2018 Fall Equinox Message from Aca’u

The Equinox begins September 22nd at 9:54 pm EDT

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

Does it seem like time is moving faster now? Perhaps you find yourself asking where summer went. Well, your perception is accurate. Time is speeding up as vibrations increase. You and all things in the universe have ratcheted up another notch on the evolutionary spiral. You’ll catch up with the shift in energies over the next week or so. It’s good to go into a meditation, even for ten minutes, to acclimate yourself to the new vibratory patterns.

Even with the quickening, there is all the time you need to accomplish what you wish if you prioritize and focus. And because of the hectic pace going on now, keeping a mental or physical list of what you want to accomplish will help a great deal. Just take a couple of minutes at the day’s end or beginning to create your to-do list. It will help you organize, focus and complete what you’d like.

The energies of this equinox period are complex. Two very different energy packages are at hand. First, there is a great deal of power you can harness to achieve your goals. This is a wonderful time to establish new roots and design new structures in your life. For example, you can create a new daily schedule that reflects who you are today rather than who you were even six months ago. You know, it’s easy to just mindlessly go through the day. Yet if you give it some thought, you can design a new routine and establish new habits that are in alignment with the you of now. And it’s on those habits that your future is built. Take just a few minutes to think about a schedule that suits you; perhaps a different one for a weekday and the weekend. I’m not suggesting every hour be planned, but you all have a routine you follow, whether you recognize it or not. Take some time to update it so that it works for you today.

The second energy package unfolding is one of great tension that pits diverse energies against each other. You can see the lack of cooperation and flexibility, the discord, people pushing personal agendas and such. Energies in this equinox can exaggerate harsh and judgmental attitudes, intolerance and unkindness. Don’t let them seep in. They only diminish you, not the person you are judging. Discern what’s right and wrong for you, act accordingly and leave it with that. That way, you aren’t adding to the negativity.

Voting season is upon you. You have a great privilege in your right to vote. Take time to tune inward, away from the tumultuous external forces. Turn to your inner wisdom, make your decisions and vote.

Please take time to acknowledge your accomplishments this year. Fall is the harvest season. What seeds did you plant that are now bearing fruit? Pay attention; be aware. Don’t let them go unrecognized; take some time to really think about it. Too often people simply push forward, one completion after another and never stop to take note of where they are and what it took to get there. It is part of knowing yourself.

This fall is a good time to take stock of your strengths and resources. The goal is to ensure a healthy self-esteem along with an assessment of your skills and abilities. You can’t move forward with success unless you know what’s in your toolbox.

Mend fences with others; extend the olive branch. Old wounds in relationships can be healed with this energy.

In your assessments, it’s wise to take stock of what you are grateful for. Your perception of events and situations in life is crucial to your wellbeing. Even in times of profound sadness and loss, there exists polarity. Look at the joy that is present within that space as well. For I tell you, it is there. And know that change is constant. You will move forward from even the most difficult times in your life having the power to create who you are and how you live. So during this Fall season, take a look at the good you have harvested in your life and build from there.

Throughout 2018, the ability to bring your intentions into concrete reality is strong. In other words, the universe supports manifesting your creative ideas. Write, paint, teach, design, cook… creativity in all forms is enhanced now. This is a great time to think outside of the box and try something new. The ability to bring your dreams into a practical application is enhanced. This is a good time to open or expand your business, to attract new customers, to promote yourself and your work. This has been true all of 2018 and will continue this fall. Make an active effort to take responsibility for shaping your life. In a nutshell, you can create a schedule that works for you, you can enhance your productivity through prioritization and focus, your creative ideas can take shape and form, your business can prosper – you can make great strides in moving your life forward.

To take advantage of this, decide what you want to achieve between now and the winter solstice. This is a wonderful time of accomplishment so give it some thought, time and energy. You’ll be pleased with what you can achieve. And remember, this means relaxation time, creative, play and social time, and a focus on health as much as it means accomplishing your home and business tasks.

Although this season’s energies are complex, your free will decides which ones you allow to grow within you.

Once again, I share with you a wonderful quote from the book, The Kybalion, “The difference between an ordinary man and an adept is, the adept knows who he is and acts as though he knows who he is.” Act as though you know the wonderful being you really are and watch the difference you make in the world.

There is much joy to be had now. Take it. Give it. You can change the course of someone’s day by giving them a heartfelt smile. And one of the greatest gifts you can give someone is accepting them. Remember that. Open your heart to others. Be as kind as you can possibly be. And remember what a powerhouse you are as a peacemaker and Light-bearer.

You know that we walk with you. You are never alone. There is an ever-flowing spring of guidance, strength and love within you.

I bid you peace,
