding focus and trust, you can create anything you desire. What you desire is also vibrating at a higher level. And with the rate of manifestation continuing to increase, those creations are manifesting more quickly than ever.

You are learning to accept increased responsibility as co-creators with the Divine. You are powerful creators and gaining in power with each solstice and equinox.

This is why those parts of you not vibrating at a high level must be brought to the surface and purged. You are a Divine Being in a physical body with earthly emotions and thoughts that stem from the ego personality. You have come into this lifetime with a history from your past. Piscean Age lessons must be worked through so you can enter into your future unencumbered by the past. Many of you have had some major life challenges or lessons in these past few years – some of these lessons continuing now. This is so you can ‘see yourself in action’. What in you needs to be brought into balance? For some, this is a tendency to over-work. For others, you may be coming face to face with the fact that you live with too much fear and worry. Some are realizing it is over-spending that is their weakness. The issues are as varied as people on the planet. But I tell you, look within. For some, it is a fear of commitment; others – an uneasiness being alone. You are facing current lessons because there is something in you that is attracting them. And its purpose is to seek Light, Balance and Wholeness. Ask for Divine Assistance in what ever it is you are dealing with. Divine Assistance won’t do it for you, but will guide you, support, comfort and strengthen you so that you can accomplish whatever you put your mind to.

The Summer Solstice energies encourage you to continue to hone the self and to ennoble the self. You are healing wounds carried forth from the Piscean Age and this process is meant to create great strength and wisdom within you. For by courageously looking within and with honest self-assessment, you can release what is not resonating with The Light and gain self-mastery. This is The Hero’s Journey. And you are The Hero. You are being drawn towards The Light as a moth to a flame. As such, The Light grows within you so that you may fully express the Light Being that you are.

This is the context within which you live now. However, with this great push towards personal and global evolvement is a gentling of the energies. It is easier to smile now. There is happiness in the air; a lightness. Feel the joy that permeates the atmosphere. This is a time of great healing; healing that goes right to the very core of your cells and heals from the inside out. Breathe it in and allow yourself to bask in it. How? By taking the time to just be this summer. Take a stroll, meander or simply sit and take in nature. It is important to give yourself time without directed thought to allow the reception of healing forces that surround you.

And please allow yourself to have fun. This is a buoyant time; a time of optimism and cheer. Fan it. Do those things that bring you joy. When you tap into it, you will easily draw to you energies that encourage you to play, have fun and laugh. Laughter heals! You know this and I ask you to take advantage of it.

Pay attention and you will find that the mountains appear more majestic, flowers seem more beautiful, water – more refreshing. Why? Because nature is gaining in power. Take some time to notice this. Nature is restoring balance not just to the planet, but to everyone on the planet as well. You are meant to form a partnership with nature now and together, create Utopia.

All around you are the resources you need to have a happier, more balanced life. Hold the thought that your life now and in the future holds success and joy, security and love. You will attract what you send out. If you hold the intention without waver, The Light will deliver it to you more perfectly than you could have ever imagined. Just realize the bumps along the way are not obstacles on the Path, but necessary to make the adjustments needed. Know with a certainly that you are heading towards a better world. And you are the instruments of the Divine that make it so.

You are loved, you are supported and you are never alone.

I bid you peace,
