Summer Solstice 2021 Message from Aca’u

The Summer Solstice begins on June 20th at 11:31 pm eastern time.

Greetings, it is I, Aca’u who speaks to you now.

The winds of change blow strong. This is the movement into the full expression of the Aquarian Age. You cannot go back as the evolutionary energies continue to shift, increase and expand. You see the battles between the old and the new. Revolution is not the answer, compromise is. Yet unification is not possible when you refuse to listen to each other.

There is great tension in the atmosphere. Universal energies are giving birth to a higher form of expression and the birthing process is painful. Yet the new life is born.

Look at your own life. How is it different than it was in 2019? You are not in the same vibratory space. As you know, at each solstice and equinox the universe climbs about one rung on the evolutionary ladder. Yet in 2019, the universe jumped up about ten rungs on that ladder into a new and uncharted space. New pathogens were released and others were sealed off. During these past two years, the energies have encouraged self-reflection and review of your values. You’ve been asked to examine what is really important to you. What and who do you really want in your life? Because in this new and higher vibration, you can create a life that resonates with your True Being. Don’t just mindlessly let one day tumble into another. You can write a new script, for this is a new chapter.  As you write that new chapter, use your core values as the North Star to forge your path.

For some, this means a new career or enterprise, or move to a new location; many have endings of some relationships and beginnings of others. Most have gained a refined perspective born from a new resolve or self-understanding. And this is the greatest shift of all. You know yourself better. You know more what you’re willing to accept or not, what boundaries you need and which you don’t. Goals change as clarification increases. They are meant to. You aren’t who you were and your goals shouldn’t be either. From the new perspective you can create a life more aligned with your refined desires.

The seeds have been sown and are now to be tended. This is the adjustment period, the maintenance energy. This is the time to rejoice in gathering together with family and friends again; when the world has re-opened and you can move about more freely. It is a movement towards greater unity.

Spend time in nature, for she can soothe and heal you. This is to be a reciprocal relationship where you soothe and heal her as well.

Just like rays from the sun, each day manna from heaven descends to nurture you. Open to it. You are never left without. There is always an inner compass to show you the very best path to take. The strength, resolve, and courage you need are there for you if you but open to it. I know that at times, it’s easy to forget. It’s easy to get caught up in the stormy seas of emotion, in the clamor of daily events. Yet that still small voice within calls you to remember who you are, and remember why you are here. Listen.

I bid you peace,
