2021 Spring Equinox Message from Aca’u

The 2021 Spring Equinox began on March 20th at 5:37 am EDT

Greetings, this is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

The veils continue to lift as more and more truths are revealed. You are learning more about all things outside of you and within you. There is no higher vibration than truth. Truth is love and the truth shall set you free. For it is your path to wholeness.

Be open to hear and see reality, not the twists and turns of it that some manipulate for their own gain. It takes discernment and critical thinking to discover the truth. It’s not enough to accept what someone says at face value. Remember, a person’s opinion is not fact. Too often today, people accept perceptions as truth. Many people state their opinion as though it was objective reality. You need to dig deeper and not allow falsehoods to become the foundation of your decision making.

As the vibration of the universe increases, you will see the reality of others more clearly. Others will see you more clearly, too. This is as it should be. You cannot build trusting relationships if you are blinded to each other’s real character.

When someone is placed on a pedestal, there is bound to be disappointment when their humanity is shown – as it surely will be. Likewise, those who appear to engage in harmful behaviors also show some wonderful qualities. People are complex; darkness and light are within us all. No Master Teacher has remained innocent or they could not understand human frailties. It is through our mistakes and successes that we gain experience and grow. I tell you this because as you come to see a broader spectrum of yourself and others, keep your heart open. Be willing to see with loving eyes. Now, you have the divine right to discern what is acceptable to you or not. You have a choice who you listen to and spend time with. And regarding yourself, you choose what personal character traits you want to improve on.

But in the world today, it has become socially acceptable to be highly critical of each other. I ask you not to judge each other so harshly. And don’t live by another’s judgement of you. If you live according to the values of others, you will dim your Light. Your Light is your unique aspect of the Creator and it is meant to be expressed. You must come to know what you truly value and live accordingly. So long as you’re not harming yourself or others, you have the right to be happy, to be fulfilled. And not by someone else’s idea of what that is. If you want a massive home, expensive cars and jewelry galore, and can manage them without injury, that is your divine right. It doesn’t matter what others think or say. It is not their right to judge. They have no idea why you make the choices you do. They assume. And I say to you, don’t assume. You never really know the whole story. You don’t know what the soul growth lessons of another are. And perhaps your soul growth lesson is to be more accepting of others! Best to be and let be.

It takes courage to look at oneself with total honesty; to take away the excuses and the blinders. It’s asking yourself, “Why did I react so? What’s at the root of that within me?” The process of self-discovery is key to soul growth. But again, it is meant to be done with loving eyes and an open heart. Love and encouragement go much further than stern admonishment.

Know who you are, know what you value and create your life from there. Have the courage to be you. In that way will you find joy and fulfillment and live as the Creator intended.

You are here to build bridges between people and ideologies; between what is and what can be.

There is a Rainbow Bridge between your world and mine. It is always there for you. It lives within you and all around you. If you will but reach out to us, we will be there in support and guidance each step of the way.

God is, we are and we are one.

I bid you peace,
