2015 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

2015 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

channeled by Camille Albrecht on September 23, 2015tumblr_static_autumn-autumn-35540976-2560-1600-1

The Fall Equinox began September 23rd at 4:22 am EDT and 8:22 UTC

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now. The energies continue to lighten. You have seen improvements in the economy, in the job market and in public attitude this year. Businesses are expanding within an atmosphere of growth. There is a resurgence of optimism as the universal energies deliver buoyancy and the desire for expansion. This is a time of confidence and a willingness to take risks to move forward.

In your personal lives, no matter what you are going through, you are able to more readily touch the energies of hope, trust and belief in beneficial outcome. There are difficult challenges facing humanity and for many, difficult personal challenges, but a way through it successfully emerges. Awakenings and insights occur that present solutions. For this is a time of innovation. You can do it differently than you have in the past. The ability to access inner strength combined with creative problem solving is there for you.

No matter how desperate, confusing or frightening things appear, change is here. And that change is bringing movement forward from where you are now to a new space. Know that the new space will bring improvement, whatever the situation is. You now have more tools at your disposal than ever and those tools work to impact your world from the inside of you and they impact outside circumstances.

It begins with how you perceive a situation. You can magnify what you perceive as negative, adding the emotions of anger, despair, worry and such to it. This intensifies the problem and disables your ability to handle it well. You become blinded and bound by the overwhelming emotions of it. You move yourself out of reach of the solution. This creates a cycle of increased worry and the problem intensifies as more negative energy is added to it. The issue mushrooms as your ability to handle it diminishes.

Now, it may take some strength and resolve, but you can stop this progression by stopping the thought process that got you there. Stop yourself and say, “How can I look at this differently? Let me detach from the emotions of it and look at the facts.” View whatever it is as an opportunity to change what isn’t working or is out of balance or is unhealthy. You know that everything is changing, everything is moving forward. You can take what isn’t working and create a bridge that takes it to a better place. So you stop and ask yourself, “How can I handle this better?” Your emotions will calm and that alone increases clarity of thought. Once that begins, you can help others who may be involved handle it better, too.

Once you detach from the emotions that are dragging you down, you are able to deal with whatever it is from a stronger space. You aren’t stuck in the mud. If you can detach, even for a moment to say, “Okay, this is how it stands now. I don’t like it but this is what it is. With the Divine Power working in me and through me, I can handle this situation.” And you call forth the Divine Power and work with a fresh perspective. Mind is all and once you view it differently at the mental level, your emotions will change. And when that happens, a more balanced space is created that enables you to function well in the situation.

The energies of today increase your ability to think creatively. You’ll see this at work in your life. Use it! Creativity can be used in anything you do, from your artwork to decorating, to how you talk with your children to how you clean your house. Encourage your ability to think and act with more creativity by doing things differently; shake up your routine. It’s as simple as brushing your teeth with your left hand if you always brush them with your right. This stimulates your brain and muscles in a new way that spills over into other areas of your life. Take a new route home. You’ve never drawn? Pick up a pen and just do it. Stretch your repertoire. The universal energies support exploration and inventiveness. This is a time of new creative self-expression.

You will have more ‘ah ha!’ moments as new understandings awaken within you. All of a sudden, the light bulb goes on and you see something in a new light. You understand it in a new way. This brings a freedom because often, the insight breaks down a wall or blockage within you and it doesn’t ‘get’ you anymore. Take note of these. See how this energy of expansion works to expand your comprehension as well. You are getting smarter, folks!

This is such an exciting time. For in addition, your access to the spiritual world is expanding. I’ve talked with you often about this and once again, there is an increase in vibration as the Equinox takes place. That increase puts you even closer to the vibration of the Inner Plane. Tap in. It is always there to assist you. Always. As Edgar Cayce said many years ago of spiritual guidance, it can assist you whether you are digging for fishing worms or playing a concerto. No matters are too great or too small to call on Divine Assistance.

You will decide your country’s ‘philosophy of life’ with the presidential election next year. Very different approaches are emerging as to the direction your country will take in terms of its values, attitudes and purpose. Do your homework and get involved. I want you to understand something. When you hear ‘it will be as it is meant to be’, sometimes that is because that is how you voted. It is not something descending from outside of you that creates the outcome, it is the logical result of the Law of Cause and Effect. It will be as it is meant to be, by your choice. Remember that.

Just as in your personal life innovation, freedom and insights are there, so too is this accessible in handling international challenges. Governments must look to the root cause of the problem, rather than the symptoms, and change it from there. You can assist by sending Light, managing your thoughts and emotions, and by voting for politicians who reflect your values.

Carry your faith and optimism forward in all you think, say and do. You are change agents bringing in a bright, fulfilling future. As architects of the Aquarian Age, design the world you want to live in.

Have you noticed a desire to have more fun? That’s part of this year’s Fall Equinox energies, too. Be sure to balance your time between work and play. Play is what brings you relaxation and joy. Make time for it in your life on a regular basis and it will reward you in so many ways. Understand something. When you are out of balance in anything, in managing too many responsibilities, in not managing enough of them, it curtails your ability to function at your best. Seek the balanced life and watch how effective you are.

My dear friends, you are so loved! Open your ears, your eyes, your hearts and minds to us. We are here to assist in all you do. Remember that the Light always works. And those of us on this side walk hand in hand with you.

I bid you peace,
