2018 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

Channeled by Camille Albrecht on December 20, 2018
The 2018 Winter Solstice begins December 21st at 5:23 pm EST

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks with you now.

Be at peace. Beneath the turmoil of the day, within the very center of your being, peace resides. It is your oasis in the desert; your sustenance. It is your source of guidance and inspiration; that which nurtures and sustains you. Go to this place of silence and deep peace whenever you feel discouraged, afraid, or weary. Always there is the guiding force within, ever ready to lift you up and nourish you. Take a moment now to tap into it. Drink in through each cell of your body, heart and mind the sustaining life force that pulses deep inside…

Let peace reign within you.

This is the true nature of Reality. All the warring, deceit, cheating, pain and suffering of the world are part of the school within which you learn. And in this school are the teachers and tools you need to grow and excel to build a world aligned with the Divine. That’s where you’re going. Trust that this is so. The vibration of the universe increases with each solstice and equinox. Your vibration increases as well and with that, access to more wisdom and Divine Power. This increase in Light reveals the darkness even more. So what appears to be an increase in the negative is the revealing of the negative in order for it to be cleansed from the earth. Negativity isn’t growing, it is unveiling in order to be purged and released. You are the creators and your power is growing.
When you align yourself with the Divine, you can create anything you desire. The Divine Force resides within you every moment of every day, waiting for your call.

This solstice period, the rapids of life’s river increase. Great change for the better is coming. Don’t ever be afraid of the truth. “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. Remember this. When you don’t know the truth about something, you are shackled by it. You can’t change anything if you don’t know what’s going on. Be courageous in seeking out truth in every level of your life. That’s what 2019 holds – uncovering. The veil has been lifting since the dawning of this new age. It continues to even more dramatically this year. You see it happening on a global level and yet it’s also increasing on a personal level. This is as it should be. It’s the process of evolving from the lower to the higher vibrations. Negativity cannot sustain itself in the higher levels.

You will see family and friends more clearly. You’ll know who you can really trust and also see strengths and abilities in others you may not have seen before. You’re able to know yourself better. You will see new strengths and abilities, and new potentials emerge in yourself. And, the veil between your world and mine continues to lift as well. We can connect more easily. Your Light Body is more accessible and with that comes increased discernment. You are learning how to create a life to flourish in.

A major restructuring will take place beginning in 2020. There will be tearing down and rebuilding, resulting in massive transformation. It’s all part of the evolutionary process. This is a time to reveal, release, restructure. You can assist this unfoldment by turning inward for the guidance you need. Meditation is more important than ever because you’ll be making major decisions about restructuring the world. Release any hatred you harbor and open your hearts. Human law will provide consequences for illegal behavior. Divine Law will provide perfect justice to restore balance.

Be part of the creative rebuilding process from a position of wholeness and Light, led by the deep well of Divine Wisdom within. Draw from it. Don’t let the turmoil in your life throw you off course. We’re here for you, my friends. Call on us. We will expand your capacity to bring in the Light, which raises you above the emotional fray. You will see and hear more clearly. You will able to walk through this most important year with confidence in a good future unfolding.

The fine arts are enhanced by the energies of this solstice. This is a marvelous time for creative self-expression. You can gain tremendous pleasure from music, theater, and art in all its many forms. Spiritual work is also enhanced under these influences. You can grow your practice well now. You’ll find yourself in the flow more easily and more often because you are resonating more with the higher forces.

Rejoice in your blessings. What you focus on increases. Focus on the joy and watch it grow. Know that you create your world by your every thought, word and action. What do you want to create in 2019? Then live it and so shall it be.

I bid you peace and joy in this most beautiful Season of Light,