Summer Solstice 2018 Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on June 19, 2018

The Solstice begins on June 21st at 6:07 am EDT

 Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now. The turmoil on the planet, and especially in the United States has reached a point of distress that many of you have never experienced in your lifetime. The United States has been through challenging times before and survived all the stronger as result. This will happen now as well and you are a critical part of that process.

 You must stop promulgating hatred. People will always have different perspectives than you; that is fact. What matters is how you handle it. You are witnessing extremes in order to find the balance point. If you wish to end negativity, begin with yourself. Ream out thoughts that are vibrating at levels of self-centeredness, anger and fear. Look at what they are creating. How can you move the world towards peace when these are held in your heart? This is true on both sides of the political spectrum. I’m suggesting that you detach from this level and elevate yourself in vibration. To detach doesn’t mean that you aren’t engaged as an agent of change. You are meant to be an agent of change, creator that you are. Yet from what level do you want to create? Pay attention to your thoughts, pay attention to what emotions they are generating and what that creates.

Nature and polarity rule the Aquarian Age. You are seeing extremes in both now.

Polarity means to have opposing perspectives, opinions, tendencies, aspects or traits. Examples of polarity are light and dark, hot and cold, love and hate, kind and cruel. On either end of the pole, you have the highest degree of these and all the various degrees lie in-between. Polarity exists in all things, including behavior. It teaches mankind to distinguish right from wrong. Polarity requires you to exert your free will in order to choose where on the pole you stand. Some of today’s issues include immigration, international relations and communication. You are in the process of deciding what kind of world you want in this new age. You are the architects; I’ve spoken of this often. Through your thoughts and actions, you create the future.

For many, this is a time when you are being asked, “Do you really believe the concepts taught in your spiritual training? Are you practicing the principles?” You can be an effective agent of change while working within the framework of acceptance and kindness. You can’t change what you don’t accept. Stop warring. The universe supports peace and unity. Remember that. Stand in the firm conviction that we are moving towards a better future, tune inward to connect with the Divinity within, and act from there.

Much guidance is available to you. Divine Assistance is always awaiting your call. That’s what we’re here for. We seek to form a partnership with you. We can see from a higher perspective and can help steer you through challenging times in any area of your life.

Two potent energies are available to you now, self-discipline and the ability to manifest your aspirations. Self-discipline is a powerful tool that can hone and help direct your will to accomplish whatever you set your mind to. You’ll find that this summer solstice period gives you tenacity; an ability to stick to your goals. You’re able to direct your will with an extra force now and can overcome temptations more easily than usual. This can be a time of great accomplishment. In addition, the power of manifestation is heightened. Uranus, the planet of creativity, insight and awareness works hand in hand with practical Saturn. You can bring your dreams into tangible manifestation. Don’t just imagine it, put it into motion, whatever ‘it’ is.

Let’s begin with the self, for that is where all permanent change takes place. If you could better yourself, if you could ennoble your character in some manner, what would you choose? Move in that direction and watch it unfold. What kind of person do you want to grow into? More patient? Forgiving? Accepting? Creative? How about to be a better listener? Or, better able to imagine yourself in the other’s guy’s shoes. How would you view the world from that perspective? The purpose of your sojourn here is soul growth and to make the world a better place; opportunity abounds

You can make great progress in bringing about external manifestations such as a loving partner, increased financial security, reliable transportation. The timing is ripe for giving birth to your creations. You need to accept that it can be and take the actions towards it. That’s an important step in realizing your goals.

 Hold tight to the spiritual principles that span all ancient wisdom traditions:

1.    Love is the most powerful force in all the universes. Negativity cannot triumph. The Light always works and within Divine timing.

2.    When you align yourself with the Divine, all things are possible.

3.    Every being has a point of Divine Light within that can be fed and nurtured by Light and Love

4.    You are the master of your fate, the captain of your ship. Mind is all.

I keep this message brief and simple, filled with the reminders you most need. You cannot know the light without knowing the dark. Accept that what is occurring has a purpose. Detach and view your life from the higher perspective of the soul, which is beyond personal earthly emotions. For earthly emotions cloud your thinking and thus, your decision making. Connect with your inner Divine Self and make your choices as to how you want your life and your world to unfold. Then, act accordingly. Share your perspectives with reason, acceptance and respect for differing opinions.

You are a powerhouse. Remember that whenever two or more of you are gathered together in Light, your power is magnified. This means together you can move mountains. The keyword for this summer, as well as for the new age is unity. Seek it, live it, create it. For that is where the universe is headed and when you connect from the foundation of unity, you will be in the flow When you are in the flow the doors you need for your secure and happy future will open wide.

Be blessed, be courageous, and be trusting in the future.

I bid you peace,
