2020 Winter Solstice Message from Aca’u

This message was channeled on 12/20/20 by Camille Albrecht

The 2020 Winter Solstice begins at 5:02 am EST on 12/21/21

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u, who speaks to you now.

This is a momentous solstice, for it heralds in a new era that astrologers call The Great Mutation. The planets Saturn and Jupiter have been conjunct in earth signs for 200 years and on this Winter Solstice, they begin their conjunction in the air signs for the next 200 years. (After a visit into the air signs between 1980 – 2000).

The earth element is of the physical plane. It is that which is material, grounding, rooting. The Earth signs are: Taurus: The focus is on resources, money and possessions. What do I have? What do I need? Virgo: Here, the focus is on analysis and detail, work with the hands and craftsmanship, physical health and healing modalities. Capricorn: Focuses on building structures, governments, businesses and earth-based transportation – roads, highways, railroads. For 200 years, mankind has focused on evolution through the physical plane. Resources were drawn from the earth, such as coal, oil, farming. Metals were forged; the industrial age blossomed.

Now a 200-year cycle unfolds dominated by the element air, the mental plane. It is that which is of the intellect, relationships, innovation, equality. Air signs are: Gemini: The focus is on the intellect, curiosity, communication, adaptability. Libra: The focus here is on relationships, arbitration, balance, harmony. Aquarius: Focuses on objective facts, humanitarianism, innovation, technology. Resources will be drawn from the air, such as wind and cosmic forces. New ideas, movement towards equality and innovation will blossom.

Astrology lesson aside, the winds of change blow strong.

You have come through a year like no other in your personal history. You were each asked to examine your values, to see what is truly important to you. To sheer away from habits, activities and people that are no longer to your benefit. To make time and space for those that are. Many lives have been lost, and many battles have been fought. There is a world-weariness, tinged with fear and hope. And although there is still a stretch of road before you before the activity of spring bursts forth, you are in a good position for this final period of assessment. Like horses at the race gate, you will be ready to charge forward into life again. You will do so with new eyes, with greater appreciation, and with the ability to savor those things that were, perhaps, taken for granted.

The Winter Solstice is a time of reflection and planning. This will be built on what you have already accomplished in 2020. With the new energies of movement and change, be open, be flexible. Be willing to accept the energies that encourage communication, arbitration, innovation, brotherhood and sisterhood. For this is your future. Fear will only hold you back. Yes, there will be tension between the old and the new in 2021, but it is a tension to develop, to move forward together. It is in your unity that lies your strength. You are meant to work together as brothers and sisters, for in reality, you are one.

You are moving closer and closer to the Light Body. Don’t forget that. Keep things in perspective. The discord you live in is the result of a tumultuous turning of the cosmic wheel of evolution. There will be brighter, happier times of change coming. Yet, do acknowledge the bright and happy occurrences in your life now.

Stand on faith and belief in a good life. And above all, be a bringer of peace, which is your True Nature. Unite yourself with the Companions of the Light and you will know how to navigate well through the emotional seas ahead. For in the rising up you will have the higher perspective, the wisdom and understanding you seek to take right action. It all lies within.

I bid you peace,
